Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physical Education

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Handball Rules: Scoring, Ball Movement, and Fouls

Classified in Physical Education

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Starting Play:

All players begin the game in their own half. The team winning the toss starts the game with a pass from the center line. After the start of play, court players are allowed anywhere on the court except for either goal area.


A goal is scored whenever the entire ball passes the goal line between the posts and under the crossbar.

Moving the Ball:

A player is allowed to run three steps with the ball before it must be bounced, passed, or shot. If bounced, a further three steps are allowed but the ball must then be passed or a shot taken at the goal. If a player with the ball is stationary and not dribbling, a three-second rule applies instead of three steps.


Dribbling is permitted. However, as soon as the ball is held

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Safety Guidelines for Working on a Ship

Classified in Physical Education

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Down and Trimmed by the Stern

Vessel loaded with cargo and the draught aft is larger than forward.

Deck Line

Line at the highest point of the upper freeboard deck. Recorded on the outside of the hull by a short line welded on the shell plating above the Plimsoll mark.

General Considerations

  • Good physical conditions and staying healthy.
  • Misusing of alcohol or drugs.
  • Do not drink alcohol while undergoing medical treatment.
  • Personal cleanliness is essential.
  • Use a protective cream on your skin.
  • Clean all cuts and abrasions to prevent infections.

Working Clothing

  • Working clothes should be comfortable but sufficiently close-fitting.
  • Gaping pockets, sweat rags, watch straps, and rings are easily caught in moving machinery.
  • Wear industrial footwear with slip-resistant
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The History and Benefits of Handball: A Dynamic Sport

Classified in Physical Education

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About Handball

Handball is a fast-paced game involving two teams of seven players who pass, throw, catch, and dribble a small ball with their hands while trying to score goals. The team with the most goals wins the game. A game consists of two 30-minute halves with a 10-minute half-time break. Handball is one of the most popular sports in Europe (after soccer) and is one of the fastest-growing sports in Northern Asia and Africa. In the Americas, it is becoming organized with national and continental championships, and in Oceania, it is on the cusp of taking off.

Why Play Handball?

Handball is a popular, spectacular, dynamic, and exciting sport. It requires speed, strength, stamina, fitness, and above all teamwork. Over 15 million people play the... Continue reading "The History and Benefits of Handball: A Dynamic Sport" »

Hapkido: A Martial Art for Self-Defense and Personal Growth

Classified in Physical Education

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Hapkido is a martial art. In hapkido, you can learn to defend yourself against an aggressor. This martial art has a lot of similarity to other arts like taekwondo or jiu-jitsu. The trainings consist of physical conditioning exercises, practicing different types of kicks, and learning techniques of personal defense.

In hapkido, we also learn to control our emotions and fears through discipline. Each teacher has rules and laws in their dojo. Our rules are: falling is allowed but getting up is mandatory, it is forbidden to say 'I cannot' because with effort and dedication, you can achieve what you want.

Our combat discipline is very respectful in terms of greetings and farewells. We hapkidokas say goodbye with the word 'pilsung,' which means victory

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Physical valences

Classified in Physical Education

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The benefits of developing our physical abilities: Although the basic physical abilities of a person are determined genetically and are different for each person, it is always possible to increase the level through training and physical preparation.  The development of our abilities not only allows us to get better results from our physical activities, it also, and more importantly, improves the response of our body to illness. Also, in a well-trained, fit body you can detect possible health problems early on.

-Flexibility: allows for maximum movement of our joints thanks to the elasticity and the ability to stretch of our muscles. We would be able to deflect a deficiency or health problem if our joints were rigid or if we had difficulty or... Continue reading "Physical valences" »

Indoor Multisport Club for Kids in Muro and Surroundings

Classified in Physical Education

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The Indoor Multisport Club is presented below. It is a project that covers a wide variety of sports, both individual and team, such as basketball, futsal, handball, volleyball, badminton, and psicomotricity. The club aims to provide facilities and choices to kids who are undecided about which sport to play.


The opportunity observed in carrying out this project has been the lack of people in sports other than football in the village of Muro. For this reason, the club underlines the importance of offering different sport options to kids. It also emphasizes giving importance to the children's decision and not to the parents' will, since children are the ones who practice sports, not their relatives.

Practicing a variety of sports... Continue reading "Indoor Multisport Club for Kids in Muro and Surroundings" »

Sports Vocabulary: Key Terms & Phrases

Classified in Physical Education

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Sports Vocabulary

Key Terms

Competition & Rules

Opponent: The person on the opposing team you are competing against.

Runner-up: The competitor who finishes in second place.

Round: One stage in a competition.

Beat: To defeat someone in a game or competition.

Athlete: A person who competes in sports.

Win: To be the most successful in a game or competition.

Foul: An action that is against the rules in a game or sport.

Final: The last game or match in a competition, where the winner is decided.

Doping Offense: A situation in which an athlete has taken drugs to improve their performance.

Championship: A competition to find the best player or team.

Sponsorship Deal: An agreement in which a company agrees to give money to a sportsperson in return for advertising... Continue reading "Sports Vocabulary: Key Terms & Phrases" »

Relaxing, Firming, Circulatory, Rejuvenating: Facial Treatments for Various Skin Concerns

Classified in Physical Education

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SYMPTOMS: Physical or emotional stress, bruxism, or people with migraines

OBJECTIVE: Sedative and relax muscle

MANEUVERS: Rhythmic and slow rhythm


SYMPTOMS: Skin age

OBJECTIVE: Improve skin tissue and muscle tone. Prevents flaccidity in the face and neck. Activate the blood circulation

MANEUVERS: Rhythm medium-fast. Intensity superficial and deep


ALTERATIONS: Erythrosis, telangiectasis, rosacea, coupe rose, caparrosa

OBJECTIVE: Relieve facial congestion to improve circulation

MANEUVERS: Intensity soft. Direction upward and to lymphatic nodes


OBJECTIVE: Prevent skin aging on the face. Improve nutrition and flexibility

SYMPTOMS: Age exposure to the sun, environmental factors


MANEUVERS: Rhythm fast-

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Effective Strength Training Workouts for College Athletes

Classified in Physical Education

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Full Body Training Session for Hypertrophy

Involving 5 exercises targeting hypertrophy in trained college-aged females. Hypertrophy 3-6 sets for 6-12 reps at 67-85% 1RM. Rest 3-5 minutes. Warm up for 10 minutes on a bicycle, warm up rotator cuff.

  • Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 10 at 75% load. Rest 4 minutes
  • Bent over Barbell Row 4 x 10 at 75% load. Rest 4 minutes
  • Shoulder Press 4 x 10 at 75% load. Rest 4 minutes
  • Barbell Squat 4 x 12 at 70% load. Rest 4 minutes
  • Weighted Crunches 4 x 15 at 75% load. Rest 3 minutes

Upper Body Training Session for Hypertrophy

Involving 5 exercises targeting hypertrophy in trained college males. General Rule: Hypertrophy 3-6 sets for 6-12 reps at 67-85% 1RM. Rest 3-5 minutes. Warm up with 3 x 20 pushups.

  • Barbell Bench Press 4
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Basketball Rules, Techniques, and Gameplay

Classified in Physical Education

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Basketball: Rules, Techniques, and Gameplay


The object of the game is to get the ball into the other team's basket. Depending on the part of the court, you score 1, 2, or 3 points. The team that scores the most points wins the match.

Game Structure

The game is played in four 10-minute quarters controlled by a game clock, with a 10-minute half-time break between the second and third quarters. The five players on each team can be substituted as needed. Two referees apply the rules while umpires time the game and record the fouls.


Relating to Time Situations:

  • When a team has possession of the ball, they have 8 seconds to get to the opposing team's side of the court and 24 seconds to try and get a shot in.
  • No more than 5 seconds can be
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