Human performance

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Freud: identification was the Process by which people developed: 2 types of strive- life(libido) & Death(destruido)|ID: pleasure| cathexis: psychic energy| preconscious: is the Storehouse for our memories, thoughts, and perceptions| "psychic Determinism": influence of the unconscious| The most primitive structure Of personality, that available at birth, is the ID| Fixation is the Holding on to infantile behavior patterns: to avoid taking risks (feeling anxious)| ego: reality| structure of personality sends us "irrational" Messages about right and wrong: superego| father ambivalent: reaction formation| Projection: the person's own unacceptable impulse is instead Thought to belong to someone else

Projection| research support for fr: all- DRP| children Who score low on laboratory and observational measures of ego control are rated By their teachers as being: more aggressive and less ordered and less compliant Than other children| Which Freudian idea blow has not been supported by Research?:

Personality little after 5| Low ego "resilience" is correlated with: drug abuse| ego research: Able to cope w stress| venting anger in a Bushman & Whitaker series of Studies was that: -venting anger increased the amount of aggression -people who Believed tht venting anger was good for thm were likely to choose violent video Games| lying and cheating: blame to other person| Jungian non-rational Functions are: sensing and intuition| rational: thinking and feeling| Gustuvus: intuition- NFP| Persons judged to be extraverted feeling types tended To focus on human stimuli w feeling overtones| Individuation: Harmony of all personality aspects| Adler's (humanism) moderate 'feelings of inferiority' were normal and potentially Useful recognition that something could be better| 

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