Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries

Classified in Physical Education

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TWIST: Is damage caused to a body part, as a result of turning or bending it too much, or in the wrong direction (torcedura)
SPRAINS: is a type of injury that happens when a person abruptly stretches or turns a joint too much (esguince)
ARTHRITIS: Is a disease where the joints are swollen and painful
HIP REPLACEMENT: Is a surgical operation. The hip joint is replaced by an implant that is similar to the previous biological structure
STROKE: is a medical condition in which a tube taking blood to the brain suddenly becomes blocked or bursts (derrame)
BRAIN INJURY: is when there is a change in brain function due to factors like an outside force, a stroke, or destruction of brain cells (lesión cerebral)
OSTEOPOROSIS: is a disease that affects the bones. It makes them weaker and more likely to fracture
PARKINSON´S DISEASE: is an illness affecting the central nervous system. Symptoms include shaking, slow voluntary movements.
JOINT PLAY: is a movement that occurs between two bones that meet in the joint
ROLLING: rodamiento
SLIDING: is to move smoothly and quickly across a surface, while continuing to touch it, or to cause something to move in this way (deslizamiento)
SPINNING: is to rapidly turn around and around or to cause something to move in this way
COMPRESSION: is the process of pressing or squeezing something so that it decreases in size
AMPLITUDE: is half of the full height of a wave and is used to assess how strong a wave is
CAST: is a rigid casing, usually made of gauze, which is used to protect and immobilize a diseased or broken body part in order to help it heal (escayola)
INFLAMMATORY PHASE: is the initial phase of bone healing, characterized as a local response to cellular injury
REPARATIVE PHASE: Is the period, some days after a fracture, in which cells form new tissue to help restore the bones
REMODELING PHASE: is the last phase of bone healing, which takes approximately three to five years
ROM: Is the distance that a joint can move when it is flexed or extended (rango de movimiento)
FRACTURES: is breaking or rupture of bone tissue
SPINAL COLUMN: Is the series of articulated vertebrae that comprise the backbone
LUMBAR: It is located between the lower ribs and the pelvis
HERNIATION: Is a change in the shape of tissues that causes it to rupture and bulge beyond its normal perimeter
PROLAPSE: Is a rupture in a disk that causes the nuclear material of intervertebral disk to leak into the vertebral canal
FREE SEQUESTRATION: refers to a condition where a fragment of the intervertebral disk has broken free and moved (hernia discal)
CERVICAL: Is located in the neck
THORACIC: It is located in the twelve vertebrae that compose the middle section

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