Amim psychology

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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BLOOM’S - For The language learning in the school, the methodology that should be used is the CLIL methodology. Through the CLIL methodology, the teaching-learning process, Where subject, content and language are taught at the same time, and in which Different cognitive skills are integrated./

But Language learning is a complex process and teachers have to reflect on many Aspects of the psychology of successful learning. After completing a learning Process, the student must have acquired new skills and knowledge./

In this Sense, Bloom formulates a taxonomy of learning domains, which can be understood As the objectives of the learning process. Bloom develops a classification System in three aspects: the cognitive (mental skills), the affective (attitudes, feelings and emotions) and the psychomotor (manual or physical Skills). They have a hierarchical structure that goes from the simplest to the Most complex or elaborate, until arriving at the evaluation: knowledge – Comprehension – application – analysis – synthesis – evaluation./

The above Structure involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. Bloom Categorised and ordered thinking skills and goals along a continuum from Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) to Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), that is, From the most simple to the most complex./

A few years Later, a revised classification of thinking skills was published by Anderson. In This new taxonomy, Anderson changes the names from nouns to verbs, renames and Reorganize some of the levels: remembering – understanding – applying – Analyzing – evaluating – creating./

To Conclude, we can say that this revised taxonomy of Bloom will be fundamental in Our work as teachers. To establish the cognitive tasks that as teachers we will Be able to require our students and what cognitive effort they will have to Perform these to be able to perform the tasks.

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