Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of History

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The Decline of the Hispanic Monarchy in the 17th Century

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The Decline of the Hispanic Monarchy

Felipe III had the largest empire in the 17th century. He disliked ruling the country, so he delegated his authority to a valido, which was a kind of prime minister that depended on the king's favor. He faced several problems, but he was able to maintain its extension due to his pacifist policies:

  • He signed a peace with England with the Treaty of London (1604).
  • The Twelve Years' Truce with the Netherlands from 1609 to 1621 maintained peace, although it was an indirect way of recognizing the Northern Provinces' independence as the truce was not able to be renewed and then at the Thirty Years' War it was confirmed in the Treaty of Westphalia.
  • Peace with France was signed in 1598.

During his reign, the Moriscos... Continue reading "The Decline of the Hispanic Monarchy in the 17th Century" »

The 18th Century: Enlightenment, Revolutions, and Congress of Vienna

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1. Enlightenment:

  • In what century and in what country did it begin?

During the 18th century, in France

  • State three characteristics of the Enlightenment

Confidence in reason = believing that is the only way to understand the world and achieve progress and happiness

Faith in human progress = achieved through the advances made in science, which should lead all people to happiness

  • Indicate one important philosopher and describe his thinking.

Voltaire: 'Let us read, and let’s us dance; these two amusements never do any harm to the world'

2. The American Revolution

  • Indicate two causes why they wanted to be independent

1) Discontent of the colonies who lacked representation in British parliament

2) The da park

... Continue reading "The 18th Century: Enlightenment, Revolutions, and Congress of Vienna" »

Impact of World War II: Devastation and Consequences

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The mobilisation in favour of the war effort involved women to a greater extent than in the WWI. They joined the workforce sectors, particularly in the war industry, and served on the front line as doctors or nurses.

The Germans wanted to impose the new Nazi order on the whole Europe.

The conquered land was classified into regions which became part of Germany, Satellite states and occupied territories.

The Nazi occupation plundered raw materials, agricultural products and industrial goods, and exploited workers.

During German occupation, the introduction of a regime of violence and terror was essential for military and political domination. The German SS and the Gestapo were instruments used for this purpose.



  • GB
  • France
  • Belgium
  • USSR
  • US
  • Canada
  • Egypt


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Key Events and Figures in American History

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  1. 1st Continental Congress- All colonies except Georgia went to this congress in Philadelphia in 1774 to respond to the Intolerable Acts

  2. Articles of Confederation- 1st Constitution had no executive, no judicial, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade

  3. The Aztec- Nomadic tribe of hunter-gathers, capital city Tenochtitlan, bloodthirsty ruler, made many sacrifices.

  4. BTP- Citizens disguised as Indians, dumped tea into the harbor in 1773.

  5. Braddock- British commander during the F&I war. Attempted to capture Fort Duquesne in 1755. Defeated by the F&I Braddock was mortally wounded.

  6. Bunker Hill- The British took over a hill in Boston

  7. Cabral- Claimed Brazil for Portugal

  8. Cahokia- Mound-builder settlement, located near today's East St. Louis, Illinois;

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The Democratic Sexenio and the Restoration in Spain

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The Democratic Sexenio

  • Prim leader of revolution
  • Development (Topete, Serrano faces the troops of Novaliches in Bridge of Alcolea. The queen take a train to France)

The glorious going to being a military uprising to a popular revolution

2) Provisional Government
  • Leader by Serrano -¿Monarchy or republic?
  • Constitution of 1869: -National sovereignty -Universal suffrage -bicameral cuts -Strong rejection by republicans and catholics
3) Regency of Serrano
  • Public finances are worrying
  • Tariff of 1869
  • Long war of Cuba: - Shout of Yara
  • Republicans sublevations: Federalism
  • The king's search
4) The reign of Amadeo I de Saboya
  • He disembark in catagena, he was a personal bet of prim, who dead.
  • Problem: Long War, 3 Carlist War and Lack of Supports
  • He dont
... Continue reading "The Democratic Sexenio and the Restoration in Spain" »

Cold air pool atpl

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The Yalta conference (February 1945):

It was clear that Germany was losing the European war so the allies’ leaders met at Yalta to plan what would happen to Europe after Germany´s defeat. Despite their differences Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed in some matters:

Stalin agreed to enter the war against japan.

They agreed that G would be divided into four zones: American, French, British and soviet.

They agreed to hunt down and punish war criminals who were responsible for the genocide.

The big 3 joint the new United Nations organization with the aim to keep peace after war.

They agreed that Eastern Europe should be seen as “a soviet sphere of influence”.

The only disagreement was what to do about Poland.

The Potsdam conference (July-august

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Qin Dynasty: Unification of China and Legacy

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Qin Wangzheng was born in 259 BC, and it was the last year of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The Spring and Autumn Warring States began in 770 BC when Ping Wang moved to Luojing, ending in 221 BC before Qin Wang won the political unification of China, which lasted nearly 500 years.

The Qin dynasty is from 221 B.C to 206 B.C, the first emperor is Qin Shi Huang. The dynasty was short-lived. Qin Shihuang’s unification of China has done a lot of unprecedented achievements. There are few things which contribute to the future dynasty. First is he unify the text, making it the foundation of a nation and extending it to this day. Second the country was abolished, and the county was established. It became the standard model for post-unification management... Continue reading "Qin Dynasty: Unification of China and Legacy" »

Spanish provinces

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He was promoted due to the influence of the queen Maria Luisa of Parma. He was the real ruler of Spain from 1792-1808. War against France (1793): defeat and occupation of Catalonia  and Navarre Peace of Basel (1795):Navarre and Catalonia are returned in exchange of the island of Santo Domingo. Godoy got the rank of Principe de la paz. Alliance with revolutionary france: Phase of understanding and friendship. Teatry of Ildelfonso(1796): renewal of the Family Compacts.It Involved the confrontation with England and Portugal (France’s enemies). Result: the defeat in Trafalgar (1805): sinking and collapse of the Spanish fleet. Las juntas: anti french regions. Juntas locales: bodies of power integrated by the old dominant classes. Juntas supremas
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The Russian Revolution: From Tsarist Rule to Soviet Power

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1. The Russian Revolution

1.1. Causes of the Revolution

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was a vast empire ruled by the Tsar of the Romanov dynasty. Social discontent was brewing among the middle and working classes due to the autocratic government, where the Tsar held absolute power. The stark economic disparity between the wealthy minority and the rest of the population further fueled tensions, culminating in the Revolution of 1905. This forced the Tsar to accept a parliament (Duma) and implement various reforms. However, the autocratic system persisted.

1.2. The Revolutions of 1917

The revolutions of 1917 were triggered by two main factors: the immense casualties suffered during World War I and the ongoing social and economic inequalities.... Continue reading "The Russian Revolution: From Tsarist Rule to Soviet Power" »

Law 19983 on

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TheWeimar constitution

In the month following the signing of the treaty, the Weimar constituent assembly completed a draft constitution for the new republic, resulting in what was hailed as the most modern democratic constitution of its day. The Weimar constitution provided for a popularly elected president who was given considerable power over foreign policy and the armed forces. Article 48 also gave the president emergency decree powers to protect the republic from crises initiated by its opponents on either the left or the right. The president was empowered to nominate the chancellor, whose government required the confidence of the lower house of the parliament, the Reichstag, which was elected by universal suffrage through a system of proportional... Continue reading "Law 19983 on" »