Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Philosophy and ethics

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Synolon Aristotle

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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   1§True Forms (rules for the whole)

·Kingship, aristocracy…

§False Forms (rule for themselves)


§Kingship Is the best. Philosophers.

§Tyranny Is the worst it can slave everybody

§Shoot For the timocracy is the balance between the ultimate best and the ultimate Worst.


oAristocracy= philosopher kings =kingship = Rational elemnet is ruling BEST

oTimocracy = the honor spirited element is Ruling

oOligarchy= necessary appetites

oDemocracy= unnecessary appetites

oTyranny= unlawfull \/ unnecessary appetitives

·Both Plato and Aristotle argue that philosophy can show us how to live the best Human life. They both agree that the excellence of the human being follows from The function of the human. This function is the one thing that

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Metaphysics, Scientific Method, and Cosmology: A Historical Overview

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Introduction to Metaphysics

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy which questions reality. Why do things and beings exist? What are they? Where do we come from? Metaphysical doctrines have always been developed to oppose rival doctrines.

Metaphysical categories: unity-plurality, reality-appearance, essence-existence, necessity-contingency, matter-spirit

Metaphysical doctrines: monism-pluralism, essentialism-existentialism, materialism-dualism

The Criteria of Demarcation

The Criteria of Demarcation For science to be considered scientific, criteria were established to distinguish between what is a scientific discipline and what is not. Verificationism and falsificationism propose two different sets of criteria.

Verificationism states that only theories... Continue reading "Metaphysics, Scientific Method, and Cosmology: A Historical Overview" »

Concept of education

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Contra Descartes and Kant, the cogito cannot be aware of anything let alone itself without the recognition of its own existence in the gaze of the other. “I cannot obtain any truth

The laws that govern behaviour are not determined a priori, but rather by convention.
Sartre, for an existential judgement is not a value judgement but a judgement of logic, in that a person’s choice of ends is based on an erroneous concept of freedom
The question is one of truth (freedom) or error (bad faith) not right or wrong, good or bad. “One can judge a man by saying that he deceives himself...By taking refuge behind some excuse of the passions, or by inventing some deterministic doctrine.”

Vocabulary and Expressions in Real English

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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TEMA 6: Vocabulary

TEMA 6: policy(politica), hosted(anfitrion), wise(sensato), right(derecho), event, determined(decidido), lead(dirigir), share, pride(orgullo), strength(fuerza), success, made it(conseguir), minority, leader(lider), resembled( parecerse a), arrested, released(estrenar), advantage, accurate(preciso), necessary, possible, like, perfect, happy, dependent, special effects, stars(protagonizar), cast(reparto), viewers(espectador), set in(ambientado en), bos-office hit(exito de taquilla), subtitles, critic, based on, shoot(rodar), give a performance(actuar), plot(argumento), have a role, leading characters, realistic, breathtaking(impresionante), clever(ingenioso), entertaining, disappointing, a waste of time(perder el tiempo), dull(
... Continue reading "Vocabulary and Expressions in Real English" »

Divided attention

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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I am writing in response to your recent complaint regarding ____.  || Please acceppt my sincere apologise for any inconvenience or frustation caused. Your satisfaction is incredible important to us and we appreciate your feedback. || We have identified the root cause of the problem and we are taking the necessary steps to resolve it. || PROBLEMA || If you have any further concerns or require additional information, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service || Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to resolving this issue to your satisfaction. || Sincerely,

Ethical behavior of protective mechanisms

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Business ethics refer to the moral foundations which characterize the
 relationships that companies maintain with stakeholders or interest groups. 
Ethics influences the ordinary management and can also lead to modify the 
strategy of the company. 

Thebusiness ethicsaffectsdifferent areaswhen makingbusiness decisions, especially economicand legalissues, (Weiss, 2006). Like companies leading the scam whose reputation With their shares appears undoubtedly to have fallen down and the collapse was Provoked by a loss of confidence. It has also happened recently with Volkswagen, after the scandal of Manipulation of polluting diesel engines. According to Weiss, we can identify several myths or Beliefs that tend to minimize the importance... Continue reading "Ethical behavior of protective mechanisms" »

The Lemon Test and Different Views on the Establishment Clause

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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What are the Three Prongs of the Lemon Test?

  • (1) It must have a "secular legislative purpose"
  • (2) Neutral
  • (3) Avoid an "excessive government entanglement with religion."
    • Establishment Clause prevents the government from creating an official church, from preferring one faith over another, and from discriminating against non-believers.

Different Ways to View the Establishment Clause and What Was the Only Reason...

  • Accommodationist: According to the "accommodationist view," government needs religion to instill the moral values required for maintaining civil order. Modern-day accommodationists also argue that religion is part of the national heritage, and adds solemnity and dignity to civic events. Accordingly, accommodationists contend that government
... Continue reading "The Lemon Test and Different Views on the Establishment Clause" »

Causation and Liability in Tort Law

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Causation is focused on D's carelessness caused the C's injury.

2 tiers of causation: Factual, Legal

Factual: link between def breach & c's loss is known as the 'but for' test. - But for the C has suffered injury/ loss.

'But for' Case

* Cork v Kirby MaClean

Denning LJ: If you can say the damage would not happen for particular fault, then the fault is caused by damage. But if you say the damage would happen the same, fault or not, the fault is not a cause of damage.

Multiple Tort

*Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeras Service

C suffered mesothelioma which caused negligently exposure to asbestos by employers. Due to insufficient evidence, C unable to show which employer satisfied causation. Lord Bigham held that McGhee test would apply when 6 conditions:... Continue reading "Causation and Liability in Tort Law" »

Plato vs. Aristotle: Philosophy, Society, and Human Nature

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Was a disciple of Socrates whose cornerstone of thought was his theory of Forms, in which there was another world of perfection. Uses thought to advance the Socratic dialogue. Dualistic Vision


Greek philosopher. A student of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry. Pluralistic Vision


Greek philosopher; Socratic method--questioning; sentenced to death for corrupting Athens youth

Alexander the Great

Student of Aristotle, King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Egypt, and Persia


school of philosophy founded by... Continue reading "Plato vs. Aristotle: Philosophy, Society, and Human Nature" »

Understanding Utilitarianism: A Comprehensive Guide to J.S. Mill's Philosophy

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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J.S. Mill's Utilitarianism

Understanding the Core Principles

Many misunderstand utilitarianism as opposing pleasure, but J.S. Mill clarifies that it is defined by pleasure itself and the absence of pain.

The Greatest Happiness Principle

Utilitarianism, also known as the Greatest Happiness Principle, posits that actions are right if they promote happiness and wrong if they promote unhappiness. Happiness encompasses pleasure and the absence of pain, while unhappiness involves pain and the deprivation of pleasure.

Quality over Quantity

Mill emphasizes that human pleasures are superior to animalistic ones. When judging an action's morality, we must consider not only the quantity but also the quality of pleasures it produces. Higher pleasures, those engaging... Continue reading "Understanding Utilitarianism: A Comprehensive Guide to J.S. Mill's Philosophy" »