Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Law & Jurisprudence

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Subjective Rights

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1 .- Concept D ° Subjective:

- Law in the objective sense is a set of legal rules governing the conduct of men

- Law in the subjective sense is contained in the substantive law (as when speaking of one or the other is because they look different aspects), is the faculty that has a subject to perform specific behavior, or refrain from it or require other The subject line of duty, serves to make, do and demand.

- These two concepts are related, since the definition of D ° objective is obtained for the individual right that could be formulated as follows: Power to act to satisfy their own interests guaranteed by law.

- There are some rights that are exercised without the consent, as the inherent rights (HR)

- We must make it clear that the... Continue reading "Subjective Rights" »

Legal Terminology and Criminal Justice System

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Legal Terminology

ARRAIGN OR BE ARRAIGNED: acusar o ser acusado, COUNSEL: consejo, COMBINED: conjunto, POTENTIALLY; TAXPAYERS: contribuyente, STATE: estado, RARELY; PAROLED: lib. condicional, ADDING: añadiendo, HEALTH; CARE: cuidado, INMATES: recluso, "TOUGH ON CRIME": difícil en el crimen, FULL; LESS: menos, WARMER: +calido, TURN OFF: apagar, TURN DOWN: rechazar, UNPLUG: desenchufar, THROW AWAY: tirar la basura, PUT ON: ponerse, MORE: mas, TAKE OFF: quitarse, TURN UP: aparecer, PLUG IN: enchufar, KEEP: guardar, COLDER: +frio, EMPTY: vacío, RELEASE: lanzamiento, ALLOWED: permitido, GUARANTEES: garantía, SPENT; AVAILABLE: disponible, LEAD: dirigir, DEEP: profundo, ARMED=ROBERRY: robo a mano armada, PAROLE BOAR: Junta de lib., TECHNICAL PROBLEM,... Continue reading "Legal Terminology and Criminal Justice System" »

Concept of education

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Incorporation: Is a legal process of forming an entity recognised in law

  • Unincorporated Businesses:

Are not a separate legal entity. So in law, there is no difference between the owner(s) and the business meaning that any legal action is effectively taken against the owner(s)

  • Incorporated Businesses:

The owner and the business are a separate legal entity. So in law, there is a difference between the owner(s) and the business, meaning that legal action can be taken against the business.

Liability: Being legally responsible for any debts or financial commitments of a business

  • Limited: The owners can only lose the money they have invested in the business, meaning that their risk is minimised as none of their personal possessions can be lost

  • Unlimited:
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You are notified" and "failing which" and "legal proceedings

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            The Judicial Commission of Pakistan is a commission for the Appointment of Supreme Court and High Court Judges in Pakistan. The Chief Justice of Pakistan is the Chairman of Judicial Commission of Pakistan.

Basis of the Judicial Commission

On 20th April 2010, 18th Constitutional Amendment was passed in the Parliament of Pakistan. In pursuance Of the 18th Amendment, a Judicial Commission was proposed to be created to Recommend the appointment of Judges of the Superior Courts in Pakistan.

Relevant Article

            Article 175 A. Appointment of Judges To the Supreme Court, High Courts and the Federal Shariat Court.

Commission for the appointment of the Judges

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International Labor Standards and Trade Measures: Implications and Concerns

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Harmonization of standards

Two or more countries adopt a common set of standards

Mutual recognition of standards

Countries maintain their own standards, but accept the standards of others as valid and sufficient

Separate standards

Countries maintain their own standards and refuse to recognize the standards of others

  • The International Labor Organization (ILO) proposed five labor standards as basic rights, revised by OECD:
  • Prohibition of forced labor
  • Freedom of association
  • The right to organize and bargain collectively
  • An end to the exploitation of child labor
  • Nondiscrimination in employment
  • Economists express four concerns over the use of trade measures to enforce standards:
  • Effectiveness:
    • (a) only large countries or coalitions of countries can use trade
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Law 19983 on

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L4: International personality: legal recognition+IO has rights and duties. Legal per recognized by law (constituent tr). It the entity from others. Consequences of personality: rights & duties. Privileges & immunities. International responsibility, Administrative, legislative & executive functions. The document legal Personality: The Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the UN, since Then: lot of instruments which recognize it. Nowadays legal pers recognized in Legal opinions ICJ.
Count BernardotteIndicators of the Legal personality of IO: rights and duties of IOs are five: 1.Treaty making power: IO can adopt treaties.Headquarters agreements: agreement bt IO-state establishing its Headquarters. UN-USA./Agreements
... Continue reading "Law 19983 on" »

The Great Holiday of Albacete: A Celebration of Tradition and Culture

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The great holiday of Albacete, known simply as the fair, is declared of tourist international interest and is celebrated annually from September 7th to September 17th. The fair of Albacete is celebrated in a special place in Albacete, known as the Fair. It is a very ancient and nice place and it has a great door called the Door of Iron.

In the fair, many thousands of Albaceteños take part and many visitors come. There are many different activities for all the people, but especially there are attractions, music, dance, and food.

The fair is dedicated to the Virgin of the Plains, de los Llanos, and there is a parade of flowers where many inhabitants of the city take part.

There is always something to do, twenty-four hours a day, with all imaginable... Continue reading "The Great Holiday of Albacete: A Celebration of Tradition and Culture" »

Conditional Legislation and Judicial Control of Delegated Legislation

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Conditional Legislation

The legislature makes the law. It is full and let. No legislative function is delegated to the executive authorities. The said law is not brought into force and it is left to the executive to put the Act into operation on fulfillment of certain conditions or contingencies, and for that reason, the legislation is called 'Conditional Legislation' or 'Contingent Legislation'.

In Inder Singh v. State of Rajasthan

Judicial Control of Delegated Legislation

  1. Substantive ultra vires
  2. Procedural


  • Parent act is unconstitutional
  • Delegated Legislation is inconsistent with parent act
  • Delegated legislation is unconstitutional
  • Unreasonable
  • Mala fide or bad faith
  • Subdelegation
  • Exclusion of judicial review
  • Retrospective operation

Rule of

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Attempts by British Government for Local Self-Government and Municipal Act of 1872

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Attempts by British Government for Local Self-Government

1) Briefly mention the attempts made by the British government for the establishment of local self-government.

Ans) The British government made several attempts to establish local self-government in India during the colonial period. The most notable efforts were the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919, which introduced limited devolution of powers to provincial governments and introduced the concept of dyarchy (shared responsibilities between elected and appointed members) at the provincial level. Another significant step was the Government of India Act 1935, which further expanded the scope of self-government and introduced federalism. However, these reforms fell short of providing full

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The Impact of Commercial Law on Business and Society

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Businesspeople and commercial law are two elements that cannot go separately. When doing business, commercial law is always present and has to be taken into account in order to fulfill the law and have legal effects. But now, how is commercial law developed in business? What is the impact on it? Is it positive? Or negative? All those questions will answer an important matter regarding business and law, two keys that have a huge impact in nowadays society and life.

Defining Commercial Law

First of all, it is needed to define what commercial law is in order to understand which are the matters and issues that are affected. It is the body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandising,... Continue reading "The Impact of Commercial Law on Business and Society" »