Social Development and Community Work: Perspectives and Objectives

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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f) Take into consideration the multiplicity of perspectives and actors that exist in the social space in which we intervene.
The challenge of community work is based on the plurality of points of view and try a form of intervention that seeks to recognize the explanations of the situations that perform the various subjects (the people, politicians and professionals).

g) Recognize the existence of diversity and plurality within the profession itself.
Subjects with ideological content (crime, drugs, immigration, poverty, etc..) Raise different positions and / or divergent in practice.

h) At present the concept of community development is being replaced by social development.
For social development, understand the processes of hatching and revitalization of sociability which lead to changes in participants' social status and lead them to be (re) negotiate their own citizenship, or new relationships with other social categories and institutions.


1. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The main objectives of social intervention in reality consist of implementing and maintaining processes that engages a wide range of social and personal aspects.JP Hiernaux, gives us an understanding that integrates well this double dimension of the objectives of Comunitario.Dice job well:
social development may refer to two things, in principle, different

a) social activism in the sense enable social interactions and relationships (at individual, interindividual, intra-group and / or intergroup ...) and
b) the empowerment, understood as production improves welfare or entities (global communities, groups, individuals ...).

The link between the two polarities occurs only when social activism is conceived and carried to term as a condition of social promotion. This way of understanding the goals of community work asprocess goals, important results are produced during the process and because it proceso.Es where the instruments overlap and results, its beginning and its development are as, indicators of social change we seek. The specific objectives, timely partial or acquire a special meaning when they are indicators that the implementation of actions can be understood as the development of meaningful experiences for the target groups. The community work, understood as organizational process is an excellent tool to implement a kind of collective experiences, Community actions, capable of conveying the development of sociability.

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