Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Psychology and Sociology

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The school

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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●Major Complex problems



Infancy and childhood



Later adulthood

●Early days Of life


●Momentaneous Separations

●Acceptance By others


●Body Changes “undefined status

●“Conflicts Arise due to these contradiction.

●Decisions In adolescence impact adulthood.



●Loss of Energy/ health

●Isolation/ Feelings of being useless.

Controlling stress:

  1. Exercise
  2. Relaxation
  3. Biofeedback
  4. Social support
  5. Drugs- including alcohol

Leadership Paradigm Shift: Traits, Theories, and Models

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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      1. What is leadership? How has it shifted from the old to new paradigm. 

      An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purpose. The changes are from stabilizer to change manager. From Controller to facilitator. The shift is that effective leaders share power instead of hoarding it. The focus moves toward employees and more empathy. 

      1. How does the trait approach to leadership differ from the behavior approach? Give an example of each.

      The Trait approach bases its approach on characteristics such as intelligence. The idea is that people are already born with these traits or not. The behavior approach focuses less on traits and more on behaviors that leaders engage in and are these

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Advantages of Focus Groups: Synergism, Snowballing, Stimulation, Security, Spontaneity, Speed, Depth Interview Techniques: Laddering, Hidden Issue Questioning, Symbolic Analysis

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Advantages of Focus Groups

  • Synergism: When a group of people with similar interests discuss an issue together, they are likely to produce a richer insight, wider range of information, and innovative ideas than will individual responses obtained privately.
  • Snowballing: In a group discussion, one person’s comment often triggers a chain reaction from the other participants and generates more views.
  • Stimulation: Once the focus group discussion is underway, the general level of excitement over the topic increases, and a large number of respondents want to express their ideas and expose their feelings.
  • Security: Because of the homogeneity of composition, focus group participants have similar feelings. This enables them to feel comfortable and uninhibited
... Continue reading "Advantages of Focus Groups: Synergism, Snowballing, Stimulation, Security, Spontaneity, Speed, Depth Interview Techniques: Laddering, Hidden Issue Questioning, Symbolic Analysis" »

Understanding Cognition, Language, and Creative Thinking

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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  • Cognition: All mental activities associated with thinking, remembering, and communicating. We use concepts (mental group of similar objects, events, ideas, people. Ex: chairs mean many items. Prototypes mental image or best example of a category. Easy method to sorting items into categories. Ex: robin/bird.
  • Strategies of Cognition: Algorithm (logical rule of procedure/step by step/guarantees a solution to a problem. Heuristic (simpler strategy/speedier than algorithm/more error-prone. Insight (not a strategy based, flash of inspiration, solves a problem.
  • Obstacles of Cognition: Confirmation Bias: Peter Wason, predisposes to verify/search information that supports our perceptions and ignore or contradictory evidence. Mental Set: Fixation, prevent
... Continue reading "Understanding Cognition, Language, and Creative Thinking" »

The Importance of Patterns in Sociological Perspective

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Importance of Patterns:

1. People within a society relate in patterned ways.

2. A group is more than the sum of the individuals within the group.

3. People within a group behave differently than they would outside the group.

4. Groups encourage their members to behave in similar ways, or patterns, and to value these ways.

Sociological Perspective:

1. Focuses on groups rather than individuals.

2. It focuses on people at a group level.

Sociological Imagination:

1. Ability of individuals to see the relationship between events.

2. Look at our own society as outsiders.

A body is placed in a certain airtstream

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Hypothalamus reproduce de releasing hormones, a category of the neurohormons, wich control the activity of the pituitary gland

Pineal gland. Controla the daily sleep wake cyclus using the hormones melatonina.
Pituitary gland. Gonadotropic hormones.... Sex órganos
Oxytocin ....Uterin contractions during childbirth
Growth hormones... Elongation of Bones
Thyroid gland ...Regulates the body thyroxin...Creates calcitonina
Adrenal gland...Ragulate metabolismo cortisol...Regulate kidney funcion aldosterone...Prepare the organism yo high stress adrenaline
Pancreatic islets...Control glucose levels glucagon,insulina
Gonads...Teste... Testosterone; ...Ovaries...Oestrogen and progesterone

Divided attention

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Mental health Refer to Psychiatrist(prescribe medications for treating illness) Psychologist(research and administer diagnostic tests can't prescribe medications) Medical history( positive family history, depression, substance abuse) Physical exam(inconclusive, confusing, inconsistent, illogical) Depression feelings of grief or sadness Bipolar disorder reccurent cycles of depression& elation affect normal life Seasonal affective disorder occurs during season winter ADHD(decreased ability to sustain attention or impulses 4-12% more in males Rx: Ritalin, Adderall Phobias abnormal fear of specific object OCD recurrent thoughts that focus on irrational or unreasonble fear compulsion: repeated behaviors Subtypes body dysmorphic disorder
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Cultural Dimensions and Behavior: A Comparative Study

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Examine the role of two cultural dimensions on behaviour


Cultural Dimensions: are traits that are characteristic to certain cultures. The theorist of the Cultural Dimensions theory, Geert Hofstede, conducted a massive study across 50 countries over 10 years to test his theory. At the conclusion of his study, Hofstede observed four dimensions.

  • Individualism-Collectivism - where the individual self is more important than societal connections
  • Masculinity-Femininity - “masculinity focuses on achievement, heroism, assertiveness, material rewards for success; femininity focuses on cooperation, modesty, caring for the weaker and for a good quality of life”
  • Power Distance - “the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and
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Essential Qualities of Great Leadership and Conflict Management Skills

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Essential Qualities of Great Leadership

  • Sincere enthusiasm: true enthusiasm for a business (its products and its mission cannot be faked
  • Integrity: acknowledging mistakes, putting safety and quality first
  • Great Communication Skills: motivate, instruct, and discipline
  • Loyalty: reciprocal and in a position of service to team members
  • Decisiveness: make decisions and take risks
  • Managerial competence: not just being good at their jobs
  • Empowerment: have faith in ability to train and develop employees
  • Charisma: approachable, friendly, and caring for others

The Trap of the Charismatic Leader

Charisma only wins people's attention, but credibility is crucial. Use scientifically validated assessments instead of relying on intuition. Narcissists perform well in... Continue reading "Essential Qualities of Great Leadership and Conflict Management Skills" »

Understanding Stress, Sleep, and Health

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) :

1- Alarm Phase: consists of perceiving a stressor, which then triggers the fight or flight response

2- Resistance: the resulting changes in your body are collectively referred to as the resistance phase. Also known as the adaption phase due to adapting to the new situation (Brain & Body) 3- Exhaustion Phase: the body starts to eventually become exhausted because it’s limited resources of dealing with stress. Damage to body more risk, medical problems.


The Naturally recurring experience during which normal consciousness is suspended, there are five different stages of sleep during the night, they cycle through the night Stage 1: Hypnogogic Sleep: The initial stage of sleep which lasts about 5 minutes... Continue reading "Understanding Stress, Sleep, and Health" »