Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physical Education

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Types of Language Games and Their Classification

Classified in Physical Education

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Types of Language Games

Classifying games into categories can be difficult, because categories often overlap. Hadfield (1999) explains two ways of classifying language games. First, she divides language games into two types: linguistic games and communicative games. Linguistic games focus on accuracy, such as supplying the correct word (it could also be the meaning of the word, a synonym or antonym). On the other hand, communicative games focus on the successful exchange of information and ideas, such as two people identifying the differences between their two pictures which are similar to one another but not exactly alike. Correct language usage, though it may seem important, is secondary to achieving the communicative goal.

Game Types

It is... Continue reading "Types of Language Games and Their Classification" »

History and Rules of Volleyball: A Comprehensive Guide

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Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan in Massachusetts, USA. William G. Morgan, a physical education teacher at the Massachusetts YMCA, spent time with J. Naismith, the creator of basketball, although he thought basketball was unsuitable for all students. So, using tennis as a basis, he designed a non-contact team sport that was fun, involved minimal risk of injury, and could be played by anyone. Originally named mintonette, it later came to be known as volleyball.

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to ground the ball on the opponent’s side of the net or to get them to hit the ball out of the court. Each time this happens, a point is won.

The ball is 65 cm in circumference and weighs 260 g. It should pass over the net... Continue reading "History and Rules of Volleyball: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Sports Verbs and Keeping Fit Vocabulary

Classified in Physical Education

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  • Be disqualified
  • Be knocked out (eliminated)
  • Boo off (abuchear)
  • Carry on (seguir)
  • Cheer on (animar)
  • Dive (into) (bucear)
  • Drop out (abandonar)
  • Get through (superar)
  • Give up (rendirse)
  • Qualify
  • Sign up
  • Take part in
  • Train (entrenar)

Other Verbs

  • Chase (after) (perseguir)
  • Climb (up/along)
  • Crawl (through) (gatear)
  • Cross (over)
  • Get (over) (superar)
  • Jog (round)
  • Jump
  • March (along) (marchar)
  • Ski (down)
  • Skip (omitir)
  • Swim (through)
  • Walk (over)



  • Become a member
  • Bulk up
  • Enrol (inscribirse)
  • Enter
  • Feel unwell
  • Get into shape (ponerse en forma)
  • Get together
  • Go on a diet
  • Join (unirse)
  • Keep fit
  • Lose weight (perder peso)
  • Make an appointment
  • Put on weight (engordarse)
  • Stop smoking
  • Take supplements
  • Take up (empezar)


  • Champion
  • Championship
  • Competition
  • Competitor
  • Crowd (multitud)
... Continue reading "Sports Verbs and Keeping Fit Vocabulary" »

Understanding Energy Expenditure, Nutrition, and Exercise

Classified in Physical Education

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A good example of living in an obesogenic environment is a physician's recommendation not to exercise during recovery from surgery. The total amount of energy in a bowl of soup that contains 5 g of protein, 2 g of fat, and 20 g of carbohydrate is 118 kcal. The fuel for all body processes that traps energy released from food is adenosine triphosphate. If a person hears a friend calling for help and goes running to find out what the friend needs, the person would be getting his or her energy from glycogen via anaerobic glycolysis. If someone goes on a long hike, after 4 hours most of his or her energy will be obtained from fatty acids. Athletes who exercise regularly are able to exercise for longer, partly because their body is able to use more... Continue reading "Understanding Energy Expenditure, Nutrition, and Exercise" »

Pilates Basic Principles: Breathing, Pelvic & Rib Cage Placement

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1. Breathing

The first basic principle of Pilates is breathing. Proper breathing:

  • Encourages effective oxygenation of the blood.
  • Helps relax the muscles and avoid unnecessary tension.
  • Focuses the mind and allows for concentration.

Here's how to breathe correctly during Pilates:

  • Exhale deeply to activate the deep abdominal muscles.
  • Focus on breath and stabilization before initiating any movement.
  • Breathe into the lower rib cage three-dimensionally.
  • Expand laterally to open the back of the rib cage.
  • Breathe into the lower lobes of the lungs for more effective gas exchange.
  • Engage the deep stabilizers of the torso, particularly the transversus abdominis first and the oblique abdominals later.
  • Simultaneously engage the pelvic floor and the multifidus with
... Continue reading "Pilates Basic Principles: Breathing, Pelvic & Rib Cage Placement" »

Plyometric Training: Enhancing Explosive Power in Athletes

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Defining Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a training method focused on developing explosive power. It utilizes the stretch-shortening cycle, which consists of three phases:

  • Eccentric: Stretching of the agonist muscle, storing elastic energy in the series elastic component.
  • Amortization: The brief pause between the eccentric and concentric phases.
  • Concentric: Shortening of the agonist muscle, releasing the stored elastic energy from the series elastic component.

Key Factors for a Plyometric Training Program

A successful plyometric training program considers the following factors:

  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increasing the training stimulus over time.
  • Specificity: Training movements should be specific to the demands of the sport.
  • Sport-Specific Patterns:
... Continue reading "Plyometric Training: Enhancing Explosive Power in Athletes" »

Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries

Classified in Physical Education

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TWIST: Is damage caused to a body part, as a result of turning or bending it too much, or in the wrong direction (torcedura)
SPRAINS: is a type of injury that happens when a person abruptly stretches or turns a joint too much (esguince)
ARTHRITIS: Is a disease where the joints are swollen and painful
HIP REPLACEMENT: Is a surgical operation. The hip joint is replaced by an implant that is similar to the previous biological structure
STROKE: is a medical condition in which a tube taking blood to the brain suddenly becomes blocked or bursts (derrame)
BRAIN INJURY: is when there is a change in brain function due to factors like an outside force, a stroke, or destruction of brain cells (lesión cerebral)
OSTEOPOROSIS: is a disease that affects the bones.
... Continue reading "Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries" »

Understanding Flag Football Rules and Techniques

Classified in Physical Education

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You must pass the ball backward with both hands. No forward passes are allowed with the hands. If so, a free pass will be awarded to the opposing team at the place where the ball left the player’s hands.

The 'Tackle' (Tag)

A tag refers to the removal of one of the two ribbons placed at both sides of a player (see picture). The only player on the field who can be tagged is the player in possession of the ball. The defender will then hold the ribbon above their head and shout “Tag!” loud and clear for all to hear.

The Free Pass

A free pass is used to start the game (from the center of the field) or to restart it at the place where the ball went out of play or an infringement took place.

What Happens After a Tag?

Both the ball carrier and... Continue reading "Understanding Flag Football Rules and Techniques" »

Introduction to Acrosport

Classified in Physical Education

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It is an acrobatic-choreographic sport, since there are three key elements incorporated into its exercises:

  • Figure formations or body pyramids.
  • Realization of floor gymnastic skills (jumps, turns and balances) which are used as transitions from one figure to another.
  • Music, which supports the choreographic component of the combination of the previous elements.

As a competitive sport, acrosport has the following general characteristics:

  1. Categories in which you can compete: female partners, male partners, mixed partners, female trios, and male quartets.
  2. The elements of balances and acrobatic stunts make up the principal part of the exercise, forming a harmonious and rhythmic set with other gymnastic elements of flexibility and dance.
... Continue reading "Introduction to Acrosport" »

Artistic Gymnastics: Guide to Apparatus, Techniques & Rules

Classified in Physical Education

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Artistic Gymnastics


Artistic gymnastics involves performing simple individual exercises and transitions or combinations of these exercises on a mat or specific apparatus. It is called artistic gymnastics because, in addition to a high level of execution, aesthetics are also important.


Balance Beam

The balance beam is a rectangular bar 120cm above the ground, on which simple movements are performed such as walkovers, turns, jumps switching legs, as well as complex exercises like handstands or flic flac. It requires a sense of balance and coordination. The gymnast should remain on the bar between 70 and 90 seconds.

Uneven Bars

With the uneven bars, the gymnast has to perform ten different routines with different grips, foot and... Continue reading "Artistic Gymnastics: Guide to Apparatus, Techniques & Rules" »