Selectivity Theatre

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T Features The drama is one of the major literary genres. A conflict between one or more characters that are developed through diálogo.l theater receiver is presented in two ways: a) In one scenario, by action or entry scene obra.b) Through reading, as if it were a novel. This will lose items such as music, movement, etc.Así, this genre has the following basic features: • The rendering time is quite limited compared to the actual duration of the facts, so no can afford to delay. • The story line should capture the audience's attention throughout the performance. The most common resource to achieve this is to establish, from time to time, a high point or climax. • The theater is a mixture of linguistic and dramatic. The literary text is added to the scenic elements. • The author is hiding behind the elements. However, there are the dimensions, brief indications given by the author on the scenic elements, in parentheses.. Components involved in the theater elements that give personality to the genre are: Action which is usually divided into events or parties. The old tragedy crack was divided into episodes, separated by the intervention of the choir. With the widespread Roman theater division into five acts, until Lope Vega d and reduced the action of three acts, a division that remains actualmente.Si in an act is a change of space, there has been a change table , so in an act may be different cuadros.Por other hand, every time a character leaves the scene or joins a new one, there is a new scene.Theatrical characters are types that reflect general human characters, with permanent and fixed-function features within the work. They carry out the dramatic action through diálogo.Debido the time-space limitations, it is difficult to reach a deeper characterization of the characters, which are discussed in detail only the protagonists. are a number of characters or types characteristic attitudes or behaviors that represent ideals. These characters are: - Beau and the Lady - The servant and the maid .- Father. - King. - The villain. Dramatic tension is the reaction that occurs in the spectator to events that are occurring in the work. The authors seek public interest by including highlights (climax) at the end of each act, which helps to maintain attention to the outcome. In contrast, the anti-climax occurs when the conflict that shows the action comes to an unexpected or expected outcome. Time is not an easy treatment of time in a drama as it unfolds before the eyes of the beholder. The potential of a novel, for example, are practically infinite in comparison with a work teatral.Hemos to differentiate between time representation and time mentioned. • The time of representation is what does the play at that time should be develop a specific action, which may or may not last as long as the epresentation. • The time alluded to is the fictitious time elapsed from when the work starts until it ends, which is usually far greater than the time of representación.Aristóteles in the fourth century C., in his Poetics established some simple techniques to help avoid spatial jumps: it is the rule of three units, according to which the action of a play can only be developed in a day (time unit) in a single space (unity of place) and a single plot, no secondary action (unity of action).Dimensions of clarification is the author of the play should be done about the set, how they should move the characters, what gestures should do ... Are guidelines that attempt to clarify the understanding of the work. / / The development of the action occurs through dialogue, through the conversations the characters have with one another. These conversations can occur between two or more personajes.En some point, a character apart from the rest or look away, you can comment out loud, for the public, which is not heard by other characters. This resource is named separately. By asides make the characters thoughts aloud, on the other hand, one of the most characteristic of the theater is the monologue speech that a character, usually alone on stage, 4. The main dramatic genres a) The tragedy starring characters of high social standing who are drawn by fate to serious conflicts with each other through a painstaking and careful language. The conflict often leads to disaster, in fate. The works are governed by the three units (action, time and place

b) The tragedy or tragicomedy about a topic often legendary, featuring comic-effects, mainly by the choir. The gods do not intervene in the lives of men and may be more than one action at the same time. Located halfway between tragedy and comedy are not avoided comic situations, but not the tragic outcome. C) The comedy is a comedy drama in which the main characters are faced with the difficulties of everyday life, driven by its own defects to happy endings where it becomes a mockery of human weakness. It is based on light-hearted ridicule and denunciation of customs and everyday problems .. Wanted laughter, so the ending is happy, carefree and happy, not to mention the irony. · Sainete Minor Genres:short piece (one or two acts) of comic character and manners, which can be written in verse or prose. Sketches the main crop is Ramon de la Cruz. Step: comic playlet purposes intended to be represented in the intervals of the major works. Its creator was Lope de Rueda (s. XIV). Farsa: comic opera, brief, and no other purpose than to make people laugh. It usually has a sharp satirical and characterized by exaggeration of situations.

The essay is a genre which is the interpretation of a subject without having to wear a documentary, so free and willing to unsystematic style. This is a perlocutionary speech act. The genus is now known as the test is done in prose literary form midway between the artistic and the scientific treatise. The term comes from the work of Montaigne Essais de Messire Michel Seigneur de Montaigne, published in 1580. The term "Essais" meant that his book exposing experiences. This new genre was imitated by the Englishman Francis Bacon, whose essays appeared in 1587. It soon spread throughout Europe. In Spain, the term trial, in that sense is very late, but the genre was introduced to the works of Fray Benito Jerónimo Feijoo (1676-1764). Essayism gathers force in the s. XIX with names like Larra, Clarin ... but it is the generation of 98 which gives a new spin on the genre is currently defined as a literary genre, because poetic language often used by the authors care. linguistic features of the test 1. representative functions in the trial dominated by a triple intention : persuasive, expressive and aesthetic confidential 2.Tono culta4.Destinatario 3.Empleo of language minority heterogeneous cult (not specialized in the field) 5.Presencia of literary figures (simile, metaphor, irony ...) / / Lexicon connotative / / 1st Person grammatical / / prevalence of sentence structures complejasLa logic is crucial in a trial. To further convince the reader must proceed in an organized way from the formal explanations to concrete evidence, ie from facts to conclusions. To achieve this the writer can use two types of reasoning: inductive logic or logic deductiva.De inductive logic according to the writer begins the trial showing concrete examples and then draw from them general statements .. The advantage of this method is that the reader participates actively in the process of reasoning and is therefore easier to convince.
According to the deductive logic the writer begins the trial showing general statements, which documented progressively through concrete examples .. The advantage of this method is that if the reader supports the general statement and if the arguments are well constructed generally accept conclusiones.Existe many positions with the classification of the trials. According to the essay topic that develops political, philosophical, historical, etc.. As according to the author's communicative intent may be: argumentative, expository, critical and poetic. Usually divided into literary essay and científico.Ensayo Literary essay: is defined as one in which the author freely and plasma printing and subjective reflections about life itself.
And the Scientific Test: the genre known as "literary science" involves the logic of the imaginative nature of the author. The paper explores in depth the reality, closer to "truth" of things. Share with art originality, intensity and beauty expresiva.Cabria also mention among others: Critical Essay FilosóficoEnsayo: Test Description: Poetic Essay: Argumentative Essay: Expository Essay: Structure of the test The test should be performed according to a certain order taking into account: Introduction: Explains the subject, tells the reader the issue at hand. You can explain how the research conducted and under what parámetros.Desarrollo. Includes the author's ideas, themes or answers to questions provided, Conclusion. Expresses the writer's final contribution. Is the closure of the trial.

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