Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Economy

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B6005 Financial Management

Classified in Economy

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B6005 Financial Management

Answer Key In-class Exercise 3 Bond Valuation

Discounted cash flows                                                                                         Answer: F

.         The market value of any real or financial asset, including stocks, bonds, or art work, may be found by determining future cash flows and then discounting them back to the present.

Call provision                                                                                                                  Answer: F 

.       A call provision... Continue reading "B6005 Financial Management" »

Public Funding Program Lifecycle: From Needs Analysis to Impact Assessment

Classified in Economy

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Study of Socioeconomic Problems and Needs: D: An analysis of socioeconomic needs is conducted to identify the issues that public funds should address.R: It is crucial to ensure that funds are allocated to areas that truly need them, aligning program objectives with the real needs of society.Issuance of Call for Proposals Terms and Conditions:D: Objectives, beneficiaries, eligible concepts, and deadlines of the call are defined.R: This stage ensures transparency and clarity in eligibility criteria and program objectives, facilitating the participation of companies and other interested parties.Publication of the Call:D: The call is made public so that interested parties can submit their applications.R: It is fundamental to ensure that all stakeholders... Continue reading "Public Funding Program Lifecycle: From Needs Analysis to Impact Assessment" »

Understanding Firms: A Business Economics Perspective

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What is a Firm?

Let us now try to understand the meaning of a 'firm'. A firm is a focal point of the production system of any country. A firm produces goods with the help of its own resources. Sometimes these resources are borrowed from outside, and they are paid remuneration (price) for using them, for example, land, labor, capital, etc. A firm is an organizational unit, while a plant is a 'technical unit'. The objective of a firm in organizing such factors of production is to maximize profit. In other words, profit is the main objective of a firm. Any decision of a firm is taken in accordance with this objective.

Two Views of a Firm in Business Economics

In business economics, a firm is considered in two ways:

  1. From the theoretical point of view.
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Indifference curve

Classified in Economy

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Prof. Thomas S. Alvarez



Table below shows 1.La points in four different curves for a consumer indifference.
(a) Draw the indifference curves I, II, III and IV in the same system of axes.
(b) What are the indifference curves?

IIIIIIIV QxQyQxQyQxQyQxQy21331251271236485, 598944,556,368,39753,56577106,36374,486115,772,78495,4125,3
a) Imageb) Indifference curves graphically display the tastes and preferences of consumers (in the analysis of utility, total utility curve introduced consumer tastes). The consumer is indifferent as to all the various combinations of X and Y on the same indifference curve but rather points higher

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International Trade: Finished Merchandise, Letter of Credit, Shipment, and More

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International Trade

  • Finished Merchandise - Certificate of Manufacture
  • Issue - Letter of Credit to Finance
  • Arrange Shipment - Bill of Landing
  • Warehouse - Customs
  • The Flow of Goods - Applied to Imports
  • Freight or Cargo - Inspection Shows
  • Required Standards - Check the Contents
  • The Supplier Provides - The Payment
  • The Seller Meets - To Arrange Transport
  • The Merchandise at All Times - Most Trade
  • Incoterms - Responsible for the Goods
  • The Goods to Port - A Quoted Price
  • Transport Charges


  • Cargo Complete
  • Consignee
  • Contact
  • Container Terminal
  • Free of Damage
  • Free of Charge
  • Freight Container
  • Guarantee
  • Load
  • Loss
  • Port of Discharge
  • Port of Origin
  • Quote
  • Rates
  • Reliable
  • Shipper
  • Unload
  • Vessel
  • Volume
  • Worldwide

Import and Export

  • Advantage
  • Buyer
  • Ensure
  • Export
  • Follow-up
  • Foreign
  • Import
  • Investment
  • Manage
... Continue reading "International Trade: Finished Merchandise, Letter of Credit, Shipment, and More" »

Law 19983 on

Classified in Economy

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ACompanyis alegal entitymade up of anassociationof persons, be theynatural,legal, or a mixture of both, for carrying on a commercial or Industrial enterprise.A Accounting cycle is A set of step applied in the accounting of a companyGeneral ledger: contains All the accounts for recording transactions relating to a company's assets Liabilities, owner's equity, revenues and expenses.

Elements of A company:Merchant, Worker, Technology, Provider.

Principles And ethics code of an accountant:

Integrity: the accountant Must be up right in all his acts, it is not allowed to make any act that could Discredi this profession.Discretion: all the Information managed by accountans must be strict privacy this info, cannot be Spread to any body, it is must

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Aggregate demand and aggregate supply cheat sheet

Classified in Economy

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Y=Co +\- @(Y-To) + Io + Go and/or +Xn

Y=Co+\- 1/@ - @To+Io+Go and/or + Xn 

Y - 1/@ = Co - @To +Io + Go and/or + Xn

Y(1-@) = Co - @To + Io + Go and/or + Xn

Y=Co - @To + Io + Go and/or + Xn

                 1 - @

C= Co + 1/@*d --- taxes

  = Co + @ (y-Io) --- no taxes

yd= y- To

K = 1/1-mpc

k= 1/mps

DI= c+s



MPC = 1 / 1-@

MPS = 1 / @

Multiplier = 1 / 1-mpc or 1/mps

xn = x-m

Ca = C +/- mpc * tx

Sa = S +/- mps * tx

Aggregate Demand - Total value of real aggregate output that both sectors of the economy are willing to purchase at some AVG price.

AD = L(p)

Investment rates, future business expectations, Technology, Degree of excess capacity, Business Taxes

Aggreagate Supply- Total value of real Aggregate output that will be... Continue reading "Aggregate demand and aggregate supply cheat sheet" »

National Accounting in Different Economic Sectors

Classified in Economy

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1. National Product (NP)=∑ Added Value (AV), where the AV = (Sales – Purchases) + (Final Stock – Initial Stock) = (Sales – Purchases) + Stock Variation (SV).
2. National Expenditure (NE)= Consumption (C) + Investment (I)
If we differ between magnitudes in gross terms and net terms, we must consider that: Gross Magnitude = Net Magnitude + Depreciation (D). That's the reason why we consider Gross Investment (GI) = Net Investment (NI) + Depreciation (D)
3. National Income (Y) = Disposable Income ( Y^d ) + Saving from firms (Sf) = Consumption (C) + Saving from domestic economies (Sed) + Saving from firms (Sf)
With these previous relationships we can construct the main relationship that every close economy
... Continue reading "National Accounting in Different Economic Sectors" »

A flow of people and organizations that move toward the same horizon from different positions.

Classified in Economy

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GLOBALISATION= Growing integration of national economies into a global

market economy, in which almost all areas on earth are interconnected.


-Increased free trade between nations

-Increased liquidity of capital allowing     

investors in developed nations to invest in developing nations.

-Corporations have greater flexibility to operate across borders.

-Global mass media ties the world together.

-Increased flow of communications allos vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations around the world.

-Greater ease and speed of transportation of goods and people

-Reduction of cultural barriers increases the global village effect

-Spread of democratic ideals to developed nations

-Greater interdependence of nation states


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Key Concepts of Marketing and Market Analysis

Classified in Economy

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1. What are the two perspectives of marketing?

Philosophy and Technique.

2. Who first mentioned the concept of marketing-mix?

Neil Borden.

3. What is the current concept of marketing?

The current concept arises from the customer's or user's needs which guide production.

4. Do all companies are marketing oriented?

No, companies can be Sales or Marketing oriented.

5. What is the difference between the four 'p' and the 'four c's?

From a customer's point of view, the 4 P's of marketing become the 4 C's.

6. What decisions include sales management?

  • Strategic decision
  • Selection training
  • Motivation
  • Supervision and compensation of sales team.

7. What is relationship marketing?

Relationship marketing is the establishing of long-term, stable relationship with a... Continue reading "Key Concepts of Marketing and Market Analysis" »