Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Philosophy and ethics

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Prejuristification no acts

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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honeymon.The culture is new and exciting.Their dreams and expectations about the future seem to be coming true--rejection:many things dont go according to pla--regression:in order to deal with stressful changes,you may try to surrounf yourself with people of your culture--recover:if person can work through regression yhey may feel accepted--reverse cs,,,culture shock when going back

conartist:someone who tricks people in order to get money from them--sudden:happening quickly--phenomenon:unusual or dificult to understand--phase:stage or a number of changes that will occur--wonder:a feeling or amazement for something new to you--fascinated:extremly fascinated by somethin--frustration:being upset because you cant control something--gesture:moving
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A Philosophical Journey: From Plato to Kant

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Ancient Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle


Plato, known for his Theory of Forms, believed in a dualistic reality. He distinguished between the constantly changing world of appearances (shadows) and the permanent realm of Forms, which are only accessible through reason. As a rationalist, he argued that knowledge is innate and discovered through reason, not sensory experience.


Aristotle, Plato's student, emphasized the importance of empirical observation and logic. He developed the syllogism, a system of deductive reasoning, and believed that knowledge is acquired through observation and logical analysis.

Medieval Philosophy: Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas, a prominent figure in medieval philosophy, sought to reconcile faith and reason. He argued... Continue reading "A Philosophical Journey: From Plato to Kant" »

Peace and silence

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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A thief→ thieves

·A knife→ knives

·A baby→ babies

·A woman→ women

·A mouse→ mice

·A foot→ feet

·A tooth→ teeth

·Toe (beatza) / Tow (arrastrar)

·Sent (enviar) / Scent (esencia, olor)

·Pour (servir) / Poor (pobre)

·Mail /Male

·Cereal / Serial

·Minor / Miner

·Heel (tacon)  / Heal (sendatu)

·Peace (pakea) / Piece ( zatia)

·Stationary (parado) / Stationery (papelería)

·Break ( apurtu) / Brake ( freno)

·Capsize (Volcarse)                                          

·Casualties(heridos, attack,natural,disaster)    

Receive compensation


*Survival(n)→ survivor                            


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Effective Negotiation: Techniques, Strategies, and Tips

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Qualities of a Good Negotiator


Understand the other party's needs and perspectives.


Clearly state your desired outcome from the start. Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal communication, including voice and body language. Avoid aggressive behavior.

Confidence and Listening

Project self-confidence and practice active listening to understand the other party's point of view.

Types of Negotiation


Both sides benefit, leading to voluntarily accepted resolutions. Integrative bargaining aims for win-win outcomes through cooperation.


Only one side perceives the outcome as positive, making voluntary acceptance less likely.


All parties end up worse off.

Negotiation Advice

  • Strive for win-win outcomes.
  • Maintain
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The Characteristics of Moral Actions and Human Freedom

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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A human action can be considered as a moral action whether it has the following characteristics:

  1. It is done by adjusting to a code or a set of moral rules and values. These rules and values designate what should be considered as morally good or bad, advisable or inadvisable, etc. In the next section we will study what the moral values and rules are.
  2. This moral code should not be imposed by the society to the people, but each individual must be free to choose it. For example, I must be free to choose whether or not euthanasia is something acceptable from a moral point of view. For this reason, morality is above all an individual matter related to the autonomy of each person.
  3. Being free when acting is something extremely important when assessing
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Rene Descartes: The Father of Rationalism

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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René Descartes is introduced into modern philosophy being the father of rationalism.

René is born in 1596 and dies in 1650

Descartes was a dualist. He affirmed that there are two substances: that of the body that possesses the attribute of extension, and that of the soul that possesses the attribute of thought.

There was a new worldview, this change implied a break with the old religious beliefs and the knowledge of other philosophers of the new planetary system was added, coming to the theory that the center of it was the sun. Because of this, Rene wanted to build new knowledge, that is, a new world for him.

Descartes attributes to the matter a creative force of its own, and considers the mechanical movement as the vital manifestation of matter... Continue reading "Rene Descartes: The Father of Rationalism" »

Sin título 1

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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ZEUS/Jupiter: Supreme ruler of the gods; lord of the sky; rain god. Thunderbolts or lightening, eagle and scepter (rod). HERA/Juno: Queen of the gods; protector of marriage. Peacock. POSEIDON/Neptune: God of the sea and earthquakes. Trident (three pronged spear). HADES/Pluto: God of the underworld and of death. Cornucopia and scepter. ATHENA/Minerva: goddess of wisdom and war. Shield, helmet, spear. APOLLO: god of sun or light and arts. Gold bows and arrows. ARTEMIS/Diana: goddess of hunting, chastity, the moon. 3 hunting hounds, bow, fawn. APHRODITE/Venus: goddess of love and beauty. Girdle, mirror. HERMES/Mercury: messenger of gods, god of science and inventions. Helmet and winged feet. ARES/Mars: god of war. Spear and helmet. HEPHAESTUS/
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The Origin and Evolution of Philosophy: A Historical Overview

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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  1. The Origin of Philosophy

Philosophy as a way of thinking is a human way of interacting with the world. It involves asking questions about the world around us in order to find meaning. This way of thinking, asking questions about the world, is deeply rooted in humans and has always existed.

However, its existence doesn't give rise to philosophy as a discipline. Philosophy as a discipline has a historical origin in the Greek colonies of Asia Minor during the 6th century B.C. One of these colonies was Miletus where Thales was born. Thales is considered to be one of the first philosophers. He used observation and reasoning to offer an explanation of the existence of natural things and phenomena. Thales' fundamental features:

  • It begins with the recognition
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Understanding Philosophy: The Pursuit of Wisdom and Truth

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Philosophy: Is a critical examination of reality characterized by rational inquiry that aims at the Truth for the sake of attaining wisdom. The etymology of the word is derived from two Greeks words: philo (love) and sophia (wisdom), literally means the loves of wisdom.

Wisdom is the proper understanding about nature of reality, a person is wise if he has a correct understanding about how things actually are and lives his lives accordingly. The philosopher seeks the truth to all people at all times, because it is not restricted to individual perceptions of what is true or false. Philosophy asks us to be able to justify why we hold these opinions, feelings or beliefs, we need to support our views using rather than emotions.Is not:... Continue reading "Understanding Philosophy: The Pursuit of Wisdom and Truth" »

Exploring the Nature of Beauty, Aesthetics, and the Human Experience

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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What is beauty?: The human capacity to feel something or have sensations. In philosophy, AESTHETICS refers to a particular type of sensations: those related to beauty and ugliness

Philosophers and Beauty

The Greek philosophers believed that beauty is real by itself

Realists think that beauty is part of something else

Modernists believe that beauty is something we create

AESTHETICS-The study of beauty or the philosophy of art

THE AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE-When an encounter with beauty occurs, whether it is the product of nature or art

  1. Feeling that time has stopped
  2. Lightness in the perception of reality.
  3. Forgetting self
  4. Symbolic.
  5. Ephemeral.
  6. Pleasurable

The definition of beauty (according to aesthetics)

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