Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physical Education

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Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries

Classified in Physical Education

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TWIST: Is damage caused to a body part, as a result of turning or bending it too much, or in the wrong direction (torcedura)
SPRAINS: is a type of injury that happens when a person abruptly stretches or turns a joint too much (esguince)
ARTHRITIS: Is a disease where the joints are swollen and painful
HIP REPLACEMENT: Is a surgical operation. The hip joint is replaced by an implant that is similar to the previous biological structure
STROKE: is a medical condition in which a tube taking blood to the brain suddenly becomes blocked or bursts (derrame)
BRAIN INJURY: is when there is a change in brain function due to factors like an outside force, a stroke, or destruction of brain cells (lesión cerebral)
OSTEOPOROSIS: is a disease that affects the bones.
... Continue reading "Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries" »

Aircraft systems

Classified in Physical Education

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1. The heart rate is increased, so the heart can receive more blood and as a
consequence, it can expel more blood with every heart beat
2. The heart walls get more resistant.
3. The heart rate decreases, so the heart gets more efficient and more energy is produced during the physical effort.
4. Capillarization increases.
5. Positive impact on respiratory system, so the lungs increase their capacity.
6. The organs used to clean our body (liver, kidneys…) are activated, so they eliminate more harmful substances.
7. The muscle system gets stronger.
8. Metabolism is activated.
a- Slow, pure or maximum strength: it is produced when we succeed against a resistance without
... Continue reading "Aircraft systems" »

Handball Rules and Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Physical Education

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The Match

Winning the Game

The team that scores the most goals over two 30-minute halves wins the match.

Shot Clock

There is no shot clock in handball; however, referees can advise a team to expedite their goal-scoring attempts if they are taking an unreasonable amount of time.


Permitted Actions

  • Holding the ball for up to 3 seconds
  • Running three steps with the ball
  • Dribbling as many times as desired
  • Passing or shooting the ball
  • Running three steps before and after dribbling

Prohibited Actions

  • Using arms or legs to push, grab, tackle, kick, hit, or hold opponents
  • Making contact with the ball below the knees
  • Double dribbling and air dribbling
  • Stepping on or across the goal area line
  • Charging into a defender

Warnings and Disqualifications


  • Referees
... Continue reading "Handball Rules and Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Improving Change of Direction Speed in Basketball Players

Classified in Physical Education

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Discuss results of Spiteri et al.

Spiteri found that stronger athletes had faster total time during the COD performance test. Stronger athletes had overall better breaking & propulsive vertical, horizon force, and impulse.

Discuss results of Bloomfield (2007)

Bloomfield showed that there was a larger % improvement with SAQ equipment on many variables compared to w/o SAQ equip train, however there seems to be really no big different improvements when looking at each variable. Suggest that although SAQ equip could be handy, equip training itself cannot be said to be superior compared to no equip training.

What is the refractory period?

Delay in responding to the second of two closely spaced stimuli. How soon a person can switch from making a goal-... Continue reading "Improving Change of Direction Speed in Basketball Players" »


Classified in Physical Education

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Q.2. How you can avoid sports injuries?
Ans. 1. Proper coaching
2. Proper use of equipment
3. Proper conditioning
4. Proper warming up and cooling down
5. Protective sports equipment and gear
6. Avoid dehydration
7. Balanced diet
8. Use of right techniques
9. Proper knowledge of sports skills
10. Avoid overdoing training
11. Avoid working when muscle is weak because of fatigue
12. Appropriate sports environment
13. Injury management
Q5. Explain the meaning & need of Sports Medicine in detail.
Ans. Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness, treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise. Sports medicine is the area which creates a positive environment, so an athlete converts his all genetic... Continue reading "sbdhgvfjhewb" »

Técnicas de rescate en la natación

Classified in Physical Education

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1. TÉCNICA DE NUCA-FRENTE: Posición: una mano en la nuca y la otra en la frente haciendo patada de braza hacia atrás. Utilización: personas inconscientes.

2. TÉCNICA DE SÍENES: Posición: la mano en las sienes con los pulgares detrás de la cabeza haciendo patada de braza hacia atrás.

3. TÉCNICA DE BRAZO EN LA ESPALDA: Posición: una mano con el brazo de la víctima en la espalda y la otra haciendo un movimiento subacuático y patada de braza hacia atrás. Utilización: para personas conscientes y nerviosas que necesitan una técnica de escape.

4. TÉCNICA DE AXILAS: Posición: las manos en las axilas haciendo patada de braza hacia atrás. Utilización: sin ninguna dificultad especial, distancias cortas y personas ligeras.

5. TÉCNICA DE... Continue reading "Técnicas de rescate en la natación" »

Window Operation Types and Installation Order

Classified in Physical Education

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  1. Single (pico del triangulo en el abridor)
  2. Double casement
  3. Bottom hung
  4. Tilt and turn
  5. Vertical pivot (rombo)
  6. Horizontal pivot
  7. Top hung
  8. Fix
  9. Sliding/folding
  10. Horizontal sliding
  11. Single bottom sash


  1. Dimension check
  2. Frame placement, wedging
  3. Alignment, adjustment
  4. Wedging with two
  5. Fastening
  6. Sash installation
  7. Removing the wedges
  8. Sealing
  9. Architraves


Window Arrangement with Thermal Insulation

Sketch top and side view (poner alfeizar/sill covering).

  1. Frame extension behind TI
  2. Frame extension in the middle of the wall
  3. Dummy frame at the thermal insulation
  4. Fastening frame window-wall connection

Wall Frame Sealing

  1. Inside and outside
  2. Sealing outside + foil inside
  3. Foil inside and outside


Stop. Frame-sash connection (triple stop)

  1. External
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Pelvis Lumbar Spine: Facet Joint Dysfunction, Spondylopathies, and Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Classified in Physical Education

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Pelvis Lumbar Spine

Facet joint dysfunction—dislocation, subluxation, or degeneration of the facet. Localized pain over the facet, decrease in symptoms with the increase in activity Treatment options—injection (steroid to reduce inflammation), facetectomy (surgical resection of a vertebral facet).


Spondylolysis—defect in the pars interarticularis. “collared scotty dog”; localized low back pain that restricts extension. Spondylolisthesis—can be progression of spondylolysis. Separation of vertebra; “decapitated Scotty dog”. S&S: spondylolysis begins unilaterally. Pain and persistent aching, low back stiffness with increased pain after activity, frequent need to change position, full rom w/ some hesitation in regards... Continue reading "Pelvis Lumbar Spine: Facet Joint Dysfunction, Spondylopathies, and Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction" »

Doping in Sports: Types, Effects, and Risks

Classified in Physical Education

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Doping in a sport is the deliberate or inadvertent use by an athlete of a substance or method.

Doping Class:

  • Stimulants: more alert and mask fatigue (heart failure)
  • Anabolic agents steroids: train harder and build muscle (aggression and kidney damage)
  • Diuretics: make the weight and hide other drug use (dehydration)
  • Narcotic analgesics: mask pain caused by injury or fatigue (addiction)
  • Peptides and hormones: EPO gives more energy - HGH build muscle (risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes)

Blood doping: injecting blood that has been removed from the body a few days earlier

Beta doping: archery and shooting - heart rate low and reduce tremble in the hands


  • Nicotine: risk of lung cancer
  • Alcohol: reduces coordination
  • Cannabis: reduces concentration
  • Caffeine:
... Continue reading "Doping in Sports: Types, Effects, and Risks" »

Human performance

Classified in Physical Education

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A joint is The physical point of connection between two bones.Joints, ligaments, tendos, Cartilage.Wirst, shoulder, elbow, finger, hip, knee, ankle, toe. Joins actions: Flexion, extensión, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation, supination, Pronation. Wormup is an activity that we perform before participating in sports To prevent injures and improve performance.Types: general, specific.Effects: Increase heart rate/ of temperatura in muscles and important for physical Preparation.Benefits: rehearsal, elevation of body temperatura… advices: Lenght; usually 8-15min start slowly and build up gradually; 15-20 repetitions By excersise; follow an order; prevent stops;if more difficult, more Time.Specific worm-up for hurdling ,those excersises
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