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Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Se ve repugnante : it is look revolting ! Yuck : asqueado,Fue un desastre : it was a disaster , No importa : never mind , Lo superarás ; You´ll get over it , Whoops :    Ten cuidado : Be careful! , Eso esta hecho : That´s done  , Que sorpresa tan agradable : What a nice surprise; Glotones : Greedy guts! , Suficiente para todos : enought to go round , Ya estamos otra vez : Here we go again !

Hi, I;m Edu, I;m from Don Benito. I like music, I;ve been to several concerts recently. The best one was
in Merida where my favorite singer Dani Martin performed. It was fantastic!!
I also like to play sports in my spare time, the one I practice most is soccer, my favorite team is Real
Madrid and I have been to the stadium several times, it is incredible
... Continue reading "ghgh" »

Professional Email Templates for Various Purposes

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Email Templates for Professional Communication

Introduction Email

Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name]. I am a new [Your Position] at [Company Name]. I am originally from [Your Location]. My previous job was at [Previous Company Name]. I am looking forward to working with you. Best wishes.

Meeting Directions Email

I'd like to confirm the meeting on [Date] at [Time] in [Location]. The offices are situated in [Address]. The conference room is on the [Floor Number] floor. It's on your left when you get out of the elevator. It's the [Door Number] door on your right. I look forward to seeing you.

Office Plan Description Email

Dear [Mr./Ms. Last Name],

Welcome to [Company Name]. We are pleased to have you join our company. The plan of our offices is attached... Continue reading "Professional Email Templates for Various Purposes" »

Concept of education

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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UNIT 1.2. BEFORE CHOMSKY- FIELD LINGUISTS and linguists of the structuralist tradition. CORPUS BASED is impirical and observed data. TWO ASSUMPTIONS: the sentences of a natural language are finite, also can be collected and enumerated. CORPUS: only source of linguistic evidence in the formation of linguistic theories. COMSKY'S REVOLUTION(no interesa el corpus) Between 1957 y 1965 Chomsky changed the direction of linguistic from empiricism to rationalism. Intituins started to be relied on as an evidence. WHAT IS NOT A CORPUS? A list of words, a text archive, a collection of citations, a collection of quotations, a text or A WEB( it could be a corpus depending on the linguist since ones recognise it as a corpus others not, for ex Sinclair, for
... Continue reading "Concept of education" »

English Verb Tenses: Direct and Reported Speech

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Direct Present Simple

DIRECT PRESENT SIMPLE A- i you we they (normal) he she it (verb acaba en s) N- I you we they (don’t verb normal) he she it (doesn’t verb normal) I-Do (I you we they) Does (he she it).

Reported Past Simple

REPORTED PAST SIMPLE A- totes les pers (verb acabat amb –ed o 2 columna) N- totes les pers (didn’t verb acabat normal) I- Did (totes les pers verb acabat normal).//.

Direct Present Continuous

DIRECT PRESENT CONTINUOUS A- I (‘m verb acabat -ing) he she it (‘s verb acabat -ing) you we they (‘re verb acabat -ing) N- I (‘m not verb acabat -ing) he she it (isn’t verb acabat -ing) you we they (aren’t verb acabat -ing) I- Am (I verb acabat -ing) is (he she it verb acabat -ing) are (you we they verb acabat -ing)... Continue reading "English Verb Tenses: Direct and Reported Speech" »

Good morning, have you got

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Louisa May Alcott

Born 29 nov 1832, Germantown Pensilvania

Dead 6 march 1888 55 Años, Boston, massachisetts  

A country Christmas

Ms. Alcott’s protaganist In this story is Sophie. She lives in a big city with her guardian, but she’s Feeling the pressure to make a decision about marriage. She needs some time to Get away and think. She decides to travel to Vermont and visit Aunt Plumy and Aunt Plumy’s two grown children, Saul and Ruth. They live on a modest farm and Life is much slower there.

Sophie asks permission and is Allowed to invite two city friends to come up and visit for Christmas. Sophie Wants to show them “a real old-fashioned frolic” as it’s done in the country.

At first, Sophie’s city friends Look down on the country... Continue reading "Good morning, have you got" »

Una historia en ingles simple present,simple past,future,past continuous y present continuous

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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en las preguntas con las 5 w se pone esta luego se cambia la forma vb y se añade lo demas. En las que se contesta con un si o no se añade un if mas vb cambiado mas resto. En las ordenes se añade to antes del verbo en su forma orginal y se deja todo igual

present simple .....Sell......Are sold
presnte continuo...Are selling....Are being selling
past simple....Sold...Were sold
future simple.....Will sell.....Will be sold
present perfect simple...Have sold.....Have been sold
modals...Can sell...Can be sold
past continous...Were selling....Were being sold
pasado perfecto simple....Had sold....Had been sold
modals perfects....Must have sold....Must have been sold
have to...Have to sell .....Have to be sold
be going to ...Are going to sell.....Are
... Continue reading "Una historia en ingles simple present,simple past,future,past continuous y present continuous" »

English Grammar Guide: Modals, Passive Voice, and Reported Speech

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Must ++ deber : eterno, leyes

Have to: obligacion dia a dia : no hay obligacion

Must (deber) y Can't (poder): cuando algo esta prohibido

Should (deberia): sugerencia


Could: (podria) cuando algo es posible

May: (puede) cuando algo es posible

Can't/Cannot: cuando es imposible


Will/Won't: algo que es seguro que va a pasar

Should: (ocurrira) retonadamente cierto

Pasado Perfecto: (modals)

- modals + has/have + tercera columna


present simplebuild(s)is/are built (3)
present continuousis/are buildingis/are being built (3)
be going tois/are going to buildis/are going to be built
present perfect simplehas/have built (3)has/have been built (3)
past simplebuiltwas/were built (3)
past continuouswas/were buildingwas/were being
... Continue reading "English Grammar Guide: Modals, Passive Voice, and Reported Speech" »

Food, Cooking, Films, Grammar: Vocabulary and Concepts

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Fruits: apple, orange, lemon, strawberry, peach, melon, pear, banana, grapes, pineapple, cherry / Vegetables: potato, green beans, peas, carrot, cauliflower, pepper, cabbage, aubergine, mushrooms, courgette / Salad: lettuce, tomato, cucumber, vinegar, oil / Meat: cow-beef, calf-veal, lamb-chuletillas, lamb, pig-pork / Shellfish: shrimp, oyster, lobster, mussels / Ways to Cook: boil (hervir), fry (freir), grill, roast, bake / Done: rare (crudo), medium-rare, medium, well-done / Describing: tasty, bland, sweet, bitter, salty, unsalty, hot, spicy, bland, fresh, out of date, tender, tough, fatty, lean / Dishes: aperitif, starter, main course, dessert / Payment: bill (cuenta), tip (propina), book (reservar) / Films: pretends (fingir), set in (ambientada)... Continue reading "Food, Cooking, Films, Grammar: Vocabulary and Concepts" »

The Impact of Store Brands on Grocers in Troubled Times

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Store brands lift grocers in troubled times.

  1. a parte uno b parte seis
  2. F T F
  3. plunges retailers staple stick
  4. b a a

Abortion on demand a step too far for Spanish right.

  1. a parte dos b parte tres
  2. T F T
  3. to be in favour of=support confrontation= clash protests=demonstrations puts at risk= endangers
  4. b a c

How's my driving? ask my car.

  1. en fin xd
  2. T F F
  3. drowsiness snippets survey gadget
  4. c b c

How racist is Britain?

  1. a. there are two facts: one (mixed-race marriages comprise only 2%) and two (most people mix and marry within their own background). b. because many socializing areas are very inhospitable to foreign people.
  2. T line 3, F line 11, T last line 3
  3. deeply mainly plain on the rise
  4. b b a

Amphibians may soon disappear.

  1. anyway
  2. F T F
  3. moistened petition concern rate
  4. a c c


... Continue reading "The Impact of Store Brands on Grocers in Troubled Times" »

Film and Media Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Glossary

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Film and Media Terminology

  • Accountability: Responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when asked.
  • Set the agenda: A list of items to be discussed at a meeting.
  • Archival footage: Material from the past that can be used in other films.
  • Audio engineer: A person whose job is to alter and balance the levels of different sounds as they are recorded.
  • Axe: To get rid of a service.
  • Back: Give help or support.
  • Ban: Decide or say that something is not allowed.
  • Bid: Offer a service for a price, in competition with others.
  • Boom: Increase in economic activity.
  • Expose corruption: Reveal illegal or dishonest behavior.
  • Cover-up: Action taken to hide a mistake from the public.
  • Lack of credibility: Absence of the quality that makes people
... Continue reading "Film and Media Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Glossary" »