Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Social sciences

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Totalitarianism and Radical Nationalism: Ideologies of the Past

Classified in Social sciences

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The only rights that people had were the ones that interested the state.


They tried to cultivate violence, war, anti-intellectualism, and strength. They also believed in their own version of Darwin's theory, natural selection.

Radical Nationalism

The nation was considered superior and indivisible.

Racism and Xenophobia

There were superior and inferior races.

Anti-Communism, Anti-Liberalism, and Anti-Feminism

Imperialism and Militarism

If the war was for their own country, it was justified (expansionism), and there was a sense of superiority towards other nations.

Corporate State

They aimed to eliminate social classes, so society was divided into corporations or associations (families, jobs, etc.).

State-Led Capitalist Economy

They... Continue reading "Totalitarianism and Radical Nationalism: Ideologies of the Past" »

Essential Teacher Knowledge and Lesson Planning in English Language Teaching

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List the 6 Areas of Teacher Knowledge (Richards, 1998)

  1. Theories of teaching

  2. Development of teaching competences and skills

  3. Content knowledge of the different subjects

  4. Psychopedagogical and didactic knowledge

  5. Knowledge of the school context

  6. Practical knowledge

Specific Knowledge for English Teachers

Specific knowledge, often gained through experience, is crucial for effective teaching. According to Richards, skilled English teachers should excel in:

  1. Selecting learning activities

  2. Preparing students for new learning

  3. Presenting learning activities

  4. Asking questions

  5. Checking students’ understanding

  6. Providing opportunities for practice of new items

  7. Monitoring students’ learning

  8. Giving feedback on student learning

Why is Lesson Planning Important?

Lesson planning... Continue reading "Essential Teacher Knowledge and Lesson Planning in English Language Teaching" »

The Impact of Social Media on Youth: Pros and Cons

Classified in Social sciences

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Social media: Pros/contra: The technologies which allow us to share information, pictures and ideas among others things are what we call social media. However, one thing is sure that social media has become an integral part of the lives of people of all ages today. Therefore, it is important for all to understand the advantages as well as disadvantages of social media in order to make the right choice for themselves.

:) Social media has made communication a lot more easier than ever before. Now, with a touch of a button people could communicate with anybody any where in the world. Websites such as Facebook makes communication with others an easy task. Social Networking makes it possible to reach many people in a very short time. This has led... Continue reading "The Impact of Social Media on Youth: Pros and Cons" »

SWOT Analysis Process Framework and Porter Value Chain

Classified in Social sciences

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Analysis Process Framework

When analyzing a company, we should divide the analysis in two points: External and Internal. The focus of these analyses is to find their main Strengths, Weaknesses (internal analysis), Opportunities, and Threats (external analysis). After research we can finally build our SWOT analysis of the company.


  • Trends = PESTLE - allows the company to make specific choices when planning the company's future, from how the brand should be presented, to any changes within the structure of the company's organization, to the development of new products.
  • Sector = Porter’s 5 forces - Analytical model used to help identify the structure of an industry, and to help companies determine their competitive strategies.

Internal Analysis:

... Continue reading "SWOT Analysis Process Framework and Porter Value Chain" »

Integrating Language Learning Across Subjects: Strategies and Benefits

Classified in Social sciences

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Possibilities for Integration

Use the Work in the Language Class to Work in Other Subjects

For example, if the children make a survey in the English class to use the expression “by car”, “by bus”, etc., they can use the information in the mathematics class to make diagrams, schemes, etc.

In this way, we are relating language with the content in other subjects, which provides the language with a double value.

Use the Techniques in Other Subjects to Improve the Language Class

For example, the teacher makes questions in English in the mathematics class, questions like “who is wearing jeans?” “who is wearing a T-shirt?” “who is wearing jeans and a T-shirt?” that they will organize in diagrams.

Then, the information will be worked... Continue reading "Integrating Language Learning Across Subjects: Strategies and Benefits" »

The Global Issue of Terrorism

Classified in Social sciences

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Terrorism is an international problem in today's global community. Many nations are affected, whether directly or indirectly. Most nations oppose terrorism, while others condone or even support active, brutal terrorism and terrorist groups.

Terrorism is defined by the US State Department to contain four elements. The first is a threat of violence or an act of violence. Next is a political objective. Third is that violence and threat of violence is a direct attack on civilians making civilians a primary target. Lastly, it is perpetrated by a supporting a nation or nations of terrorism.

Two examples of terrorism and non-terrorism are: the bombing of the US Embassy in Dar-Es-Salaam and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.... Continue reading "The Global Issue of Terrorism" »

Negotiation Stages and Examples

Classified in Social sciences

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In this stage, it is focused on winning/losing, forcing the positions against the counterpart, the positions are inflexible, the parts have little time to resolve the problems, so the negotiation will be easier for me, due to the power control that I have. Example: “Mr. Ballmer expressed a belief that Microsoft and Nokia could innovate more quickly in the mobile market if their products were produced by a single company, Microsoft”


In this stage, the company is submitted to the interest of the other party, it tries to get something from the situation, it is a conflict without an exit, and I have to accept it. One party can make a concession. Example: “The future is likely to be relatively grim for employees

... Continue reading "Negotiation Stages and Examples" »


Classified in Social sciences

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i)Carlos & smith were similar in one way i.E they both were african-americans & thus different from norman who was white but they were also all similar inother ways they were all athletes whostood against racial  discrimination.
ii)it is fairly common for people beloning the same religion to feel that they donot belong tothe same community because thier caste very different. For example people of northern Ireland and netherland are predominantly Christians but divided b/w Catholics & protestants.
iii)rich & poor person from same caste and often do not keep close relation with each other for they feel they are very different thus,we all have more than one identity and can belong tomore than one social groups.We have different
... Continue reading "gh" »

The Culture of the United Kingdom: Influences, Customs, and Significance

Classified in Social sciences

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The culture of the United Kingdom is influenced by the UK's history.

As a developed island country, a liberal democracy and a major power, it has a predominantly Christian religious life. It is composed of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, each of which has distinct customs, cultures, and symbolism. The wider culture of Europe has also influenced British culture, including Humanism, Protestantism, and representative democracy developed from broader Western culture.

British literature, music, cinema, art, theatre, comedy, media, television, philosophy, architecture, and education are important aspects of British culture. The United Kingdom is also prominent in science and technology, producing world-leading scientists

... Continue reading "The Culture of the United Kingdom: Influences, Customs, and Significance" »

Ideologies Regarding the Implementation of Foreign Language Policy in Chile: A Case Study

Classified in Social sciences

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Munoz, Thesis

1) Ideologies Regarding the Implementation of Foreign language Policy in Chile: a Case Study.

2) Year: 2010.

Valeria Muñoz

The Policy declared by the Chilean government regarding the incorporation of English language to primary school up to secondary education.

57 students from fourth year of high school were surveyed, interviewed and observed, as well as two English teachers.

Pre service teachers and teacher of English.

The survey conducted to students provided quantitative data, whereas interviews and class observation gave qualitative information.

McKay, International Language

1) Teaching English as an International Language: the Chilean context.

2) Year: 2003.

Sandra McKay

a) The Chilean English teaching context

b) The teacher questionnaire.... Continue reading "Ideologies Regarding the Implementation of Foreign Language Policy in Chile: A Case Study" »