Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Spanish

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Mastering Indirect Questions, Time Expressions, and Passive Voice

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Indirect Questions (IF without Interrogation)

Direct: How many offices does your company have?

Indirect: Can you tell me how many offices your company has?

Direct: Who is the marketing manager?

Indirect: I'd like to know who the marketing manager is.

Direct: Where did you buy your laptop?

Indirect: Can you tell me where you bought your laptop?

Direct: Is there a conference room in the building?

Indirect: Can you tell me if there is a conference room in the building?

Direct: Does Peter come to his office in the afternoons?

Indirect: I'd like to know if Peter comes to his office in the afternoons.

Direct: Have you studied English before?

Indirect: Can you tell me if you have studied English before?

Direct: Why didn't John call me last night?

Indirect: Can... Continue reading "Mastering Indirect Questions, Time Expressions, and Passive Voice" »

English Grammar and Lance Armstrong Case Study

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Passive Voice


  • Present Simple: am/is/are + past participle
  • Present Continuous: am/is/are + being + past participle
  • Present Perfect: have/has + been + past participle
  • Past Simple: was/were + past participle
  • Past Continuous: was/were + being + past participle
  • Past Perfect: had + been + past participle
  • Future Simple: will + be + past participle
  • Future Perfect: will + have + been + past participle


  • Zero Conditional (Universal Truths): If + present, present
  • First Conditional (Reality): If + present simple, will/can/must + infinitive
  • Second Conditional (Unlikely): If + past simple, would/could/might + infinitive
  • Third Conditional (Missed Opportunity): If + past perfect, would/could/might + have + past participle

Reported Speech

  • Present Simple →
... Continue reading "English Grammar and Lance Armstrong Case Study" »

Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Guide

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Essential English Vocabulary

Common Verbs and Phrases

Cram: To stuff something into a tight space.

Example: I tried to cram all my clothes into one suitcase, but it didn't work.

Figure out: To understand or solve something.

Example: I figured out that math problem.

Nurture: To care for and encourage the growth or development of someone or something.

Example: Parents need to nurture their children to help them become good people.

Pull yourself together: To regain control of your emotions.

Example: Stop crying and pull yourself together.

Rough and ready: Done quickly and without much care; basic.

Example: Today's homework is rough and ready.

Scheme: A plan or plot, often secret or dishonest.

Example: The officials schemed against the president.

Shift: To move... Continue reading "Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Guide" »

Wanchun: The New Social Network Taking the World by Storm

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Wanchun is the new fashionable social network. Released to the public just two months ago, it's already in the top three most used networks and applications.

Unlike other applications, Wanchun has tried to innovate by adding several functions that the rest do not have.

Although some say they could improve by reducing the application's size, as it takes up a lot of space, it's undoubtedly a highly recommended social network. If you like the ones you have, how could you not like Wanchun? It has the same improved functions and others that you haven't seen in any other app.

Joshua's Determination

Joshua looked at the board, where his teacher had posted the test results.

When he saw his grade, he was very worried as he didn't know if he could pass the... Continue reading "Wanchun: The New Social Network Taking the World by Storm" »

English Grammar Guide: Passive Voice & Causative Verbs

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English Grammar Guide

Passive Voice

Forming the Passive Voice

The passive voice is formed using the verb "to be" in the appropriate tense, followed by the past participle of the main verb.

  • Affirmative: subject + verb "to be" + past participle (e.g., The appointment was canceled by the doctor.)
  • Negative: subject + verb "to be" + "not" + past participle (e.g., The appointment wasn't canceled by the patient.)
  • Interrogative: verb "to be" + subject + past participle (e.g., Was the appointment canceled by the doctor?)

Changing Sentences to Passive Voice

  1. Make the object of the active sentence the subject of the passive sentence.
  2. Use the correct form of the verb "to be" based on the tense of the active sentence.
  3. Change the main verb to its past participle form.
... Continue reading "English Grammar Guide: Passive Voice & Causative Verbs" »

English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide: Tenses, Time Expressions, and More

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Present Simple - Past Simple (2 Columns)

Present Continuous - Past Continuous

She was, were writing

Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple

She wrote, she has written

Past Perfect Simple

She had written

Future Simple

Will write


She would write

Time Expressions

This morning, afternoon, evening, week, month, year - That

Today - That day

Tonight - That night

Next week, month, year - That

Yesterday - The day before

Last summer, week, month, year - The ... before

Now - At the time

Tomorrow - The following day

Here - There

A week, month, year ago - The week, month, year before

Verb Patterns

Verb + That

Rebeca admitted, complained, explained, mentioned, pointed out, proved, recommended, said, stated, suggested that the subject should verb.

Verb + To + Infinitive

David... Continue reading "English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide: Tenses, Time Expressions, and More" »

Comprehensive English Verb Tenses Guide

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English Verb Tenses

Past Simple


  • Regular verbs: Base form + -ed (e.g., wanted)
  • Irregular verbs: Consult an irregular verb list (e.g., went)
  • Negative: Did not + base form (e.g., didn't want)


  • Completed actions in the past (e.g., last year, yesterday, in 1937)

Past Continuous


  • Was/Were + present participle (-ing form) (e.g., was walking, were talking)


  • Actions in progress at a specific time in the past
  • Often used with "when" (past simple for the interrupting action) and "while" (past continuous for the longer action)

Present Perfect


  • Have/Has + past participle (e.g., have talked, has eaten)


  • Actions completed at an unspecified time in the past
  • Actions that started in the past and continue to the present
  • Often used with "never," "ever,
... Continue reading "Comprehensive English Verb Tenses Guide" »

English Grammar: Tenses, Conditionals, and Passive Voice

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English Grammar Essentials

Verb Tenses

Present and Past Tenses

  • Present Simple (Past Simple)
  • Present Continuous (Past Continuous)
  • Present Perfect (Past Perfect)
  • Past Simple (Past Perfect)
  • Past Continuous (Past Perfect Continuous)

Future Tenses and Modals

  • Be Going To (Was/Were Going To)
  • Will (Would)
  • Would (Would)
  • Can (Could)
  • Could (Could)
  • May (Might)
  • Might (Might)
  • Must (Had To)
  • Mustn't (Mustn't)
  • Should/Ought to (Should/Ought to)

Adverbs of Time

  • Now (Then)
  • Today (That Day)
  • Tonight (That Night)
  • Yesterday (The Previous Day)
  • Tomorrow (The Next Day)
  • Next Week (The Following Week)
  • Last Week (The Previous Week)
  • A Week Ago (The Week Before)
  • This (That)
  • These (Those)
  • Here (There)

Reported Speech


Use verbs like "say" or "tell." Look for time shifts. Example: Simon said, "David... Continue reading "English Grammar: Tenses, Conditionals, and Passive Voice" »


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  • A qué hora desayuna?

  • What time does he have breakfast?

  • He has breakfast at 7 o’clock

  • Desayuna todos los días a la misma hora?

  • Does he have breakfast at the same time everyday?

  • No he doesn’t

  • Qué desayuna?

  • What does he have for breakfast?

  • He has a white coffee (for breakfast)

  • Qué hace los lunes?

  • What does he do on Mondays?

  • He goes to his therapy

  • Cuándo tiene gimnasia acuática?

  • When does he have aqua-fit?

  • He has aqua-fit every Tuesday

  • Quién le lleva a terapia del habla?

  • Who takes him to speech therapy?

  • His father does

  • His father takes him to speech therapy

  • Con quién come?

  • Who does he have lunch with?

  • He has lunch with his friends

  • Dónde tiene que ir a la terapia?

  • Where does he have to go to  the therapy?

  • He has to go to the town center

  • Necesita coger el

... Continue reading "preg" »

Competition Law and Policy in Mexico: A Comparative Analysis

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Competition Policy in Mexico vs. the European Union

Statement: There is a popular belief that competition policy in Mexico is oriented towards consumer protection. However, this is not the case. This criterion differs from that proposed by the European Union, which does consider consumer protection among the pillars of its competition policy.

Question: What is the main orientation of competition policy in Mexico, and how is it different from other jurisdictions? Consider at least one jurisdiction other than Mexico in your interpretation.

Answer: Consumers are the ultimate beneficiaries of competition policy. In an environment of effective competition, companies strive to be better than their competitors and, therefore, win customers, reduce their... Continue reading "Competition Law and Policy in Mexico: A Comparative Analysis" »