Gozada de fuerte
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Question 1
Marks: 1
If a pilot has connected the automatic pilot to the gyro compass
(which is assumed to be operating correctly) and the latter is
fitted with a rate correction device which is properly corrected by astronomical precession,
the course followed by the aircraft (in still air conditions) is a:
Choose one answer.
a. Spherical Flight Segment |
b. Curve of some type of other |
c. Rhumb Line |
d. Great Circle |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 2
Marks: 1
If airworthiness documents do not shown any additionnal correction factor for landing performance determination on a wet runway, the landing distance shall be increased by:
Choose one answer.
a. 20%. |
b. 15%. |
c. 10%. |
d. 5%. |
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 3
Marks: 1
The most suitable means for extinguishing a magnesium fire on the ground is :
Choose one answer.
a. carbon dioxide. |
b. freon. |
c. sand. |
d. water. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 4
Marks: 1
The number of hand fire extinguishers which have to be installed in the passenger cabin according to JAR-OPS depends on the number of :
Choose one answer.
a. seat rows in the cabin. |
b. passengers in the cabin. |
c. emergency exits in the cabin. |
d. seats in the cabin. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 5
Marks: 1
The number of emergency exits in transport aeroplanes
Choose one answer.
a. must be in accordance with the number of passengers on board. |
b. depends on the decision of the manufacturer in agreement with the operator. |
c. must be arranged to allow at least 50 % of all passengers to leave the aeroplane within 2 minutes. |
d. must be arranged to allow all passengers and all crew members to leave the aeroplane within 90 sec. through 50 % of the available emergency exits. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 6
Marks: 1
MNPS is the abbreviation for:
Choose one answer.
a. Military Network Performance Structure. |
b. Maximum North-atlantic Precision System. |
c. Minimum Navigation Positioning System. |
d. Minimum Navigation Performance Specification. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 7
Marks: 1
In MNPS airspace, the speed reference for turbo-jet aircraft is the:
Choose one answer.
a. Mach number. |
b. ground speed. |
c. true airspeed. |
d. indicated airspeed. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 8
Marks: 1
For an operation in MNPS airspace along notified special routes unless otherwise specified, an aircraft must be equipped with at least:
Choose one answer.
a. Two Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). | NOTE - "notified specified special routes" |
b. One Long Range Navigation System (LNRS). | NOTE - "notified specified special routes" |
c. Two independant Long Range Navigation Systems (LRNS). | NOTE - "notified specified special routes" |
d. Three Inertial Navigation System (INS). | NOTE - "notified specified special routes" |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 9
Marks: 1
For a twin-engined aeroplane, non ETOPS, the take-off alternate, if required, shall be located (in still air conditions) within :
Choose one answer.
a. one hour of flight time, at cruising speed with only one engine operative. |
b. one hour of flight time at cruising speed all engines operating. |
c. two hours of flight time at cruising speed all engines operating. |
d. two hours of flight time, at cruising speed with only one engine operative. |
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 10
Marks: 1
When refueling is being performed while passengers are boarding or disembarking the aircraft, one of the requirements is :
Choose one answer.
a. All flight crew shall remain at their station. |
b. Refueling is prohibited while passengers are boarding and/or disembarking. |
c. The ground area beneath the exits intended for emergency evacuation and slide deployment areas must be kept clear. |
d. The aircraft's stairs be completely extended. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 11
Marks: 1
If smoke appears in the air conditioning, the first action to take is to :
Choose one answer.
a. Determine which system is causing the smoke. |
b. Put on the mask and goggles. |
c. Cut off all air conditioning units. |
d. Begin an emergency descent. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 12
Marks: 1
Who is responsible for assuming that the air transportation of an item of dangerous goods is not prohibited?
Choose one answer.
a. The shipper when completing the shipper's declaration for dangerous goods. |
b. The captain, always using the list of prohibited aircraft items. |
c. It is not specified. |
d. The operator. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 13
Marks: 1
An aircraft is scheduled to fly from PARIS to MARSEILLE at FL 390 and has the following characteristics:
Maximum permissible number of passenger specified by the certificate of airworthiness = 230
Number of seats on board = 200
Scheduled number of passengers on board = 180
The minimum number of inhaler systems provided in the aircraft cabin should be:
Choose one answer.
a. 200. |
b. 220. |
c. 180. |
d. 230. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 14
Marks: 1
A turboprop aeroplane is performing an overwater flight, which takes it further than 340 NM away from an aerodrome where an emergency landing could be performed. Normal cruising speed is 180 kt. One engine out airspeed is 155 kt.
Choose one answer.
a. Life rafts must be available for all occupants. | The regulations require life rafts when the flight is over 400nm or 120 minutes at all engines cruise speed. Therefore, only life jackets are required |
b. Life jackets and rafts must be available for all occupants. | The regulations require life rafts when the flight is over 400nm or 120 minutes at all engines cruise speed. Therefore, only life jackets are required |
c. The regulation does not require life jackets or rafts to be taken on board in this particular case. | The regulations require life rafts when the flight is over 400nm or 120 minutes at all engines cruise speed. Therefore, only life jackets are required |
d. Life jackets must be available for all occupants. | The regulations require life rafts when the flight is over 400nm or 120 minutes at all engines cruise speed. Therefore, only life jackets are required |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 15
Marks: 1
The greatest wake turbulence occurs when the generating aircraft is :
Choose one answer.
a. Large, heavy, at low speed in clean configuration |
b. Small, light, at low speed in clean configuration |
c. Small, light, at maximum speed in full flaps configuration |
d. Large, heavy, at maximum speed in full flaps configuration |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 16
Marks: 1
To avoid wake turbulence, when departing behind a larger aircraft, the pilot should manoeuver :
Choose one answer.
a. Above and upwind from the larger aircraft |
b. Above and downwind from the larger aircraft |
c. Below and upwind from the larger aircraft |
d. Below and downwind from the larger aircraft |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 17
Marks: 1
The MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace extends vertically between flight levels:
Choose one answer.
a. 285 and 420. |
b. 280 and 400. |
c. 275 and 400. |
d. 280 and 390. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 18
Marks: 1
In the event of an en-route HF communication failure in an MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, the appropriate VHF frequency for air to air communications is :
Choose one answer.
a. 128.800 MHz. |
b. 121.800 MHz. |
c. 118.800 MHz. |
d. 123.45 MHz. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 19
Marks: 1
During a landing approach, the aircraft is subjected to windshear with a decreasing head wind. In the absence of a pilot action, the aircraft :
1. flies above the glide path
2. flies below the glide path
3. has an increasing true airspeed
4. has a decreasing true airspeed
The combination of correct statements is :
Choose one answer.
a. 2,3 | Loss of headwind = loss of lift (sinking) and a loss of IAS |
b. 2,4 | Loss of headwind = loss of lift (sinking) and a loss of IAS |
c. 1,3 | Loss of headwind = loss of lift (sinking) and a loss of IAS |
d. 1,4 | Loss of headwind = loss of lift (sinking) and a loss of IAS |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 20
Marks: 1
During a flight from Europe, scheduled in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Spécification) airspace, you expect to cross the 30°W meridian at 1330 UTC ; you will normally be :
Choose one answer.
a. in a polar track system |
b. in a night-time organised track system |
c. in a day-time organised track system |
d. outside the validity period of the organised track system |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 21
Marks: 1
A life jacket is mandatory for any passenger on board an aeroplane flying away from the shore by more than :
Choose one answer.
a. 200 NM |
b. 100 NM |
c. 400 NM |
d. 50 NM |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 22
Marks: 1
Which separation will be provided if Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) is used when operating in MNPS airspace?
Choose one answer.
a. 60 NM lateral and 500 ft vertical. |
b. 90 NM lateral and 1000 ft vertical. |
c. 60 NM lateral and 1000 ft vertical. |
d. 90 NM lateral and 500 ft vertical. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 23
Marks: 1
If a flight is planned to operate along the whole length of one of the organised tracks, the intended organised track should be defined in items of the flight plan by :
Choose one answer.
a. inserting coordinates as detailed in the NAT track message. |
b. using the abbreviation "OTS" followed by the code letter assigned to the track. |
c. inserting coordinates defining significant points with intervals of 10° of longitude. |
d. the abbreviation "NAT" followed by the code letter assigned to the track. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 24
Marks: 1
In the event of a contingency which requires an en-route diversion to an alternate aerodrome across the direction of the prevailing "NAT" traffic flow and if prior ATC clearance cannot be obtained an aircraft able to maintain its assigned flight level should :
Choose one answer.
a. If below FL410, climb or descend 1000 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome. |
b. If above FL410, climb 1000 ft or descend 500 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome. |
c. If below FL410, climb 500 ft or descend 1000 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome. |
d. If above FL410, climb or descend 1000 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 25
Marks: 1
The climb or descent through MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace of a non MNPS certified aircraft :
Choose one answer.
a. can be authorised only if the pilot is in communication with tconflicting aircraft pilot |
b. can be authorised when the aircraft has two long range navigation systems |
c. is forbidden in all cicumstances |
d. can be authorised under radar control if the pilot is in VHF contact with the controller |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 26
Marks: 1
Posit : g, the longitude difference Lm, the average latitude Lo, the latitude of the tangent The transport precession is equal to :
Choose one answer.
a. g.sin Lm |
b. g/2.sin Lm |
c. 15°/h.sin Lm |
d. g.(sin Lm-sin Lo) |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 27
Marks: 1
During a transoceanic and polar flight, the transport precession is the rotation in degrees of the gyro North with respect to the:
Choose one answer.
a. true North |
b. grid North |
c. compass North |
d. magnetic North |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 28
Marks: 1
A category D aircraft can carry out an indirect approach followed by a visual maneuver only if the horizontal visibility is higher than or equal to :
Choose one answer.
a. 2400 m |
b. 1500 m |
c. 1600 m |
d. 3600 m |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 29
Marks: 1
According to the JAR-OPS requirements, an IFR flight with no alternate aerodrome can be undertaken only if the minimum weather conditions (VMC) are effective for at least :
Choose one answer.
a. 1 hour before to at least 1 hour after the expected time of arrival |
b. 2 hours before to at least 2 hours after the expected time of arrival |
c. 3 hours before to at least 3 hours after the expected time of arrival |
d. 3 hours before to at least 1 hour after the expected time of arrival |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 30
Marks: 1
The Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) defines the equipment which can be inoperative when undertaking a flight and the conditions under which this allowance can be accepted.
This MMEL is drawn up by :
Choose one answer.
a. the operator and is specified in the operation manual |
b. the operator from a main list drawn up by the manufacturer |
c. the operator and approved by the certification authority |
d. the manufacturer and approved by the certification authority |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 31
Marks: 1
The information concerning dangerous goods that passengers may carry, are listed in the :
Choose one answer.
a. ICAO document titled "Technical safety instructions for the air transportation of dangerous products" |
b. JAR-OPS documentation. |
c. aircraft's flight manual. |
d. IATA document "Dangerous products transportation". |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 32
Marks: 1
When taking-off behind a wide-body aircraft, with wind coming from the left side, you adopt a path, whenever possible :
Choose one answer.
a. distinct from the preceding airplane, by remaining at the right of and under its path. |
b. distinct from the preceding airplane, by remaining at the left of and above its path. |
c. identical to the one of the preceding airplane. |
d. distinct form the preceding airplane, by remaining behind it and under its path. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 33
Marks: 1
For the purpose of wake turbulence separation, what is the ICAO minimum radar separation distance if a heavy aeroplane is following directly behind another heavy aeroplance on the approach to the same runway ?
Choose one answer.
a. 3.7 km (2 NM) |
b. 7.4 km (4 NM) |
c. 11.1 km (6 NM) |
d. 9.3 km (5 NM) |
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 34
Marks: 1
For purpose of wake turbulence separation, what is the ICAO minimum radar separation distance and minimum time if a medium aeroplane (less than 136000 kg and more than 7000 kg) is following directly behind a heavy aeroplane on the approach to the same runway ?
Choose one answer.
a. 9.3 km (5 NM) and 3 minutes |
b. 7.4 km (4 NM) and 2 minutes |
c. 11.1 km (6 NM) and 3 minutes |
d. 9.3 km (5 NM) and 2 minutes |
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 35
Marks: 1
In addition to the languages required by the State of Origin, what language should be set for the markings related to dangerous goods :
Choose one answer.
a. Spanish |
b. English |
c. English, French or Spanish |
d. French |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 36
Marks: 1
From the following list :
1. Fire extinguishers
2. Portable oxygen supplies
3. First-aid kits
4. Passenger meals
5. Alcoholic beverages
Which are classed as Dangerous Goods that are required to be on the aircraft in accordance with relevant JAR's for operating reasons :
Choose one answer.
a. 2,3 and 4 only |
b. 3,4 and 5 only |
c. 1,2 and 5 only |
d. 1,2 and 3 only |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 37
Marks: 1
The maximum validity of a SNOWTAM is :
Choose one answer.
a. 3 hours |
b. 24 hours |
c. 6 hours |
d. 12 hours |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 38
Marks: 1
Assuming contaminated runway conditions, if an aeroplane's mainwheel tyre pressure is 195psi., the approximate speed above which dynamic hydroplaning may occur in the event of applying brakes is :
Choose one answer.
a. 126 kt | 9 x square root of 195 = 125.678 |
b. 129 kt | 9 x square root of 195 = 125.678 |
c. 80 kt | 9 x square root of 195 = 125.678 |
d. 114 kt | 9 x square root of 195 = 125.678 |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 39
Marks: 1
The accumulation of snow or ice on an aircraft in flight induces an increase in the:
Choose one answer.
a. value of the stall angle of attack |
b. tuck under |
c. stalling speed |
d. roll rate |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 40
Marks: 1
Mist in the cabin, pressure and temperature drop characterise:
Choose one answer.
a. a slow depressurization. |
b. a plastic fire. |
c. a fast depressurization. |
d. an electrical fire. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 41
Marks: 1
When taking-off, in winter conditions, the wing contamination by ice or frost will cause the following effects:
1 - an increase in the take-off distance
2 - a diminution of the take-off run
3 - an increase in the stalling speed
4 - a diminution of the stalling speed
5 - a diminution of the climb gradient
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is :
Choose one answer.
a. 2, 3, 5 |
b. 1, 3, 5 |
c. 1, 2, 3 |
d. 2, 4, 5 |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 42
Marks: 1
In accordance with JAR-OPS 1.430 (Aerodrome Operating Minima), the lowest minima to be used by an operator in a category B aeroplane for circling are :
Choose one answer.
a. 400 ft and visibility 1500m |
b. 600 ft and visibility 2400m |
c. 500 ft and visibility 1600m |
d. MDH |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 43
Marks: 1
In icing conditions and after the application of an anti-icing fluid on your airplane, you are waiting to take-off by:
1. avoiding positioning yourself in the engine jet wash of the preceding aircraft
2. avoiding positioning yourself in the turbo-props wash of the preceding aircraft
3. positioning yourself in the engine jet wash of the preceding aircraft
4. positioning yourself in the turbo-props wash of the preceding aircraft
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Choose one answer.
a. 3, 4 |
b. 1, 2 |
c. 2, 3 |
d. 1, 4 |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 44
Marks: 1
In accordance with EU/JAR-OPS 1, an airplane whose maximum take-off mass exceeds 5 700 kg or whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater than 9 seats and smaller than 200 seats must be equipped with a:
Choose one answer.
a. crash axe and a crow-bar in the passenger compartment. | Over 200 seats - required in the cabin |
b. crash axe in the cockpit and a crow-bar in the passenger compartment. | Over 200 seats - required in the cabin |
c. crow-bar in the cockpit and a crash axe in the passenger compartment. | Over 200 seats - required in the cabin |
d. crash axe or a crow-bar in the pilot compartment. | Over 200 seats - required in the cabin |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 45
Marks: 1
An aircraft which experiencies a headwind of 40 kt while making its way towards the centre of a microburst may expect, when crossing the microburst, to face a windshear of :
Choose one answer.
a. 40 kt. |
b. 60 kt. |
c. 80 kt. |
d. 20 kt. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 46
Marks: 1
Which one of the following sets of conditions is the least likely to attract flocks of birds ?
Choose one answer.
a. short gang-mown grass |
b. long grass |
c. an area liable to flooding |
d. edible rubbish |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 47
Marks: 1
The public address system must be audible and intelligible at:
1 - all passenger seats
2 - toilets
3 - cabin crew seats
4 - work stations
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Choose one answer.
a. 1-2 |
b. 1-2-3-4 |
c. 1-2-3 |
d. 1 |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 48
Marks: 1
Supplemental oxygen is used to :
Choose one answer.
a. provide with oxygen passengers who might require it, following a cabin depressurisation |
b. assist a passenger with breathing disorders |
c. provide people on board with oxygen during a cabin depressurisation |
d. protect a crew who fights a fire |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 49
Marks: 1
The aircraft is of Category A. The runway has edge lights and high intensity centre line lights. There is an accessible alternate aerodrome and the two pilot crew is IFR qualified on type. The minimum RVR / Visibility required for take-off is:
Choose one answer.
a. 150 m if a threshold RVR is available. |
b. 200 m. |
c. 150 m. |
d. 300 m. |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 50
Marks: 1
During an ILS procedure, if the information transmitted by the appropriate services and received by the crew contains parameters below the crew's operational minimums, the point beyond which the approach must not be continued is:
Choose one answer.
a. the FAF. |
b. the outer marker (OM). |
c. the middle marker. |
d. the start final descent point (glide slope intersection). |
Marks for this submission: 1/1.