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Verb Tenses in English | Simple, Continuous, Perfect

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Simple Present

Pres. Simp. -> She cleans her.. -> She has her brushes cleaned

Present Continuous

Pres. Cont. -> She is cleaning her... -> She is having...

Past Simple

Past Simp. -> She cleaned her... -> She had...

Past Continuous

Past Cont. -> She was cleaning... -> She was having...

Future Simple

Fut. Simp. -> She will clean her... -> She will have...

Future Continuous

Fut. cont. -> She will be cleaning... -> She will be having...

Present Perfect

Pres, per, simp. -> She has cleaned... -> She has had...

Present Perfect Continuous

Pres, per, cont. -> She has been cleaning... -> She has been having...

Past Perfect

Past per. -> She had cleaned... -> She had had...

Past Perfect Continuous

Past, per, cont. -
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History and Traditions of Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. Originating as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus, Valentine's Day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country.

Martyrdom Stories

Martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to February 14 are presented in martyrologies, including a written account of Saint Valentine of Rome's imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers, who were forbidden to marry, and for ministering to Christians persecuted

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Local and Global Extrema, Critical Points, and Saddle Points

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Extremos locales

Definición. Sea f : C → R una función definida en un abierto C ⊆ R n. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un máximo relativo (local) estricto de f si f (a) > f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno reducido de a en C. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un mínimo relativo (local) estricto de f si f (a) < f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno reducido de a en C. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un máximo relativo (local) de f si f (a) > f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno de a en C. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un mínimo relativo (local) de f si f (a) ≤ f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno de a en C. A estos máximos y mínimos los llamaremos extremos locales de f en C.


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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Characters, Setting, and Plot

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In a time of chaos, a great leader rises to power by promising to restore order. He rewards the loyal followers who have helped him. Soon he grows so powerful and arrogant that even his followers no longer trust him and conspire to kill him. In the hands of William Shakespeare, this true story from history became a great tragic drama, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

Full title

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar


William Shakespeare

Type of work



Tragic drama, historical drama


Old English

Time and place written

1599, in London


Cassius’s death (V.iii), upon ordering his servant, Pindarus, to stab him, marks the point at which it becomes clear that the murdered Caesar has been avenged, and that Cassius, Brutus, and the other... Continue reading "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Characters, Setting, and Plot" »

Roots: A Study Guide

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True or False

T Kunta Kinte was born in Juffure.

F The Koro family was friendly with Kunta Kinte. They were enemies.

T Silla is Omoro's brother.

T John Waller owns a tobacco plantation.

T Kunta Kinte tries to escape John Waller's farm during the New Year party.

F Part 2 happens 20 years after part 1. Only 12 years pass.

T Kunta joins the army as an officer.

T Fiddler dies during Kizzy's naming ceremony.

T Noah dies in a big fire in the woods.

T Tom Lea lives in North Carolina.

F Mingo is Kunta Kinte's uncle. Mingo is a friend of Chicken George.

F In the duel, both men have the right to shoot their guns three times. They can only shoot twice.

T Marcellus offers $2,000 for Kizzy's freedom.

F Mingo dies because of sickness. He dies from a beating.

T George is... Continue reading "Roots: A Study Guide" »

Accounting Concepts and Calculations: A Comprehensive Guide

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Accounting Concepts and Calculations

1. Income Statement

  • Gross Sales: Total sales before any deductions.
  • Returns: Deducted from gross sales to calculate net sales.
  • Cash Discounts: Deducted from gross sales to calculate net sales.
  • Net Sales: Gross sales minus returns and cash discounts.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The cost of the goods sold during the period.
  • Other Expenses: Expenses not related to COGS.
  • Profit Before Tax: Net sales minus COGS and other expenses.
  • Tax Expense: Taxes owed on profit before tax.
  • Net Income: Profit before tax minus tax expense.

2. Balance Sheet

  • Accounts Receivable: Money owed to the company by customers for goods or services sold on credit.
  • Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (ADA): An estimate of the amount of accounts receivable
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Connecting Words and Phrases in Spanish - A Comprehensive Guide

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Moreover, beside, furthermore, in addition (además), and also (y también), likewise (asimismo), as well as (como también), not only...but also (no solo...sino que también), further (mas aun), another (otro), still another (aun otro), last but not least (ultimo pero no menos importante).


so (asi que, entonces), therefore (por lo tanto), hence (de ahí que), thus (asi), consequently, as a consequence (como consecuencia), for this reason (por esta razón), as a result (como resultado), so that (de manera que), that’s why (por eso es que), accordingly (por consiguiente), so...that (tan...que), such (a)...tan (tan...que), nevertheless (no obstante).


in order to (con el fin de), in order that (con el fin de que), for the... Continue reading "Connecting Words and Phrases in Spanish - A Comprehensive Guide" »

Spanish Literature in the 1950s and 1960s: Poetry, Novel, and Representative Authors

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Spanish Literature in the 1950s and 1960s


The Decade of the 50: Most Representative Authors

  • Blas Otero (1916-1979): Existential poetry, social poetry, new forms of expression
  • Gabriel Celaya (1911-1991): Surrealist, intense and aggressive language

The Decade of the 60: Most Representative Authors

  • Jose Hierro (1922-2002): Early works: search for happiness; later works: collective suffering and existentialism
  • Claudio Rodriguez (1934-1999): Simple style, singular
  • Angel Gonzalez: Social poetry
  • Jaime Gil de Biedma: Intimate issues
  • Jose Angel Valente: Secrecy


The Decade of the 50: Representative Authors

  • Rafael Sanchez Ferlosio: Realistic approach, concentration of action
  • Ignacio Aldecoa: Passion as a storyteller
  • Jesus Fernandez Santos: Existential themes


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