Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Language

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Network Troubleshooting Q&A: Common Issues and Resolutions

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Network Troubleshooting Q&A

Common Issues and Resolutions

  1. Q: Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output shown, which IP network should the workstations in the Support department belong?

  2. Q: Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is doing proactive network maintenance. The administrator pings and compares the results with reference data. Based on the comparison of the two pings, what is a possibility?
    A: There are problems with network congestion.

  3. Q: See exhibit. Given the output generated by the debug ppp negotiation, is the statement true?
    A: The line protocol of the local router is up.

  4. Q: What is important to consider when configuring the subinterfaces of a router in implementing inter-VLAN routing?
    A: The

... Continue reading "Network Troubleshooting Q&A: Common Issues and Resolutions" »

Count Lucanor - Full Paper

Posted by Javi and classified in Language

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In the name of God amen. Among the many strange and wonderful things that made the Lord God is one that is most striking, as is the fact that there are so many people in the world, none is identical to the traits of the face, although that all have the same elements in it. If the faces that are so small, they show such great variety, it is not surprising that there are large differences in the desires and inclinations of men. So you will see that no man is like another, nor in the will or its inclinations, and so I give some examples so that you can understand it better.

All who love and want to serve God, but want the same, each one serves a different way, as some do in one way and others another way. Likewise, all in the service... Continue reading "Count Lucanor - Full Paper" »

Finan midterm

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Opportunity Cost of Capital: Expected rate of return given up by investing in a project.
NPV: Present value of cash flows minus investments
Payback period: Time until cash flows recover the initial investment in the project.
IRR: Discount rate at which project NPV = 0
Profitability Index: Ratio of net present value to initial investment
Opportunity Cost: Benefit or cash flow as a result of an action
Net Working Capital: Current assets minus liabilities
Depreciation Tax Shield: Reduction in taxes attributable to depreciation
Operating Leverage: Degree to which costs are fixed
Market Index: Measure of the investment performance of the overall market
Maturity Premium: Extra avg. return from investing long vs. short- term treasury securities
Risk Premium:... Continue reading "Finan midterm" »

The truth about the case Savolta

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Commentary on the book by Eduardo Mendoza
"The truth of the case Savolta"
* Subject
Eduardo Mendoza In this book tells the social environment of the early twentieth century Barcelona a web of power, weapons and loves. The result comes a thriller about the company responsible for weapons Savolta for the 1st World War. This book recounts the problems and existing social unrest in Barcelona earlier this century, this shows the desire of power worldwide and penalties between this society.
* Summary
In this book, Eduardo Mendoza, tells Javier Miranda through a story about the company Savolta. This story is a detective story, as several murders occur.
In the first part of this book begins by placing Eduardo Mendoza Barcelona in the social and
... Continue reading "The truth about the case Savolta" »


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40 camilo jose cela: la familia d pascual duart-pabyon d rposo-la  colmna-primr viaj andaluz carmn laforet: nada-la isla y los demonios-la mujer nueva ana matute:los abel-los niños tontos-cuent: l pais d la pizarra miguel delibes:el camino- las ratas- los santos inocentes gonz torr ballester: javier mariño- don juan

50 neorreal nacho aldecoa: el fulgor y la sangre- con el viento solano rafa sanch ferlosio: el jarama- el alma y la verwenza carmen martin gaite: entre visillos-retahilos-ritmo lento 50 r social juan goytisolo: juego de manos-la chanca alfonso grosso:florido mayo-la giralda j manu caballero bonald: dos dias d septiembre

60luis martin santos: tiempo de silencio juan benet: volveras a region- una meditacion fco umbral:balada d gamberros-... Continue reading "Drumasota" »

Elementos del balance

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elementos del balance activo pasivo capital pasos para elaborar el balance general a/ encabezado nombre: nombre del estado financiero: balance genral b/ cuerpo del balance: -ACO. y ANCO -PC y PNC - K y Ksocial, Reserva legal y utilidades c/ firmas responsoblas comerciante individual comerciante social contador y popietario(Firmas) Contador Comerciante Social y Contador externo.
Estado de flujo de efectivo
es el documento contable que presenta los distinto movimientos de efectivo que una entidad ha efectuado en el periodo contable y los cambios habido en los ultimos elmentos financieros de un periodo a otro actividades operativas son todas la actividades relacionadas con el giro normal del negocio como la produccion, comersializcion de bienes
... Continue reading "Elementos del balance" »

Rhetorical devices in The Metamorphosis

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* Rhetorical: there is a shortage of rhetorical. Emphasizes the use of the rhetorical question above all the incomprehensible and absurd hyperbole Gregor.La situation appears frequently intensifies situations and providing more tension and drama. Symbols can be analyzed from the standpoint of rhetoric, some of them are: "The darkness of the room that is increasingly Gregor intensifies = degradation. The sun rising in the end is a new beginning for the family. "The insect represents the state of alienation, but also the state of protection or isolation by the shell. -Gregor does not want to eat human and animal refuses food, there is one food you want but can not guess what. It is interpreted as the spiritual quest. "Hindered communication:... Continue reading "Rhetorical devices in The Metamorphosis" »

The Holy Innocents, Miguel Delibes

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Primary and secondary themes. The work presents the situation as the main theme of social injustice suffered some servants by their masters. The former is an humble and poor peasants, with total submission abiding abuse cacique class. The lords exercising a despotism so aberrant and selfish end. Delibes faces two ways of understanding the world and two conceptions of the relationship between man and nature. Life has passed the servants always in direct contact with the earth. The link of the lords with nature lies in its ownership and possession. Delibes faces two conflicting worlds, the natural order, associated with rural life and the chaos associated with urban culture. From a thematic point of view, the novel has four main lines: Development... Continue reading "The Holy Innocents, Miguel Delibes" »

Adequacy, coherence, cohesion

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Compliance is the property for which a text is adapted wing situation in which communication occurs and meets the intent of the sender successfully. An appropriate text must meet 2 conditions:
-The language should be adjusted to appropriate level of formality, both in terms of vocabulary and other linguistic structures.
-The general structure of the text should respond to the text type that best s'adiqui with the intention of the sender comunativa in each case.
Consistency is the property for which a text contains quality information and well-organized.
- Select the ideas of the text. should be clear from the outset the subject that gives unity and meaning to the text and therefore selects the IDEs that would trasmentre.
-Organize ideas.... Continue reading "Adequacy, coherence, cohesion" »

Culteranismo - gongora

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Culteranismo - Gongora: Culteranismo complica el lenguaje, usa palabras raras y giros en la obra. Gongora es su mejor representante. (Cordoba), capellán de Felipe III. Enemigo de Quevedo. Cultivo la letrilla y el romance añadiendoles sarcasmo y satirico y con un doble sentido pesimista. Sus sonetos fueron excelentes con temas de vida cotidiana, amor y patrioticos. También tuvo grandes poemas como Soledades y Polifemo y Galatea. Todas sus obras son cultas. Conceptismo - Quevedo: Conceptismo complica el contenido, quiere buscar y rebuscar muchos significados a una sola frase. Quevedo es su mejor representante. (Madrid), servía a la corte. Enemigo de Góngora. Poesia amplia y variada con muchos temas distintos. Funde lo plebeyo y lo culto,... Continue reading "Culteranismo - gongora" »