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2. The legal regime of State Symbols. IN UKTRAINE

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The process of dismantlement (taking apart) of the Existing colonial empires

And the independence of their colonies that happened in 1945. It affected more Than 50 countries and around 1500 Million people.


Nationalist movements
Emergence of charismatic leaders
International support


intellectuals, Christian churches, international Humanitarian movement
United Nations

A rescue and reconstruction plan based on grants and loans for Europe
That was in ruins after WWII. USA sought new markets and wanted to avoid
Social unrest which might favor communism in Europe.
Europe received 25,000 million dollars and USA intervened


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Theory of roman law

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The Geographical Outline of Great BritainThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland covers an area of some 244 thousand square miles. It is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are separated from Europe by the Strait of Dover and the English Channel. The British Isles are washed by the North Sea in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

The population of Great Britain is about 60 million. The largest cities of the country are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The territory of Great Britain is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

England is in the southern and central part of Great Britain. Scotland is in the north of the island. Wales is in the... Continue reading "Theory of roman law" »


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STUARTS (17th): James I (religious hopes, war w spain, settlements). Charles I (wars, money to P, petition of rights, personal rule, ship money, Laud anglican episcopacy in scotland, war, Civil War 1642, cromwell win, rump P) cromwell: common wealth (1649-1653): rump abolish monarchy, active foreign policy, 1st dutch war navigation act, dissatisfaction with P, Protectorate (1653-1659). Charles II (promise to let P, france power, treaty with Louis 14, P refuse, shaftesbury, whigs, tory). James II (wanted Eng catholic, Mary and william of Orange (glorious rev, bill of rights).

The Development of World War I: Causes, Alliances, and Trench Warfare

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The Development of World War I

1914 was a new crisis in the Balkans which damaged Europe.

The outbreak of conflict

The Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian crown was assassinated by a Bosnian Serb nationalist terrorist group called Black Hand. Austria declared war on Serbia, starting the game of alliances between central powers and triple entente. The working class was pacifist and anti-war, everything happened so fast and they decided to go to war. Those who were opposed were persecuted and punished.

War of movement and trench warfare

The Schlieffen plan decided to attack against Paris invading Belgium. The Germans wanted to invade France but the French army managed to stop the advance in the Battle of the Marne. German strategy had failed,... Continue reading "The Development of World War I: Causes, Alliances, and Trench Warfare" »

Timeline of World War II: Rise of Dictatorships and Key Events

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1921, hungary dictatrship by Horty. 1922, Italy by Mussolini. 1923,Spain by Primo de Rivera. 1926, poland by Pilsduki. 1929, Yugoslava by Alexander I. 1932, Portugal by Salazar. 1933, Germany by Hitler, Austria by Dollfus. 1936, Greece by Metaxas. 1939, Spain by Franco.

1931, Japan occupies Manchuria. 1933, Hitler cancellor. 1935, Italy invades ethipia. 1936, Rome-berlin axis, anti-commitern pact. 1938, Germany annexes autsria, munich conference. 1939, germany annexes czechoslovakia, nazi soviet pact.

1940 (MAY) germany occupies netherlands and belgium. (JUNE) germany occupies paris. (JULY) start battle britain. (OCT) italy invades greece. 1941 (JUNE) germany invades the ussr. (DEC) japan attack pearl harbour.

1942, battle of midway and el alemin.... Continue reading "Timeline of World War II: Rise of Dictatorships and Key Events" »

The Spanish Empire Under Charles V and Philip II

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The Reign of Charles V (1516-1556)

Inheritance and Early Rule

Charles V inherited a vast empire. On his mother's side, he received the Crowns of Aragon and Castile, along with territories in America, Italy, and Africa. From his father's side, he inherited lands as a member of the Habsburg dynasty, including territories in Germany, the Low Countries, Luxembourg, and eastern France.

The Revolt of the Comuneros (1520-1521)

In 1520, the Revolt of the Comuneros erupted in Castilian cities. The uprising was sparked by opposition to Charles V's policies, particularly his high taxes and his focus on foreign affairs. The royal army ultimately defeated the comuneros at the Battle of Villalar in 1521, and their leaders were executed.

Financial Challenges

Charles... Continue reading "The Spanish Empire Under Charles V and Philip II" »

La bipolarización y la Guerra Fría

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Los términos bipolarización y Guerra Fría, que están bastante relacionados, se utilizan para definir la división del mundo después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la que dos bloques antagónicos y las relaciones creadas entre ellos. Los bloques eran:

a) Uno liderado por Estados Unidos, o bloque occidental, capitalista, democrático o norteamericano.

b) Otro liderado por la URSS, bloque oriental, comunista o bloque soviético.

En este contexto, cada bloque intenta:

a) Mantener su área de influencia con intervenciones constantes para equilibrar la influencia del bloque oponente en esta área.

b) Amenazar al oponente mediante una carrera creciente de armamento, incluyendo armas nucleares.

c) El equilibrio militar y de armamento (equilibrio del... Continue reading "La bipolarización y la Guerra Fría" »

Spanish provinces

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The War of the Spanish Succession (1700-1714)

Political developments in 18th-century Spain were the result of dynastic change, as the Habsburgs (los Austrias) Were replaced by the Bourbons and, as a result, the government in Spain Became more centralised UK / centralized USA.

Charles II was the last Spanish King of The Habsburg line. He died without heirs, but in his will (testamento) he had Appointed Philip of Anjou (grandson of Louis XIV of France) as his Successor, who acceded to the throne as Philip V.

The danger of a possible union of Spain and France and The subsequent breakup of balance on the continent led the major European Powers to endorse the Archduke Charles of Austria, second son of the German Emperor, as successor.  This

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Spanish provinces

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spanish monarchy could not maintain its dominance over england, france and holland. Hacienda was in debt. Resources from india were not used. Few privileged social groups dominated. These groups lived from the rents of their land and were unable to stimulate a productive economy. Monarchs: they were not interested in government, were more concerned in maintaining their income and prestige. They dedicated their time to hunting, palace receptions... They delegated their functions to their favourites. Validos acted as head of governments. Many of them used their power for their own benefit. Corruption and inefficient administration increased, Favourites accumulated so much power that the court became a web of intrigue. Government of favourites:
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Key Events in Modern History

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1492 (Colon discovered America)

1701-1713 (Spanish War of Succession)

1750 (Industrial revolution started)

1766 (Matxinada of Azpeitia and Azkoitia, Wheat)

1780-1850 (1st industrial revolution)

18th century (Enlightenment ideas)

1789 (The French revolution started + tome the bastille)

1791 (Women rights)

1792 (French republic was established + The war of convention)

1793 (Louis XVI was guillotined)

1799-1804 (Consolate)

1804-1814 (Directory)

1812 (The 1st constitution of Spain was established)

1815 (The congress of Vienna)

1820, 1830, 1848 (The revolution in Europe, 1848 spring of nation)

1850-1945 (2nd industrial revolution)

1874 (The Spanish first republic)

1914 (Assassination in Sarajevo)

1914-1918 (WW1)

1917 (Russian Revolution)

1919 (Treaty of Versailles)... Continue reading "Key Events in Modern History" »