
Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Stimulus Generalization Responding To a new stimulus in a way similar to the response to an established CS Fear extended to rabbits, fur coats, stuffed Animals Stimulus Discrimination: Responding Differently to a new stimulus than one responds to an established CS Extinction: Presenting a CS repeatedly, after conditioning, without the US, resulting In a loss in responding Spontaneous Recovery: Recovery of an Extinguished CR after a period of nonexposure to the CS

Types of partial reinforcement: Ratio Schedules A number of Responses (ratio) is required before reinforcement is deliveredFixed Ratio A set number of responses must be performed to obtain reinforcementVariable Ratio Number of responses required for reinforcement Will vary from trial to trial Interval SchedulesA period of time (interval) must pass before The next reinforcement is deliveredFixed Interval Reward is delivered For first response that occurs following a specific time intervalVariable Interval Time amount of time between rewards changes From trial to trialExamples You get paid once every two weeksSlot machines at casinos Payoff after a variable number of plays.

Shaping Complex Behaviors are unlikely to occur spontaneously, so they are hard to reinforce Solution: Shaping Reinforcement is delivered for successive approximations of the desired Response As the behavior Approaches the desired response, the “teacher” becomes more strict Demanding behaviors closer to the desired one Before reward is given Acrophobia(heights) Claustrophobia (enclosed spaces) Arachnophobia (spiders) Ophidiophobia (snakes) Nyctophobia (dark) Trypanophobia (medical-related needles and injections) Astraphobia (thunder and lightning)

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