Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Psychology and Sociology

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Human performance

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Freud: identification was the Process by which people developed: 2 types of strive- life(libido) & Death(destruido)|ID: pleasure| cathexis: psychic energy| preconscious: is the Storehouse for our memories, thoughts, and perceptions| "psychic Determinism": influence of the unconscious| The most primitive structure Of personality, that available at birth, is the ID| Fixation is the Holding on to infantile behavior patterns: to avoid taking risks (feeling anxious)| ego: reality| structure of personality sends us "irrational" Messages about right and wrong: superego| father ambivalent: reaction formation| Projection: the person's own unacceptable impulse is instead Thought to belong to someone else

Projection| research support for fr: all- DRP|... Continue reading "Human performance " »

Divided attention

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Schema: Mental models Used to guide and interpret experiences Inaccurate early in childhood Become more adult-like throughout childhood How Schema Change Assimilation: Fitting New experiences into already existing schemataExample: Seeing a rabbit for the first time and Classifying it as a cat Accommodation: Changing Existing schemata to accommodate new experiencesExample: Creating a new category called “rabbits” Piaget’s First Stage: The Sensorimotor PeriodBirth to about age 2 Schemas revolve around babies’ sensory & motor abilitiesEarly in first year, babies lack object permanence: They fail to realize That objects still exist when out of sight Reason:Babies are unable to represent objects symbolically By age 1: Can remember, represent
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Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Stimulus Generalization Responding To a new stimulus in a way similar to the response to an established CS Fear extended to rabbits, fur coats, stuffed Animals Stimulus Discrimination: Responding Differently to a new stimulus than one responds to an established CS Extinction: Presenting a CS repeatedly, after conditioning, without the US, resulting In a loss in responding Spontaneous Recovery: Recovery of an Extinguished CR after a period of nonexposure to the CS

Types of partial reinforcement: Ratio Schedules A number of Responses (ratio) is required before reinforcement is deliveredFixed Ratio A set number of responses must be performed to obtain reinforcementVariable Ratio Number of responses required for reinforcement Will vary from trial... Continue reading "psychology" »

Expectancy Theory and Goal Setting Theory in Organizational Behavior

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Expectancy Theory (VIE) - Three Key Components

People's behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives and these choices (behaviors) are systematically related to psychological processes - perceptions, beliefs, & attitudes. Emphasizes the need for organizations to relate rewards directly to performance, ensures the rewards are deserved & wanted by recipients.


Self-efficacy, their estimate of ability to complete the task, refers to the strength of a person's belief about the degree of a particular first-level outcome is the result of their actions (factors include confidence, budget, & materials).


The connection between performance of the job and the outcomes that result. This connection determines... Continue reading "Expectancy Theory and Goal Setting Theory in Organizational Behavior" »

Tips for Dealing, Cross-Cultural Intelligence, and the POLC Framework

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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TIPS for Dealing

  • PDI:

    High PDI - Don't try to push back explicitly, be aware you may need to go to the top for answers. Low PDI - Delegate as much as possible, ideally involve all those in decision making.
  • Individuals:

    Accomplish, don't mix work life with social life, encourage debates and expressions. Low: Avoid giving negative feedback in public, saying no is expected, suppress feelings and emotions.
  • MAS:

    High - Be aware of the possibility of differentiated gender roles, motivated by precise targets and by being able to show that they achieved them. Low - Avoid old boys school, workplace flexibility and work-life balance may be important.


  1. Cognitive

  2. Physical

  3. Emotional/motivational



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Amim psychology

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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BLOOM’S - For The language learning in the school, the methodology that should be used is the CLIL methodology. Through the CLIL methodology, the teaching-learning process, Where subject, content and language are taught at the same time, and in which Different cognitive skills are integrated./

But Language learning is a complex process and teachers have to reflect on many Aspects of the psychology of successful learning. After completing a learning Process, the student must have acquired new skills and knowledge./

In this Sense, Bloom formulates a taxonomy of learning domains, which can be understood As the objectives of the learning process. Bloom develops a classification System in three aspects: the cognitive (mental skills), the affective

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Concept context epistemology in comparative political science

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Émile Durkheim Direito, Representações Coletivas e Solideriedade Social - Émile as marked by the importance of community, moral, and the law, he is considered one of the "fathers" of socology because of his effort to establish sociology as a discipline distinct from philosophy and psychology. He had two main themes, the priority of social over the individual and the ideia that sociology was studied like a science. He´s argument was that social facts are the social norms and values that are external and coercive over the individual, therefore, are susceptible of being studied. For him, the society is external to us and coercive. One of the mains aspects of his work is the link between individuals/society with social solidarity, he does
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Effective Language Learning Strategies and Gamification

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Language Learning Strategies

2 main groups:

  • Direct strategies: Involve use of language (memory, cognitive, compensation)
  • Indirect strategies: not directly involve use of language, but support language learning (social, metacognitive, affective)

Memory Strategy

Semantic mapping: connect concepts with key words. Enclose related words in the same field.

Cognitive Strategy

Reasoning deductively, when understanding only a few words of the sentence.

Compensation Strategies

Example: use mime or gestures to describe something without words.


Compensation, mime/social strategy, clarify/take risks wisely.

Autonomous Learning

Describes a process in which individuals take the initiative. Diagnose your own learning needs, formulate learning goals, choose and... Continue reading "Effective Language Learning Strategies and Gamification" »

Psychology: The Science of Behavior and Human Development

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Psychology is the science of behavior and activity of organisms and also because of the internal mechanisms...

a) Basic Psychology:

A part of psychology is devoted to the study of basic psychological processes (perception, tension, feeling, emotion...) general memory.

b) Applied Psychology:

Those aspects of psychology take inf. Psicol. basic, applied knowledge to solve specific people's problems.

1.3 Evolutionary Psychology (Study of Human Development):

Concept: Science that collaborates in different stages: adolescence, maturity. Areas: - Biosocial: development of physical and social effects that affect - Cognitive: mental processes, thinking subject, learning, communication. - Psychosocial: emotions, personality traits, relations with... Continue reading "Psychology: The Science of Behavior and Human Development" »

Social Development and Community Work: Perspectives and Objectives

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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f) Take into consideration the multiplicity of perspectives and actors that exist in the social space in which we intervene.
The challenge of community work is based on the plurality of points of view and try a form of intervention that seeks to recognize the explanations of the situations that perform the various subjects (the people, politicians and professionals).

g) Recognize the existence of diversity and plurality within the profession itself.
Subjects with ideological content (crime, drugs, immigration, poverty, etc..) Raise different positions and / or divergent in practice.

h) At present the concept of community development is being replaced by social development.
For social development, understand the processes of hatching and revitalization... Continue reading "Social Development and Community Work: Perspectives and Objectives" »