Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Religion

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The Dignity of the Human Person and the Concept of Freedom in the Church

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First, the definition of a human person as the Church sees it is that they see men and women as the living image of God Himself, the image of His plan. They have received a part of God's dignity. The Church invites all people to recognize in everyone a brother or sister "for whom Christ died". A human individual possesses the dignity of a person, who is not just something but someone. He is capable of self-knowledge, self-possession, and of freely communicating with other persons. He is called by grace to offer his Creator a response of faith and love.

Human faculties: The Catholic social doctrine of the Church is based on the concept of society, which has been created according to a specific cultural model.

Man is a rational being, and this

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The Significance of Visitations and Parables in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

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Visitations of Angels

In both Matthew's and Luke's Gospels, angels play a crucial role in announcing the birth of Jesus. In Matthew's Gospel, the magi visit the Christ child, symbolizing his status as a king and the true Messiah for the Jewish audience. In Luke's Gospel, shepherds visit the Christ child, representing the marginalized Greek gentiles.

Parable of the Weeds

The parable of the weeds among the wheat, found in Matthew's Gospel, illustrates the coexistence of good and evil in the world. The weeds represent sinners, while the wheat represents the righteous. God, as the farmer, allows both to grow until the harvest, which symbolizes judgment day.

Genealogy of Jesus

The genealogies of Jesus in Matthew's and Luke's Gospels serve different purposes.... Continue reading "The Significance of Visitations and Parables in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke" »

Feudal Society: Three Estates and Pyramid Structure

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The Catholic Church soon realized that it needed to occupy a significant role in the feudal world.
Thus, clergymen came up with the Theory of the Three Estates (or the Three Orders), which divided the feudal society into:

  • Bellatores (warriors): privileged noblemen and knights who defended the society by means of war.
  • Oratores (prayers): privileged churchmen and churchwomen who prayed for the spiritual salvation of the world. They were the Pope, his bishops and millions of priests, monks and nuns.
  • Laboratores (labouring people): non-privileged peasants who provided material sustenance to all three groups.


  • King: top nobleman.
  • High Nobility: dukes, marquises, counts.
  • High Clergy: the Pope, his cardinals and bishops.
  • Low Nobility: barons,
... Continue reading "Feudal Society: Three Estates and Pyramid Structure" »

The Oral and Written Torah: A Comprehensive Guide

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1. The Written and Oral Torah

Which part of the Torah was always in a written form?

The Written Torah, תורה שבכתב

Which part of the Torah was not committed for public broadcast?

תורה שבעל פה - The Oral Torah

2. Pre-Mishnaic Transmission

What would the leading Torah authority write during each generation prior to the Mishna being organized?

He would make personal notes of the teachings he received from his master, which he then would teach orally to people.

3. Rebi and the Mishna

Who was “Rebi”?

רבי יהודה הנשיא - Rabbi Judah the Prince

What did “Rebi” collect and compose?

All the decisions, laws, interpretations, and explanations that had been heard from Moshe, or that the Sanhedrin innovated. From this material,... Continue reading "The Oral and Written Torah: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Introduction to the Mishnah and Talmud

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The definition of נזיקין, is


Which following tractate is NOT included in סדר זרעים?

-Tahara -Shabbat

Which following tractate is NOT included in סדר מועד?

-Demai -Maasrot

Seder קדשים included the following three tractates?

-Zavachim, Menachot, Chullin.

The words משנה למלך mean

-Deputy to a King

Why are these tractates referred to as משנה?

-It is similar to the words משנה למלך, since the written Torah is the king and the Mishnah is subordinate to it.

The sages of the Gemara are called


  1. בית שמאי lived during the time of the- תנאים
  2. בית הלל lived during the times of the -תנאים
  3. חנניה was an -תנא

The meaning of תנא is


The definition of an אמורא is


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The Reformation in England: From War of the Roses to Henry VIII

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End of the War of the Roses (1485) - Battle of Bosworth

Houses of Lancaster and York

The War of the Roses was a 30-year war between the Houses of Lancaster and York. Richard III fought against Henry Tudor.

Henry Tudor's Reign

Henry Tudor married Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV, in 1486. They had several children, including Arthur in 1486 and Henry in 1491.

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, published in 1517, marked the beginning of the Reformation. This movement spread rapidly thanks to two main factors: the printing press and the translation of the Bible into vernacular languages.

The Printing Press

William Caxton's introduction of the printing press to England in 1476 was a significant development. It... Continue reading "The Reformation in England: From War of the Roses to Henry VIII" »

Uruguay's Cultural Approach to Death: Funerary Rituals and Religious Influence

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Hello class, my name is Felix, and today I'm presenting: Uruguay's vision of death.

Death is a topic of immense concern for humankind because it will sooner or later affect everyone. Often it comes very suddenly and unexpectedly and can therefore be very tragic; in other cases, it may simply be a relief. Every culture has a different way to approach and deal with death. What are the different funerary rituals, burial practices, and strategies for body disposal? Do all people belonging to a certain culture deal the same way with death and the funeral? How does religion influence a culture with death? These are questions that pique my interest, and for this investigation, I will mainly concentrate on the Uruguayan culture's view of death.

Firstly,... Continue reading "Uruguay's Cultural Approach to Death: Funerary Rituals and Religious Influence" »

Traditions and Special Days in Spain

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Hi Alex,

Thanks for your letter, it was great to hear from you. I'm sorry I haven't written for ages, but I've been really busy preparing for my exams.

If I were you, I would visit Spain because we have good traditions and special days in my country. One special day is the Day of the Resurrection of Christ. On that day, Jesus rose from the dead, and we celebrate this religious event. We also have another day where we eat special food, but for us, it is a common day and we eat any type of food.

Here in Spain, we eat potato omelette with onion, which consists of eggs, oil, garlic cloves, and potatoes.

See you soon,


Counter Reformation: The Catholic Church's Response to Lutheranism

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counter reformation:

 to stop the spread of lutheranism , the catholic church began its own reform 

The pope Paul III called THE COUNCIL OF FRENT  to correct the mistakes of catholics 

-prohibition of the sale of indulgences

- creation of seminaries to improve the eduation of the clergy

- obligation of the clergy to lead an exemplary life

- creation of the cathetism(basic teachings)

the pope created the INQUISITION  in1542 , a tribunae that persecured and punished those who did not follow the catholic doctrine . And THE INDEX PROHIBITORUM was written, with the list of forbidden books. For example "95 theses"

the society of Jesus (jesusitas) spread the ideas of the counter reformation

The Lutheran Reformation: Challenges to Catholic Authority in the Early Modern Age

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At the beginning of the Early Modern Age, the authority of the Catholic Church was being challenged. People believed that the Catholic Church was failing to adapt to the times.

Humanism emphasized the value of human beings and promoted individual interpretation of the Bible. With the development of authoritarian monarchies, monarchs had more control over the Church, weakening the authority of the pope.

In addition, the selling and buying of indulgences was introduced. This meant that sins could be pardoned in exchange for money given to the Church. This practice was criticized by priests and humanists. There were many other harmful practices at the heart of the Church, so some people called for reforms:

Living Humbly

Correcting Moral Standards


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