Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Spanish

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English-Spanish Vocabulary for Sports, Success, and Relationships

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Sports and Success

English - Spanish

A - E

Astounding - asombroso

Award - prem

Balance - equilibrio

Championship - campeonato

Defeat - derrotar a

Drill - rutina de ejercicios

Eager - ansioso

F - J

Feat - hazaña

In good shape - en buena forma

Jump the gun - adelantarse a los acontecimientos

Keep fit - mantenerse en forma

L - P

Leap - saltar

Learn the ropes - aprender a hacer el trabajo

Move the goalpost - cambiar las reglas

On the ball - al tanto

Opponent - contrincante

R - U

Rank - clasificar

Reluctant - reacio

Role model - modelo a seguir

Runner up - subcampeon

Setback - revés

S - Z

Strike - pegar

Surpass - superar a

Take off - empezar a tener éxito

Teammate - compañero de equipo

Work one's way up - subir puestos

Work out - entrenar

Idioms and Expressions

A - E

Allowance... Continue reading "English-Spanish Vocabulary for Sports, Success, and Relationships" »

For and Against Essay: Tips and Examples

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Introduction: hacer introducción general del tema, Ej: Some people claim/believe/say (algunas personas afirman/creen/dicen), It is sometimes said (a veces se dice) Arguments in favor: damos argumentos de lo que apoyemos (poner unos cuantos) Ej: Let me start by saying (déjame empezar diciendo), On the one hand (por un lado). Arguments against: si no es lo que defiendes poner pocos Ej: On the other hand...(por otra parte), Secondly (en segundo lugar) Conclusion: poner tu opinión Ej: In conclusión (en conclusion).EXPRESSIONS: However (sin embargo), still (todavia) though (aunque), that (que) while (mientras que) In fact (de hecho) actually (actualmente) owing to (debido a) bebidas (además). INTRODUCCIÓN: Las personas suelen estar acostumbradas

... Continue reading "For and Against Essay: Tips and Examples" »

What is the time of the pet

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HARDLY...WHEN -- Apenas
SELDOM/RARELY --- Rara vez
LITTLE --- Poco
NO SOONER... THAN -- Apenas
NOT UNTIL -- Hasta que
NOWHERE -- En ninguna parte
NOT ONLY... But also --- No solo

Al pasar a estilo indirecto el tiempo pasado da un salto atrás:

Here/This-----There/That     Now--------then       Today/tonight ---that day/n..

Yesterday----the day before      Tomorrow--- the following day

Next week---the following week…          Last week----the previous week…

A week ago----the week before.

English Grammar Rules and Examples for Beginners

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Verb Tenses

PASSIVE (3 columns): Delivers- is/are delivered. Delivered- were/was delivered. Will deliver- will be delivered. Is/are delivering-is/are being delivered. Was/were delivered-Was/were being delivered. Is going to deliver-is/are going to be delivered. Has/have delivered-have/has been delivered. Had delivered-had been delivered. Has to deliver-have to be delivered. Must deliver- must be delivered. +BY Y LA PERSONA +FOR TOMORROW (EL TIEMPO VA EL ULTIMO) Causatives: HAVE/GET +OBJECT+PAST PARTICIPLE (Sheila had her hair dyed or SUBJECT+HAVE+PERSON+INFINITIVE. REPORTED: Stays-stayed. Is staying- was staying. Stayed-had stayed. Was staying-had been staying. Has stayed-Had stayed. Has been staying-Had been staying. Had stayed- had stayed.... Continue reading "English Grammar Rules and Examples for Beginners" »

English Vocabulary Builder: Mastering Essential Words and Phrases

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English Vocabulary Builder

Essential Words and Phrases


Action Verbs
  • Blow up: explode
  • Wipe out: make everything disappear/eliminate
  • Wrap up: envelop
  • Carry out: llevar a cabo
  • Collide with/Crash into: estrellar/chocar
  • Pick up: recoger/ir a buscar
  • Put off: postpone
  • Take off: quitarse una prenda/despegar
  • Call off: cancel
  • Catch on: understand
  • Work out: find out
  • Try out: try
Phrasal Verbs
  • Show someone the ropes: explain to someone how to do an activity
  • Pull your weight: work as hard as other people
  • Hire: contratar/alquilar
  • Break down: romperse
  • Deal with: tratar con
  • Slack off: vaguear
  • Share profits: compartir las ganancias
  • Dare: atreverse
  • Take for granted: no saber valorar
  • Take sides: tomar partido
  • Run wild: descontrolarse
  • Run short of: quedarse sin
  • Run an errand: hacer
... Continue reading "English Vocabulary Builder: Mastering Essential Words and Phrases" »

Effective Spanish Email Writing Tips and Vocabulary

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At first: At first; At first sight (vista); First at all; Firstly; To begin with (para empezar); Secondly, Thirdly; Initially (inicialmente)


As far as I am concerned: From my point of view; Talking from my experience; I agree/disagree; In my opinion/view; It is true that; To be honest; Personally; In fact; Actually; Most people; Nowadays = currently.


And eventually: Finalmente; Aparte from (aparte de); In addition/Moreover/besides = Ademas; Furthermore (asimismo); Another point is that (habría que añadir que); After that (después de eso); Meanwhile (mientras tanto); Next (luego); Doubtless (sin duda); That is (es decir)


All in all: Resumiendo; In conclusion; Eventually (finalmente); Afterwards (más tarde);... Continue reading "Effective Spanish Email Writing Tips and Vocabulary" »

Don't Let Me Down

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    Don't let me down

Crashing, hit a wall
Right now I need a miracle
Hurry up now, I need a miracle
Stranded, reaching out
I call your name but you're not around
I say your name but you're not around

I need you, I need you, I need you right now
Yeah, I need you right now
So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
I think I'm losing my mind now
It's in my head, darling I hope
That you'll be here when I need you the most
So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
Don't let me down

Don't let me down
Don't let me down, down, down
Don't let me down, don't let me down, down, down

Running out of time
I really thought you were on my side
But now there's nobody by my side

I need you, I need you, I need you right now
Yeah, I need you right now
So don't let... Continue reading "Don't Let Me Down" »

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

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Reported Speech

Pres. (I said "I go to London")Pas. (He said that he went to London)
Pres. C. (He said "I'm going...")Pas. C. (...he was going...)
Pas. (He said "I went to London")Pas. Perf. (...he had gone...)
Pas. C. (He said "I was going...")Pas. Perf. C. (...he had been going...)
Pres. Perf. (He said "I have gone...")Pas. Perf. (...he had gone...)
Fut. (He said "I will go...")Cond. (...he would go...)
Pas. Perf.Pas. Perf.

Today - that/that day/tomorrow - the following day/yesterday - the day before/here - there/this - that/these - those.


  • If present / future (will, is/are going to)
  • If past / conditional (would/could)
  • If past perfect / conditional perfect (would + have + past participle)

Passive Voice

Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Guide

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Essential English Vocabulary

Common Verbs and Phrases

Cram: To stuff something into a tight space.

Example: I tried to cram all my clothes into one suitcase, but it didn't work.

Figure out: To understand or solve something.

Example: I figured out that math problem.

Nurture: To care for and encourage the growth or development of someone or something.

Example: Parents need to nurture their children to help them become good people.

Pull yourself together: To regain control of your emotions.

Example: Stop crying and pull yourself together.

Rough and ready: Done quickly and without much care; basic.

Example: Today's homework is rough and ready.

Scheme: A plan or plot, often secret or dishonest.

Example: The officials schemed against the president.

Shift: To move... Continue reading "Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Guide" »

Wanchun: The New Social Network Taking the World by Storm

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Wanchun is the new fashionable social network. Released to the public just two months ago, it's already in the top three most used networks and applications.

Unlike other applications, Wanchun has tried to innovate by adding several functions that the rest do not have.

Although some say they could improve by reducing the application's size, as it takes up a lot of space, it's undoubtedly a highly recommended social network. If you like the ones you have, how could you not like Wanchun? It has the same improved functions and others that you haven't seen in any other app.

Joshua's Determination

Joshua looked at the board, where his teacher had posted the test results.

When he saw his grade, he was very worried as he didn't know if he could pass the... Continue reading "Wanchun: The New Social Network Taking the World by Storm" »