Classified in Physics
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Classified in Physics
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Classified in Computers
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These are the skills students develop associated with logical and mathematical concepts, reasoning, comprehension, and exploration of the world through real proportions, thus strengthening more abstract aspects of thought.
This activity involves cutting out various geometric shapes with EVA rubber. Children will then create their own dinosaurs using these shapes. Through this activity, they can learn geometric shapes, count the number of elements used in each dinosaur (like the sides of the shapes), and create new geometric shapes from the ones they already have.
This activity consists of creating logically structured material and playing with it using... Continue reading "Developing Logical and Mathematical Thinking in Children" »
Classified in Law & Jurisprudence
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1 .- Concept D ° Subjective:
- Law in the objective sense is a set of legal rules governing the conduct of men
- Law in the subjective sense is contained in the substantive law (as when speaking of one or the other is because they look different aspects), is the faculty that has a subject to perform specific behavior, or refrain from it or require other The subject line of duty, serves to make, do and demand.
- These two concepts are related, since the definition of D ° objective is obtained for the individual right that could be formulated as follows: Power to act to satisfy their own interests guaranteed by law.
- There are some rights that are exercised without the consent, as the inherent rights (HR)
- We must make it clear that the... Continue reading "Subjective Rights" »
Classified in Language
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1. - Summary of the book.
While a group of young inmates in an asylum was playing a football game, Dr. Sugrañes party amid calls one of them, exactly the protagonist of this story. The doctor tells Sugrañes accompany him to his office because it has an unexpected visitor. To his amazement, was the Commissioner Flores and a nun who was unaware of.
The reason that the commissioner flowers and the nun had come to see was: about 6 years ago a girl had disappeared without a trace one night, but the strange thing was that it appeared the next day with no memory of what happened. Well, a couple of days ago had been different in the same school girl who lived in the other and wanted him to take charge of the case.... Continue reading "The mystery of the haunted crypt" »
Classified in Economy
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Exporting may be done passively or actively. Passive exporting occurs when a business receives orders from abroad without actively looking for them. Active exporting involves developing policies for setting up systems for organizing the export function and for dealing with export logistics, documentation, and finance.
With indirect exporting, intermediaries handle most aspects of export deals. Returns are obviously lower. You lose control over final selling prices.
Classified in Computers
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Ejercicio de descuentos:
read -p "¿Desea el billete también de vuelta? (s/n): " idavuelta
until [ $idavuelta=="s" ] || [ $idavuelta=="n" ]; do
read -p "¿Desea el billete también de vuelta? (s/n): " idavuelta
read -p "¿Tiene carnet joven? (s/n): " carnetjoven
until [ $carnetjoven="s" ] || [ $carnetjoven="n" ]; do
read -p "¿Tiene carnet joven? (s/n): " carnetjoven
descuento=0 billete=20
if [ $idavuelta="s" ]; then
billete=" expr $billete \* 2'
if [ $carnetjoven="s" ]j then
costefinal=`expr $billete \* \( 100 - $descuento \) / 100`
echo "El precio final del billete es $costefinal"
Ejercicio de medias:
read -p "Introduce un numero: " num
while [ $num -ne 0 ]; do
acu=`expr $acu + $num`
cont=... Continue reading "Shell script" »
Classified in Law & Jurisprudence
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The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act is an important piece of legislation in India that aims to preserve and protect the country's rich heritage and cultural assets.
The AMASR Act defines an "ancient monument" as any structure or building, cave, sculpture, inscription, or monolith that is of historical, archaeological, or artistic interest.
Classified in Law & Jurisprudence
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India's original Constitution did not contain any provision for the protection of the natural environment. However, the Fundamental Duties, which were added by the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution, prescribed the protection of the environment, including forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife, as a duty of the citizens of the country.
This amendment also added new Directive Principles of State Policy, one of which was Article 48A, which directed the State to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wildlife.
These developments were a result of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. First, the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 was enacted. Then, the... Continue reading "Environment Protection Act 1986: Key Provisions & Aims" »
Classified in Physics
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Increasing the concentration increases the probability of a collision between reactant particles. With more particles in the same volume, collisions are more frequent, speeding up the reaction rate. Conversely, a lower concentration leads to fewer collisions and a slower reaction rate.
If a solid reactant or catalyst is broken down into smaller pieces, the rate of reaction increases. This is because smaller pieces of the same mass have a greater surface area, providing more opportunities for reactant particles to collide with the surface and react.
Differential Rate Law: Describes how the rate of a reaction depends on the concentration of reactants (often simply called... Continue reading "Factors Affecting Reaction Rates and Rate Laws" »
Classified in Other subjects
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OPM focuses on managing resources to produce and deliver products and services efficiently and effectively. It encompasses the design and management of products, processes, and services, including sourcing, production, distribution, and after-sales. This involves the design, operation, and improvement of systems that create and deliver a firm's primary products and services.
SCM is the cross-department and cross-enterprise integration and coordination of material, information, and financial flows. It aims to optimize supply chain resources throughout the entire value chain, from raw material suppliers to customers. SCM is a collaborative philosophy employing methods and tools to integrate... Continue reading "Operations Management and Supply Chain Management" »