Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Arts and Humanities

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Marchantia male

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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2. 1 F, linea 4 (found-home)
2 F, linea 8 (captured-life)
3 F, linea 16 (they can hurt-"porpoising")

3. 1invided by african penguins 
from local mature deserce
2 are more smaller than the emperor
3 of fish and other sea creatures
4 is shared by male and female  

4. 1adore/crazy about   2broadcast/aired   
3return/go back4throw upwards/hurt   
5live/dwell   6inspire/whet your appetite

1. 1 F, linea 9-10
2 F, linea 12-13
3 F, linea 14-15

3. 1 getting money
2 it may be a reminder 
of an uncertain economic future

5. 1welcomiry? 2dual 3iningle? 
4cut cost 5optiny

1. 1 T, linea 1-2          5. 1avidly 2overjoyed 3bond 
2 F, linea 4-6                  4risk
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Past perfect

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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present continuous: i am ing you are ing he is we are you are they are
past continuous: i was ing you were ing he was we are you are they are
past perfectionous: i had been taking you had been taking igual para todos
present perfect:i have jumped you have jumped igual para todos
past perfect: i had taken igual para todos
future perfect continuous: i will have been taking igual todos
future: i will take igual todos
future continuous: will be taking igual todos
future perfect: will have taken igual todos
present perfect continuous: i have been taking igual you. HE has been taking WE have been taking igual you the

Understanding Film Editing: Techniques and Terminology

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Continuity - This is the kind of logic implied between edited shots, their principle of coherence and organization.

The Five Basic Styles of Editing:

The Sequence Shot

- A single lengthy shot that usually involves complex staging and camera movements. This is the least manipulative style because it contains no editing at all.

Cutting to Continuity Shot

- This is a type of editing in which the shots are arranged to preserve the fluidity of an action without showing all of it. It’s an unobtrusive condensation of a continuous action. It condenses the time and space of a completed action. This style of editing was devised in the early 20th century.

Classical Cutting

- This is a style of editing which was developed by D.W. Griffith, in which a sequence
... Continue reading "Understanding Film Editing: Techniques and Terminology" »

Understanding Characters in Literature: Types and Development

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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author's arrangement of the events that make up a story.


The driving force behind many plots; outside: main character being in conflict with external forces; within: character being forced to make a difficult choice, question his values and beliefs.



Literature allow us to multiply that number by giving us access to the private thoughts and lives of an endless assortment of fascinating and memorable people.

Defining characters:

  • Their relationship to the plot
  • The degree to which they are developed
  • Their growth in the course of the story

The central character of the plot is called the protagonist.

The character against whom the protagonist struggles is called the antagonist. Could be something natural. Not a human... Continue reading "Understanding Characters in Literature: Types and Development" »

Areas of Study, Megatrends, Professions, and Decision-Making for Teens

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Areas of Study

  • Hard science
  • Financial
  • Health
  • Humanities


Megatrends are large, social, economic, political, environmental, or technological changes that form slowly. Once in place, they influence a wide range of activities, processes, and perceptions in government and society, possibly for decades. They are the underlying forces that drive trends.


  1. Profession: a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science.
  2. Career: an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework.
  3. Vocation: a particular occupation, business, or profession.

8 Simple Steps to Good Decision-Making for Teens

  1. Identify the problem you are facing.
  2. Gather information and ask for advice.
  3. Determine what
... Continue reading "Areas of Study, Megatrends, Professions, and Decision-Making for Teens" »

Common Irregular Verbs in English

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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May-Might- NADA - Poder(permisivo)












May-Might- NADA - Poder(permisivo)






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Classified in Arts and Humanities

Written at on English with a size of 1.27 KB.

The fin-de-siècle:

It’s a period of English history which refers to the end of the 19th Century until 1901.

Queen Victoria was crowned in 1837 and during the Victorian Age, England was a Country where repression was a common thing in everyday life. Repression against Homosexuality and sex in general was forbidden in literature and theatre.

In the Fin-de-siècle, which is a period which belongs to the Age of Modernism, there Is a reaction or rejection to Victorian values and they start to criticize the Repression and the Industrial world. (Aestheticism/Symbolism)

A very Important thing in the fin-de-siècle are the utopian works. The word utopia is Divided in two words u → no and topia → where. So one of the most important works of this period... Continue reading "caca" »

Filming and Lighting Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Continuity: ensuring that the details of a scene (e.g. hair style and length, clothing details, prop positions) match and make sense when moving from one shot to another.

Tracking Shot: the camera moving smoothly on tracks or dollies towards, but more commonly alongside, whatever it sees; while whatever it sees may also be moving.
Dolly: a camera platform on wheels, sometimes with a small crane as well, for slow rolling shots toward, away from, or alongside whatever is being photographed.
Crane Shot: a shot displaying a flowing or floating movement up and across short distances, apparently liberated from gravity, the camera mounted on a crane.
Shot: a take, the film from a single continuous, uninterrupted run of the camera.
Sequence: the
... Continue reading "Filming and Lighting Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Types of Advertising and Persuasion Marketing Techniques

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Types of Advertising

Brand Advertising, Brand con't, Persuasive,

What is Persuasion Marketing?

Persuasion marketing applies what we know about human psychology to develop techniques to market products or services.

Forms of Persuasion in Advertising:

  • Negative Appeal
  • Humor Appeal
  • Sex Appeal
  • Fear Appeal
  • Comparative

Advertising forms:

  • Testimonial
  • Endorsement
  • Problem Solving
  • Scientific Ad
  • Demonstration Ad
  • Life-Style Ad
  • Bandwagon

Used Advertising Techniques in Visual Marketing:

  • Color psychology
  • Composition
  • Rule of thirds
  • Focal point
  • Visual path
  • Typography
  • Repetition
  • Body language
  • Direct gaze
  • Three cuarte gaze

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives, Irregular Adjectives, and Articles

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Adjectives with -er and -est

big bigger than biggest
busy busier than busiest
cheap cheaper than cheapest
clean cleaner than cleanest
cold colder than coldest
cool cooler than coolest
dark darker than darkest
deeep deeper than deepest
dirty dirtier than dirtiest
dry drier than driest
easy easier than easiest
fast fastier than fastiest
friendly friendlier than friendliest
funny funnier than funniest

Adjectives with more and most

attractive: more attractive than the most attractive
beautiful: more beautiful than the most beautiful

Irregular adjectives

good better best
bad worse the worst


Article 1: howover= sin embargo, himself= el mismo
Article 2: began=empezo, join= unirse, boiled= hervido, desire= deseo, upward= hacia arriba
Article 3: self-aware= reconocerse,... Continue reading "Comparative and Superlative Adjectives, Irregular Adjectives, and Articles" »