Discover Chile: An 8-Day Adventure
Classified in Training and Employment Advise
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The Fortune-Teller
The fortune-teller el adivino John, look. There's a fortune-teller in that tent. Let's go in. John, mira. Hay una adivina en esa tienda. Entremos. Welcome boys. I'm Miss Larissa. Have a seat. What would you like to know? Bienvenidos chicos. Soy la señorita Larissa. Toma asiento. ¿Qué te gustaría saber? Of course not. It's just for fun. Come on. Por supuesto no. Es solo por diversión. Venga. You can't be serious Don't tell me you actually believe that stuff! No puedes estar en serio No me digas que realmente crees eso! You'll also get married and have two beautiful children. También te casarás y tendrás dos hermosos hijos. Will I be successful? ¿Seré exitoso? Hmm my crystal ball says that you'll become a doctor. Hmm... Continue reading "Discover Chile: An 8-Day Adventure" »