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Discover Chile: An 8-Day Adventure

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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The Fortune-Teller

The fortune-teller el adivino John, look. There's a fortune-teller in that tent. Let's go in. John, mira. Hay una adivina en esa tienda. Entremos. Welcome boys. I'm Miss Larissa. Have a seat. What would you like to know? Bienvenidos chicos. Soy la señorita Larissa. Toma asiento. ¿Qué te gustaría saber? Of course not. It's just for fun. Come on. Por supuesto no. Es solo por diversión. Venga. You can't be serious Don't tell me you actually believe that stuff! No puedes estar en serio No me digas que realmente crees eso! You'll also get married and have two beautiful children. También te casarás y tendrás dos hermosos hijos. Will I be successful? ¿Seré exitoso? Hmm my crystal ball says that you'll become a doctor. Hmm... Continue reading "Discover Chile: An 8-Day Adventure" »

The Hideaway Bar & Grill Menu: Appetizers, Burgers, Salads & More

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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(407) 428-2980



- 4 meatballs (pork and beef) marinara, mozzarella-provolone blend, parmesan crustinis skillet (add shrimp)


- tomato, basil, garlic, parmesan cheese, crostinis, martini glass


- queso, giardiniera, bacon, onions (12 oz)


- Hand-battered, cocktail sauce, rings & tentacles 

Tortilla Soup

- chicken broth 


- Beer battered with Szechwan sauce, Thai chili, and buffalo sauce


- queso, guacamole, and pico de gallo

Cheese Quesadilla

- pepper jack, cheddar, sour cream, pico de gallo, guacamole (add chicken) 


- 10 oz boneless, 10 wings, ranch, bleu cheese, celery, carrots  buffalo, BBQ, Szechwan, en fuego

Bavarian Pretzel

- cinnamon butter, queso, honey mustard


- pickled jalapeños/

... Continue reading "The Hideaway Bar & Grill Menu: Appetizers, Burgers, Salads & More" »

Marinera Festival vs. Carnaval do Brasil: A Comparison of Cultural Celebrations

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Marinera Festival vs. Carnaval do Brasil: A Comparison


Good afternoon, teacher and classmates. Today, I'm going to highlight the differences and similarities between the Marinera Festival and Carnaval do Brasil.

Marinera Festival


The Marinera Festival takes place annually in Trujillo, Peru, during the summer. The main venue is Club Libertad, and the festival runs for ten days, from January 20th to January 30th. This event is affordable for attendees.


  • People wear traditional Marinera costumes for the dance competitions, which are a popular highlight of the festival.
  • Parades featuring the contestants are a major attraction.
  • Over 36,000 people attend the festival, celebrating the competitors' achievements.
  • The Marinera Festival
... Continue reading "Marinera Festival vs. Carnaval do Brasil: A Comparison of Cultural Celebrations" »

English Vocabulary and Grammar Cheat Sheet

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Personality Adjectives

  • Bad-tempered: Malhumorat
  • Calm: Calmat
  • Confident: Segur, Confiat
  • Creative: Creatiu
  • Cheerful: Feliç, Alegre
  • Disorganized: Desorganitzat
  • Easy-going: Fàcil de Tractar
  • Generous: Generós
  • Helpful: Útil
  • Independent: Independent
  • Irritable: Irritable
  • Moody: Deprimit
  • Outgoing: Extrovertit
  • Patient: Pacient
  • Reliable: Fiable
  • Selfish: Egoista
  • Sensible: Prudent, Sensat
  • Shy: Tímid
  • Stubborn: Tossut
  • Talkative: Parlador

Phrasal Verbs

  • Let down: Decebre
  • Pick on: Ficar-se amb algú
  • Split up: Separar-se, Deixar-ho
  • Get over: Recuperar-se
  • Stand by: Recolzar
  • Run into: Xocar amb algú
  • Take after: Assemblar-se
  • Ask out: Demanar per sortir

Reporting Verbs

  • Complain + to somebody + about something: Queixar-se, Reclamar
  • Apologize + for + _ing: Disculpar-se
  • Offer + to + verb: Oferir
  • Admit
... Continue reading "English Vocabulary and Grammar Cheat Sheet" »

Spanish Verb Tenses: Affirmation and Negation

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Present Simple

They have a house - (Ellos) tienen una casa

They don’t have a house

Present Continuous

He’s studying now - (Él) está estudiando ahora

He isn’t studying now

Past Simple

They watched a film - (Ellos) vieron una película

They didn’t watch a film

Past Continuous

It was raining - Estaba lloviendo

It wasn’t raining

Present Perfect

You have read this book - Has leído este libro

You haven’t read this book

Present Perfect Continuous

He has been working hard - (Él) ha estado trabajando duro

He hasn’t been working hard

Past Perfect

She had eaten sushi - (Ella) había comido sushi

She hadn’t eaten sushi

Past Perfect Continuous

She had been waiting for him - (Ella) había estado esperándolo

She hadn’t been... Continue reading "Spanish Verb Tenses: Affirmation and Negation" »

The Impact of Technology on Modern Life: A Comprehensive Analysis

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Control System: Sistema de control HVAC is important in the design of medium to large industrial and Office buildings such asskyscrapers. Intercom: intercomunicador.Master panel: panel principal.Motion detection: detector de Movimiento.Motorized valvevs: Valvulas motorizadas. Shading: Sombreado Billing cicle:ciclo de Facturacion.Watts: vatios Rocket:cohete Transponders:transpondedores.Printed Circuit board: placa de circuito impreso.

PROS CONTRAS MOVIL:Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular Nowadays.Everbody has one or more mobiles. It is very important role in our Lives. Young people usually feel they cannot live without their mobile.On the One hand, mobile phones are very practical in many everday life situations. You Save a lot of... Continue reading "The Impact of Technology on Modern Life: A Comprehensive Analysis" »

English Grammar Rules and Conjugations

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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IZ Irregular: s, z, ure, ch, j, ge, ji  S Voiceless: p, t, k, f, th (suena z), k  Z voiced: resto de sonidos


ID irregular: t, d  T voiceless: p, k , es, s, sh, f  D voiced: resto de sonidos


η: nk, ng θ: th suena z  d: th suena d  ζ: sh ʒ: sure + ζ: ch dʒ: j, ge, gi


/i:/  i larga: ee, ea, ie, ei /I/ I larga: i , y /u:/ u larga: oo, vocal + cons.+e /u/ corta: u, ou / ): / o larga: or, ar, all o /D/ o corta: o /a:/ a larga: ast, alf / λ/ a con la boca grande: u, o /ae/ a monosílabos: siempre a / Ȝ:/ e larga, en silaba acentuada: e, i, a u + r /e/ e normal: e /d/e para determinantes: the


Pres. sim: am/ is/are v-ed Pre. Cont: am / is/ are being v-ed Pas. Sim.: was/were v-ed Pas. Cont: was/were... Continue reading "English Grammar Rules and Conjugations" »

Animal Farm: A Tale of Rebellion and Betrayal

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Animal Farm: A Summary

The Rebellion

At Manor Farm, owned by the neglectful Mr. Jones, the animals lived in discontent. Inspired by Old Major's dream of freedom, they planned a rebellion led by the pigs Snowball and Napoleon. When Mr. Jones failed to feed them, the animals revolted, expelling him and his workers. The farm was renamed Animal Farm, and seven commandments were established.

The Rise of Napoleon

Initially, the rebellion thrived. However, the pigs, particularly Napoleon, began to assert dominance. Napoleon, aided by the persuasive pig Squealer, implemented rations favoring the pigs. When Jones attempted to reclaim the farm, Snowball's tactics led the animals to victory in the Battle of the Cowshed. Later, Napoleon, opposed to Snowball'... Continue reading "Animal Farm: A Tale of Rebellion and Betrayal" »

Essential Business English Phrases and Grammar Tips

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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A. Meeting Arrangements and Business Communication

I'm writing to arrange a time for the meeting next week. We had arranged a meeting for tomorrow to discuss our business plans. Following conversations with our distributors. Following a meeting of the board, it has been decided to cut our training budget. Due to the suggestions that our staff gave us, we have decided to promote this fact.

B. Requests and Apologies

I would be grateful if you could give us a sample information or send us details of your services. We would be pleased if you could inform us about how... I wonder if you could tell me what time. I apologize again for the changes, and I hope we can meet in the near future. If you are interested in working with us, please contact me at... Continue reading "Essential Business English Phrases and Grammar Tips" »

The Impact of Social Media and Binge-Watching on Modern Society

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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REVIEW: [Piece Title] - A Compelling Watch

I hardly ever watch television; I lack the patience. But some weeks ago, I came across [Piece Title] and watched it to the end. [Piece Title] has kept me glued to my TV screen since. Its compelling plot shows how...

The one thing I might be less enthusiastic about is... Still, [Piece Title] is arguably the best [Genre] of the decade. Rather than recommending it to everyone, I would suggest it to those who want to.... But that is my opinion; everyone is entitled to their own.

Cover Letter

Dear Hiring Manager,

I saw your online advertisement for a ... and would like to apply. As [Company Name] is a leader in the ... industry, I would love the opportunity to take on this role and help develop your....

I am... Continue reading "The Impact of Social Media and Binge-Watching on Modern Society" »