Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Language

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Summary of Book: Holes by Louis Sachar

Posted by Javi and classified in Language

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This novel is a romance because:

1: Stanley was accused of stealing a shoe that supposedly fell from heaven, for that reason, he was sent to Camp Green Lake.

2: Stanley found a gold tube with the inscription KB while digging your hole, did not help anything, as he had promised to give X-rays which found, then I would not earn his day off.

3: X-Ray stole Mr. Sir your bag pipes, but for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and cover for his teammates, was Stanley who took a set of Vigilante, but in the end, Stanley did not no punishment, except the mania that took Mr. Sir, because their fault Vigilante had been slapped.

4: Stanley stole Mr. Sir's truck to go for Zero and try to drive without success, continued walking and once... Continue reading "Summary of Book: Holes by Louis Sachar" »

Selectivity Theatre

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T Features The drama is one of the major literary genres. A conflict between one or more characters that are developed through diálogo.l theater receiver is presented in two ways: a) In one scenario, by action or entry scene obra.b) Through reading, as if it were a novel. This will lose items such as music, movement, etc.Así, this genre has the following basic features: • The rendering time is quite limited compared to the actual duration of the facts, so no can afford to delay. • The story line should capture the audience's attention throughout the performance. The most common resource to achieve this is to establish, from time to time, a high point or climax. • The theater is a mixture of linguistic and dramatic. The literary text

... Continue reading "Selectivity Theatre" »

Five hours with Mario

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5hcm Loc is a novel by Miguel Delibes (1920) published in 1966. This author is considered as the most representative of intimate realism. The creation of Delibes covers many topics: childhood, sports, wildlife and the denunciation of social injustices. He has received several considerations and galrdones including membership of the Royal Academy of the tongue or to be named Favorite Son of Valladolid and Andalusia. Abstract: 3HCM is a monologue about memories of a woman who watches the corpse of her husband. It is one of the most famous of Delibes and Tatro was made into very successful with audiences and critics. The book is divided into three parts: prologue and epilogue monologue. Both the prologue to the epilogue how to use 3rd person omniscient... Continue reading "Five hours with Mario" »

Pio Baroja, and "The Tree of Knowledge"

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Vida San Sebastian was born in 1872. He studied medicine but soon served as a doctor. His contacts with writers led him to indulge his literary vocation. 1900 he published first books. 1911 the tree of knowledge, articles and essays, 17 novels. 1935 consolidated fame, joins civil war SAR surprises in the Basque country and goes to France. 1940 back to Madrid, creative capacity is exhausted, he died in 1956. Personality lonely and bitter mood, sincere, more sensitivity is necessary, shy spirit of independence and opted for self-reflection to which it attributed to an imbalance and a spirit of mad man. Pessimistic about the man and the world, felt tenderness for helpless beings, not whether the world would be happy for it to mourn a child. In... Continue reading "Pio Baroja, and "The Tree of Knowledge"" »

The mystery of the haunted crypt

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1. - Summary of the book.

While a group of young inmates in an asylum was playing a football game, Dr. Sugrañes party amid calls one of them, exactly the protagonist of this story. The doctor tells Sugrañes accompany him to his office because it has an unexpected visitor. To his amazement, was the Commissioner Flores and a nun who was unaware of.

The reason that the commissioner flowers and the nun had come to see was: about 6 years ago a girl had disappeared without a trace one night, but the strange thing was that it appeared the next day with no memory of what happened. Well, a couple of days ago had been different in the same school girl who lived in the other and wanted him to take charge of the case.... Continue reading "The mystery of the haunted crypt" »

Torquemada at the stake

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In the vast gallery of characters that Benito Perez Galdos left us, perhaps this Torquemada most appreciated by this writer. The author published in 1889 Torquemada at the stake, and between 1893 and 1895 the rest of the series: the cross Torquemada Torquemada Torquemada in Purgatory, and San Pedro.
Already Torquemada at the stake is a precise drawing of the protagonist, Francisco Torquemada. This is a lender who has amassed an interesting capital-based lending money at usury, mercilessly squeezing the unfortunate necessity that fell into their hands.
Stingy up to meanness, Torquemada suffer the blow of seeing your child sick, a child prodigy, a genius of mathematics. In this crisis, its nature is clear: the advice of friends, trying to humanize
... Continue reading "Torquemada at the stake" »

Pay Now Apps: Impact on Financial Habits & Society

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Pay Now Apps and Society

In an era where convenience is king, "pay now" apps have emerged as a beacon of instant gratification, allowing users to make purchases with a simple tap on their smartphones. However, beneath the surface of this modern convenience lie potential threats to the financial stability and well-being of society.
Firstly, these apps can encourage impulsive buying by removing the traditional barriers to purchasing, such as the physical act of handing over cash or the time to reflect during a card transaction. This can lead to poor financial management, as users may lose track of their spending.
Moreover, the "buy now, pay later" model often masks the true cost of items, leading to overspending and even a cycle of debt that can
... Continue reading "Pay Now Apps: Impact on Financial Habits & Society" »


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have made would habe been made. Infinitive presente tomake to be madeParticipio perfecto having made having been made. Reported speech: cuando el vervo intrductor del estilo indirecto esta en presente , preterito perfecto o futuro, los tiempos verbales no cambian. Direct speech -presente simple- indirect speech past simple.presente continuo-past continuos. Presente perfecto-past perfect. Presente perfecto continuo- past perfect continuous. Past simple- past perfect. Past continuos-past perfec continuos. Future will conditional would. Can-could. May-might. Will-would. Must-had to. Have to-had to. Shall-should. significado Dizzy mareado feverish fiebre queasysentirse mal rasherpucion cutanea runnyagua en la nari seedy enfermo soreinflamado... Continue reading "3" »

Gozada de fuerte

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Question 1

Marks: 1

If a pilot has connected the automatic pilot to the gyro compass

(which is assumed to be operating correctly) and the latter is

fitted with a rate correction device which is properly corrected by astronomical precession,

the course followed by the aircraft (in still air conditions) is a:

Choose one answer.

a. Spherical Flight Segment Incorrect

b. Curve of some type of other Incorrect

c. Rhumb Line Incorrect

d. Great Circle Correct


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 2

Marks: 1

If airworthiness documents do not shown any additionnal correction factor for landing performance determination on a wet runway, the landing distance shall be increased by:

Choose one answer.

a. 20%. Incorrect

b. 15%. Correct

c. 10%. Incorrect

d. 5%. Incorrect


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 3

Marks:... Continue reading "Gozada de fuerte" »

The characters in "The Innocents". Miguel Delibes

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The gallery of characters who appear in
LSI denotes the author's strong concern for human beings. Some of the characters acquire highlighted other elements of the
novel: the landscape has value in the relationship that the characters have with him: the universe
depends on the nature theme, ideology and the relationships between the characters, the society presented is conditioned by the lifestyle of each other, and so on. The Holy Innocents is thus a
novel of character: the axis from which depends the whole anatomy, the characters. Quantitatively and qualitatively, the largest proportion of the text reserves the portrayal of human figures.

2.7.1. Classification
The number of characters who move through the farm is considerably... Continue reading "The characters in "The Innocents". Miguel Delibes" »