Classified in Philosophy and ethics
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Analyze: To study something in detail
Anticipate: Expect, to eagerly wait for something
Charades: Game in which peaople have to guess a word or phrase based on actions of a player who may not speak
Conscience: Knowledge of right and wrong
Fulfill your potential: Accomplish all that you can
Gullible: When someone beleives everything that he or she hears
Instinct: A stong feeling you have that something is true although you cant explain why
Intuition: Power of knowing or understanding something quickly through feelings
Outrageous: Crazy
Procrastinate: Postpone
Pursue: Try to obtain or accomplish, Go after
Reflect on: Thinks about, consider
Role of: function of, influence of
Setback: an issue that slow down or stops progress on makes things worse
Stubborn: Not willing to change ones mind or way of thinking
Candle-it: Lit up only by the ligth of candles
Creepy: spooky, Scary, Causing fear or uneasiness
dreadful: terrible, very unpleasant
Frantically: in a very nervou, urgent way, frenzied
Ghost-like: have the appearance or a characteristics of a ghost
Haunted: Visited or occupied by ghost
Irrational: not based on reasoning or logic
No basis in fact: Not based on true facts or information
Notorious: Famous or well know for something negative
Rational: based on reason rather than emotion
Supernatural beings: Creature that rsult from a force beyond the laws of nature or scientific understanding.
Superstition: Irrational belief that magical or other supernatural causes will lead to certain consequences or events that will effect ones life.
Thinks your ayes are deceiving you: Thinks you are seeing things that are not really there.
Weird: Strange, Inusual