Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Psychology and Sociology

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Assessment Reliability and Validity: Key Concepts

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Understanding Reliability

Reliability refers to the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results. It focuses on the consistency of the assessment.

  • Interrater Reliability: Assesses whether different observers are consistent in their judgments.
  • Test-Retest Reliability: Evaluates the consistency of a test across different administrations over time.
  • Parallel Forms Reliability: Compares two different versions of a test that measure the same construct with different, but equivalent, questions.
  • Internal Consistency Reliability: Measures the consistency of results across items within a single test. This can be assessed through:
    • Average Inter-Item Correlation: Calculates the average of all correlation coefficients between individual
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The Nature and Benefits of Laughter: Insights from Brain Studies

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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The Nature and Benefits of Laughter: Insights from Brain Studies

The smile is considered a soft and silent form of laughter. There are currently various interpretations about its nature. Some medical theories attribute beneficial effects on health and well-being to laughter.

Your brain may notice the difference between false laughter and spontaneous laughter.

In my laboratory, we saw the importance of laughter when studying images of our brain. We compared genuine laughter with that which is not.

Your brain automatically notices the difference, and hearing fake laughter produces more activity in an area of the prefrontal cortex.

This area is key to understanding other people's emotions.

It shows that we automatically try to understand and interpret

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Factors Influencing Conformity: Social Identity, Cultural Dimensions, and More

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Discuss factors influencing conformity


Conformity = change of behavior as a result of real or imagined group pressure or norms

  • Social identity theory
  • Cultural dimensions
  • Self-esteem
  • Unanimity
  • Group size
  • Private vs Public responses


  • Aim: To test the extent of conformity in a non-ambiguous task

  • Method:

    • 1 real subject among 7 confederates
    • They were asked which of the 3 lines on the right corresponded to the line presented on the left
    • Confederates of the study were told to give incorrect answers
    • Separate condition → participant was told to write down their answers individually
    • In another part of the experiment → subject was given a supporting confederate
  • Results:

    • 32% conformity rate
    • 74% of subjects conformed at least once
    • Supporting confederate →
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Understanding Crisis and Crisis Intervention

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Metastasizing Crisis - Occurs When a Small, Isolated Incident is Not Contained and Begins to Spread

Definitions of Crisis -

  • A crisis arises from a traumatic event that is unpredictable and uncontrollable.
  • Crisis is a crisis because the individual knows no response to deal with a situation.
  • Crisis is a personal difficulty or situation that immobilizes people and prevents them from consciously controlling their lives.
  • Crisis is a state of disorganization in which people face frustration of important life goals or profound disruption of their life cycles and methods of coping with stressors. The term crisis usually refers to a person’s feelings of fear, shock, and distress about the disruption, not to the disruption itself.
  • Crisis is a temporary breakdown
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Piaget's Theory & Cognitive Development in Children

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Child Psychology: Chapter 6 Study Guide

Piaget’s Theory

Basic Principles of Piaget’s Theory

  • Assimilation
  • Accommodation
  • Equilibration

Stages of Cognitive Development

Sensorimotor Stage (Birth-2 Years)
  • Adapting to and Exploring the Environment
  • Understanding Objects
  • Using Symbols
Preoperational Stage (2-7 Years)
  • Egocentrism
  • Animism
  • Centration
Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 Years)
  • Mental Operations
  • Reversibility
  • Can Solve Conservation Tasks
Formal Operational Stage (11+ Years)
  • Hypothetical Thinking
  • Deductive Reasoning

Piaget’s Contributions to Child Development

  • The Study of Cognitive Development
  • A New View of Children
  • Fascinating Discoveries

Educational Applications of Piaget’s Theory

  • Facilitate Rather Than Direct Children’s Learning
  • Recognize Individual Differences
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Understanding Human Psychology: Perception to Positive Living

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Sensation and Perception

Sensation: Receiving stimuli.

Perception: Understanding stimuli.

Selective attention: Focusing on a specific aspect of experience.

Selective perception: Recalling only circumstances that confirm our beliefs.

Cognitive Frameworks

Paradigms (Frames): Theoretical frameworks.

Paradigm shift: Change in the overriding theoretical framework.

Neuroplasticity: Brain's capacity to change based on experience.

Functional fixedness: Getting locked into one way of thinking.

Determinism vs. Free Will

Determinism: Belief in being governed by external forces (biological, Freudian, behavioral).

Free will: Belief in being a result of choices made.

  • Internal locus of control: Taking responsibility.
  • External locus of control: Blaming others.


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Errors in Attributions: Fundamental Attribution Error & Self Serving Bias

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Discuss two errors in attributions


Attribution = “Correspondence inference theory” = tendency to take someone’s immediate behaviour as a general statement about who that person is

(consider situational as a person's disposition)

Choose 2 to discuss:

1.Fundamental attribution error

- tendency to overestimate the extent to which a person's behavior is due to internal, dispositional factors + underestimate the role of situational factors

2.Self serving bias

- explanations for one's own successes that credit internal, dispositional factors and explanations for one's failures that blame external, situational factors

3.Defensive attribution

- Tendency to blame the victim for their misfortunes

Ross et al. → FAE

  • Aim: To see if student participants

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Understanding Self-Esteem, Personality, and Job Satisfaction

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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How to Improve Low Self-Esteem

1. Supportive Environment

  • Show concern for personal problems, interests, status, and contributions.

2. Tailored Work

  • Offer work that suits the employee's values, skills, and abilities.

3. Supervisor-Employee Cohesion

  • Strive for supervisor-employee cohesiveness and build trust.

4. Self-Management

  • Have faith in each employee's self-management ability.

Six Important Elements of Self-Esteem

1. Live Consciously

  • Focus on everything you do and who you are doing it with.

2. Self-Acceptance

  • Don't judge yourself on every action.

3. Personal Responsibility

  • Take action and responsibility for your actions.

4. Self-Assertiveness

  • Be original and positive.

5. Live Purposefully

6. Personal Integrity

  • Have an honest personality.

The Big Five Personality

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Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination in Society

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Are Only Prejudiced Individuals Discriminatory?

Prejudice refers to negative attitudes about an entire category of people, which brings forth the thought of stereotypes. Those then lead to discrimination, which is the unfair treatment of people based on prejudice. (Prejudice is an attitude, while discrimination is an action that stems from that attitude.)

Why Did the U.S. Census Bureau Exclude Biracial Individuals?

Why do you think the U.S. Census Bureau did not have a category for biracial individuals until the 2000 Census? What does this reveal about our society? It gives opportunity for some change when something is acknowledged, yet we often want things to stay the same.

Why Do We Categorize People by Race and Ethnicity?

Society feels it’s

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Schmidt's Noticing Hypothesis in Second Language Acquisition

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis (Explicit Learning)

Role of Attention and Awareness

Schmidt's Noticing Hypothesis posits that learners must consciously pay attention to and be aware of linguistic input to acquire a second language (L2). This contrasts with implicit learning theories, which suggest that language acquisition can occur subconsciously.

Intake refers to the portion of input that learners successfully process and integrate into their L2 knowledge. Attention plays a crucial role in selecting intake by:

  • Heightening the activation level of input in working memory, allowing it to remain available for further processing.
  • Facilitating the transfer of information to long-term memory.

Long-Term Memory Functions

Long-term memory serves two primary... Continue reading "Schmidt's Noticing Hypothesis in Second Language Acquisition" »