Advertising as a Multisemiotic Genre: Strategies and Features
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Characteristics: Persuasive Genre
Direct appeal to the audience to buy the product, using indirect strategies like metaphor, humor, and language play to engage the audience.
Advertising as a Multisemiotic Genre: Stages of an Advertisement
1. Lead
Locus of attention, typically an image that draws the reader's attention.
2. Display
The product or service advertised.
The image shows the product.
The image shows a different entity or idea.
3. Emblem
The brand name or logo.
4. Announcement
The most salient text, usually the slogan or catchy phrase conveying the main message.
5. Enhancer
Longer text with a description of product properties, typically persuasive.
6. Call and Visit Information
Contact details such as address, phone number, or website.... Continue reading "Advertising as a Multisemiotic Genre: Strategies and Features" »