Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Music

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Differentiate of Gregorian chants from troubadour music

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MIDDLE AGES. (5-14 c.) main purpose of religious music was to teach people the ideas of Christianity. Gregorian chants: singing of the christian church. Primitive polyphony (organum), ars antiqua & ars nova. Profane music: minstrels(travelling musicians) & troubadours. Instruments: flutes, lute, small percussion instr. Compo- Leonin & Perotin, polyphony. Alfonso x the wise: cantigas de santa maria.   RENAISSANCE. (15-16 c.) christian church divided into: catholic church (pope in rome) and protestant church (luther). Patrons of the art appear. Music becomes more human. Vocal music- protestant reformation: chorale (homophony and German). Catholic counter-reformation: motet & mass (counterpoint & latin). Profane music: madrigal-
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for taking out stitches? Suture scissors are used for
for giving injections?
Syringe and needle are used for
for exploring a wound?
a wound probe and sinus forceps
for handling sterile dressings?
dissecting/ dressing forceps
for cutting bandages? (Lister’s) bandage scissors
for removing clips? clip removing fórceps
for handling sterile instruments?
Cheatle’s forceps/ instrument handling forceps
A wound probe and sinus forceps are used for exploring a wound
Cheatle's forceps are used for
handling sterile instruments.
A syringe and needle are used for
giving injections.
Bandage scissors are used for
cutting bandages.
Dissecting forceps are used for
handling sterile dressings.
Suture scissors are used for
removing sutures.
Clip-removing forceps
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Renaissance Art and Architecture in Italy and Flanders

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Renaissance Sculpture

Influence of Classical Sculpture

Renaissance sculpture was heavily influenced by classical Greek and Roman art. Artists studied and replicated the forms and ideals of ancient sculptures.


  • Use of various materials: marble, bronze, ceramic, and wood.
  • Expansion of themes: Mythological, historical, and portraiture subjects were introduced alongside traditional religious themes.
  • Two main forms:
    1. Sculptures in the round: Freestanding sculptures viewable from all angles.
    2. Reliefs: Sculptures carved on flat surfaces.
  • Pursuit of ideal beauty: Artists emphasized anatomical accuracy and harmonious proportions based on the study of the human body.

The Quattrocento (15th Century)

  • Florence as the leading center.
  • Notable artists:
    • Ghiberti:
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A History of Western Music: From Ancient Greece to Romanticism

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Ancient Greece

Music, Poetry, Dance

MII (Musical Instruments): lyre & aulos

Middle Ages

Religious Music

  • Gregorian Chant: Developed by Pope Gregory, destined for the liturgy.

Secular Music

  • Troubadours (11th Century, France):
  • Cantigas (Alfonso X, "Estrela do dia", Spain):


Protestant Reformation

  • Chorale (1510): Simple composition based on popular melodies.

English Reformation

  • Anthem (1534): Similar to the motet.

Counter Reformation

  • Motet: Religious polyphony, brief, "not to please the ear but to link their souls to God".
  • Mass: Compound musical form (all the pieces of the liturgy).

MIC (Main Important Composers)

  • Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  • Orlando di Lasso
  • Cristóbal de Morales
  • Tomás Luis de Victoria

Secular Music

  • Italy: Madrigal: Compound polyphonic
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The Renaissance: A Period of Rebirth and Innovation

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Historical and Sociocultural Aspects

  1. God: The Renaissance witnessed a shift from theocentric to humanistic beliefs.
  2. Humanism: Humanism emphasized the importance of human reason, individuality, and the pursuit of knowledge.
  3. Geographical Discoveries: Explorations led to the discovery of new lands and the expansion of European empires.
  4. Nation States: The Renaissance saw the rise of nation states and the decline of feudalism.
  5. Printing Press: The invention of the printing press revolutionized communication and the dissemination of knowledge.
  6. Patrons of the Arts: Wealthy patrons, such as the Medicis and Sforzas, supported artists and scholars.

Religious Music

  1. Germany: German composers, such as Heinrich Isaac, developed complex polyphonic masses and
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Music Theory Basics

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How many pitch classes are in the chromatic scale?


Which Major scale is this one? (1)


The subdominant is Scale degree 4

What pitch is a whole step above B natural? C#

Describe the interval in the second box: (2)


Semibreve is synonymous with Whole note

Rhythm refers to Combination of sounds with different durations that flow around a beat

ABCBA is an example of Arch form

The French horn is A brass wind instrument.

Stringendo means Gradually getting faster.

What does secular music mean?

Any music not written for the church.

The melismatic is a style of singing in which

We sing each syllable of the text over more than five notes.

Kyrie is

An invariable portion of the mass that can be sung at any time throughout the year.

The chorus of a cantiga is

The catchiest... Continue reading "Music Theory Basics" »

Tema 6 (música)

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Impressionism: Composers wanted to express their impressions of things. Music in impressionism has indefinite or fragmented melodies. Impressionist sounds are created with: Sophisticated chords; Pentatonic, ancient or tone scales; Special use of certain instruments in the orchestra. Claude Debussy (La mer, Nuages and Prélude à l´après-midi d´un faune). Expressionism: Rejects everything that had been considered beautiful before. This music has no tonality and a lot of dissonance. The melodies jump up or down in big intervals, there isn´t much repetition and composers use sprechgesang (it´s an expressionist vocal technique between singing and speaking). Arnold Schöenberg (Pierrot Lunaire), Alban Berg (Wozzeck). Nationalism: Zoltán
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the music Frace

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The music of France is famous in the world for the variety of styles, and it should be noted that some of its rhythms are from Latin America, Africa and Asia that through immigration and colonies were influencing the French rhythms and notes but that over time they are recognized as their own and typical of France.Although continental France has been influenced by the rhythms brought of world fashions
In continental France, the use of bagpipes stands out, which, despite not being a native instrument, was adopted since the 17th century and has since been part of each of the streets of this wonderful oaís.

The music of France is one of the best preserved,
. Currently, the Chanson française, traditional style of country music is still very popular.
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The main stages of cold war.

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  1. What time period (dates) did the Renaissance occur? 1350-1600 What does the term Renaissance mean? rebirth Where did the Renaissance begin? City-states of Italy What city-state was the birthplace of the Renaissance? Florence What was the main business of the Medici family? banking What did Humanism focus on? secular, or worldly themes What did it also stress? individualism and independent thinking, dignity and worthName 3 ways Renaissance ideas spread. 

War, Trade, Printing Who was Johannes Gutenberg? What did his invention do? Developed the printing press; books were created faster and were less expensive; things were easier to copy & print What was a certificate of indulgence?

Pardons for sins. What did Martin Luther criticize the sale... Continue reading "The main stages of cold war." »


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Aimée Ann Duffy was born in 1984 in Wales.

She's usually known by her artistic name, “Duffy”. She's a Welsh singer-songwriter.

Duffy became famous at the age of 24 whenwhen her first album, Rockferry, went to number one in the UK Album Chart. It was the best-selling UK album in 2008 and 1.68 millions copies were sold. Mercy, the first single from the album, was number for five weeks. Last year, Duffy won the Grammy award for Best Pop Vocal Album and she was nominated for two other awards. Since then, she has performed live at concerts and festivals all cover the world. She has just released her second album. She is plannin a tour now.

Duffy is also involved in charity work. Recently, she recorded a song for the War Child Heroes charity album.

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