Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of History

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Spain's Political Turmoil: 1868-1878

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The Democratic Administration (1868-1874)

The Revolution of September

In September 1868, Queen Isabella II left the throne because of the outbreak of the September Revolution, known as "The Glorious".

Formation of a Provisional Government

Chaired by General Serrano, but with General Prim as the strongman, a provisional government was formed. Constituent elections were called and won by monarchists. To win, the monarchists promoted the creation of a constitution that recognized the right of *illegal legislables* (rights that the legislature understood that they could not legislate because it had the right man for the very fact of human nature) and three reprimands the division of powers, but the monarchy retained executive power. The government... Continue reading "Spain's Political Turmoil: 1868-1878" »

Franco's Spain: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Regime

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The Franco regime emerged from the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and shared similarities with other totalitarian regimes of the era, such as those led by Mussolini and Hitler.

Despite the fall of fascism and Nazism after World War II, Franco's regime persisted until 1975.

Ideological Foundation

  • Fascist Representation: The Falange party represented fascist ideals, with all power concentrated in Franco's hands.
  • National Catholicism: Catholicism was the official religion, closely intertwined with the state.
  • Traditionalism: Inspired by the traditional monarchy of Habsburg Spain, rejecting Enlightenment ideas as the cause of Spanish decline.
  • National Unity: Autonomy statutes were abolished, and the state was centralized.

Internal Support


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Industrial Revolution: Key Figures, Labor, and Immigration

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Industrial Revolution:

Key Figures

Andrew Carnegie:

  • U.S. Steel
  • Pennsylvania
  • Sold company
  • Gave 80% of fortune to educational, cultural, and scientific foundations
  • Donated $350M to 2,500 public libraries, universities, and other foundations
  • Improved workers' conditions
  • Workers were previously treated poorly with low wages, paid for output, not hours
  • Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth: Help those who will help themselves

John D. Rockefeller:

  • Oil business
  • Ohio
  • Acquired competitors
  • Christian family: Taught to give to charity
  • Half of wealth used for public education through philanthropic efforts: building universities (University of Chicago), libraries, and art education
  • Workers treated fairly, fostering a sense of belonging in the “Standard Oil Factory”

J.P. Morgan:

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Napoleon Bonaparte: Rise, Reforms, and Fall of an Emperor

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The Napoleonic Era

Napoleon Bonaparte had a military education. He drove British forces from the port of Toulon, captured northern Italy, and forced Austrian Hapsburgs to make peace. He also led an Egyptian expedition in 1798.

Napoleon's Rise to Power in 1799

He took control of the Directory by coup d'état and established a three-man Consulate with himself as First Consul. Later, he crowned himself Emperor.

Napoleon's Reforms

  • Class System:
    • Nobles who fled France could return if they swore loyalty to the new French government.
    • Peasants kept lands they had bought.
    • A new nobility was established through a meritocracy.
  • Economy:
    • Controlled prices.
    • Promoted industrial growth.
  • Government:
    • Strengthened the national government.
    • An efficient bureaucracy governed
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The Geographical Position of Germany in the First World War

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How important was the geographical position of Germany in determining the outcome of the First World War?

At the beginning of the 20th century, the German Empire struggled to establish itself as a European power. It emerged as a state in 1871 and was ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm II.

The desire to conquer territories and paralyze rival empires were the main causes of WWI. Europe was divided into two alliances: The Triple Alliance, created in 1882 by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, and The Triple Entente. The Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, while the Triple Entente included France, Great Britain, and Russia.

The war broke out on June 28, 1914, when a young Serbian nationalist murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria,... Continue reading "The Geographical Position of Germany in the First World War" »

Germany's Responsibility for the First World War

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Beatriz Pou <[email protected]>

22:20 (hace 0 minutos)

The First World War began in 1914 with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and ended in 1919 in Versailles.

The Treaty of Versailles, the most important peace treaty, brought an end to the First World War. It was signed on June 28, 1919, also in Versailles, five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which immediately started the First World War. After the war, Germany had to bear all the responsibilities because it had caused all the damage and losses during the war. This treaty became known as the War Guilt clause and it forced Germany to pay and repair all the damages caused. But should Germany be the only guilty party in the First World War?


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1919 was the year after the Armistice. The First World War had ended. People were thankful that the fighting had stopped, but many people in Britain and France now wanted to punish Germany. The leaders of all the countries that had been fighting met in Paris to decide on a peace settlement to end the War.

The defeated powers were all there but they were given very little say in the debates. They were there simply to sign the treaties. Germany hoped for a reasonable settlement. The Kaiser had abdicated and there was now a more liberal government in Germany. But the Paris treaties were not negotiated.

Th terms of the treaties. Separated treaties were made with each of the defeated countries.

A-The League of Nations was created. LON was the first

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The Basque Statute of Autonomy of 1979

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The Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country (1979)


Primary source

Legal Status



Political text


Collective (representatives of the pre-autonomous Basque General Council)


Drafted by PNV, PSOE, and others + approved by Corts + sanctioned by King (Juan Carlos I) + signed by President of Government (Adolfo Suárez)


Law → all citizens of EH →public text


Be one of the fundamental laws of EH, culminating the process that Basque people desire = self-government as enshrined in Spanish Constitution of 1978 + on the basis of 36 statutes abrogated during Fascism.

Location and Date

Royal Palace, Madrid, 18 December 1979


In the period of the Spanish Transition, after Franco's death in 1975, that was a period of... Continue reading "The Basque Statute of Autonomy of 1979" »

Autonomous states come together to form a union called

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Anarchy: absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political Ideal. Example: Free Territory, It existed from 1918 to 1921 in Russia and Ukraine.

Aristocracy: a form Of government in which power is held by the nobility. Example: no country has An aristocratic government.

Authoritarian: Avoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the Government, at the expense of personal freedom. Example: Argentina under Perón And Nasser in Egypt.

Communist: adhering To or based on the principles of communism. Example: Post-Soviet states: Armenia, Estonia.

Confederation: a more Or less permanent union of countries with some or most political power vested In a central authority. Example: Belgium, Canada.... Continue reading "Autonomous states come together to form a union called" »

Good morning, have you got

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Is the art or study ofusing language to persuade or please people.In ancient Greece it was considered of great importance to be able to speak in public, argue a case and persuade others to agree with what they were saying. People were thought to be more powerful if they could employ good rhetoric.No, it is a rather negative term. However, Mark Atkinson believes that rhetorical techniques are still alive and well today. They can help to move an audience.To get applause i.E. Clapping, or other positive reaction.They are not only simple but strangely familiar to us. Some people use them without realizing that this is what they are doing.