Understanding Energy Expenditure, Nutrition, and Exercise

Classified in Physical Education

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A good example of living in an obesogenic environment is a physician's recommendation not to exercise during recovery from surgery. The total amount of energy in a bowl of soup that contains 5 g of protein, 2 g of fat, and 20 g of carbohydrate is 118 kcal. The fuel for all body processes that traps energy released from food is adenosine triphosphate. If a person hears a friend calling for help and goes running to find out what the friend needs, the person would be getting his or her energy from glycogen via anaerobic glycolysis. If someone goes on a long hike, after 4 hours most of his or her energy will be obtained from fatty acids. Athletes who exercise regularly are able to exercise for longer, partly because their body is able to use more energy from fat. Of the following, the person who would be expected to have the highest energy expenditure is a man who cycles to work every day and plays on sports teams on the weekend. The most effective way to increase energy expenditure is to increase the duration and intensity of daily activities. The behavior change that would do most to help preserve lean body mass is exercising regularly. The duration of physical activity needed to maintain physical fitness depends on the intensity of the activity. The most accurate way to measure body fat levels is to use underwater weighing (densitometry). For a man, a total body fat level of 18% is considered healthy. If a health practitioner wants to assess whether an underweight woman's body fat is too low, he or she may ask her whether she menstruates regularly. If a woman's waist measurement is 34 inches and her hip measurement is 40 inches, her waist-to-hip ratio would be considered to be _____ risk for chronic disease associated with a high. Frank has lost twice as much weight as Gina. What is the most likely explanation? Gina has a gynoid shape, and Frank has an android shape. It would be especially beneficial for someone to avoid becoming obese if they have a family history of sleep apnea and osteoarthritis. To lose a pound of body fat in a week, daily energy expenditure would have to increase by approximately _____ kcal. 500. If someone goes to a seafood buffet and eats large portions of shrimp, crab, and baked fish, being careful to avoid fried seafood and high-fat sauces, the extra protein consumed will be stored as triglycerides in adipocytes. If the extra protein is not appropriate by the body, the individual will experience an overall increase in hunger drive. The most important factor in setting behavioral goals is individual habits and preferences. If a client wants to relearn to pay attention to hunger and satiety cues, he or she may find it helpful to keep a journal of perceived emotions. An athlete's kilocalorie intake is most likely to be appropriate if he or she maintains a competitive and healthy weight. If an athlete weighed 150 lbs at the beginning of an athletic event and weighed 146 lb at the end of the event because of water lost in sweat, their athletic performance toward the end of the event would be impaired. The best way for someone to measure fluid loss during a workout is loss of body weight. Sports drinks may be more beneficial than water for an athlete who runs for at least 2 hours, 4 days a week. An example of a good food for replacing glycogen stores is breakfast cereal. The person who is mostly likely to need to be concerned about the adequacy of his or her protein intake is a female vegetarian runner with a low kilocalorie intake. The factor that is most effective in increasing muscle mass is exercise. An example of an athlete who is most likely to benefit from a multivitamin or mineral supplement that provides 100% of the Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) is a gymnast.

An example of a beverage that may have a demonstrated ergogenic effect is coffee.

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