Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Competitive examination

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Causes and Significance of the American Revolution

Classified in History

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Causes of the American Revolution

  • Organize Great Britain's new North American empire
  • Stabilize relations with Native North Americans
  • Stabilize land purchases on the western frontier

Major Events

  • England passes series of taxes and laws designed to make Colonies pay for war. Colonies do not like this. Events like the Boston Massacre, and Boston Tea Party occur to protest the policies that are aimed at America.
  • American colonist exchange fire with British troops at Lexington.
  • Declaration of Independence.
  • Treaty of Ghent ends war.

Short and Long Term Consequences

  • Ended war between Indians and settlers
  • Formed alliance with French.

The Royal Proclamation: Answer in full sentences

1) What are the key aspects of the Royal

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Jonas's Awakening: Discovering Love and the Power of Memories

Classified in English

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  • After that, Jonas doesn't want to go back to the Annex. He just wants a normal life like all of his friends.
  • The Giver, trying to make up for the whole warfare thing, transmits some really good memories to Jonas: a birthday party, for instance, which shows Jonas how nice it is to be singled out as an individual, instead of always the same as everyone else.
  • When he gets to experience riding a horse, Jonas sees how wonderful the bond between man and animal can be. When he sits beside a campfire in the dark, he knows at last the joy of solitude.
  • Jonas asks The Giver what his favorite memory is, adding that he doesn't have to give it away yet.
  • The old man, however, is happy to give away the memory. He transmits to Jonas the scene of Christmas morning.
... Continue reading "Jonas's Awakening: Discovering Love and the Power of Memories" »

Mastering Body Language: Tips and Cultural Differences

Classified in Religion

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Elements of Body Language You Can Consciously Work On:

  • Posture:

    This will enhance your positive aura and help you appear more responsible and reliable. Few basics:
    • Stand tall with straight shoulders while leaning forwards slightly.
    • Keep your posture open by not folding your arms across your body.
    • Don't tuck your hands in your pockets, keep them free to gesture.
    • Work on improving your body language.
  • Facial Expression:

    Use your face to show you're a friendly person. Express enthusiasm and conviction on your views through your face. The basics:
    • Nothing better than a genuine smile to express your warmth.
    • Keep your face relaxed with your gaze steady.
    • Make eye contact (not more than 2 seconds).
    • Keep the comfort of your audience in mind.
  • Voice:

    Research shows
... Continue reading "Mastering Body Language: Tips and Cultural Differences" »

Contrasting Perspectives on International Development: Easterly, Dowden, and Gates

Classified in History

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Contrasting Perspectives on International Development

William Easterly

  • Born in 1957; PhD in Economics from MIT.
  • Professor of Economics at NYU and prominent development economist.
  • Author of books critiquing traditional foreign aid approaches, such as "The White Man's Burden" and "The Elusive Quest for Growth."
Key Arguments
  • Skeptical of top-down, expert-driven development strategies.
  • Emphasizes the importance of local ownership, accountability, and market-based solutions.
  • Argues that aid can often be ineffective and even harmful if not implemented properly.

Richard Dowden

  • Born in 1949; British journalist and expert on African affairs.
  • Executive Director of the Royal African Society.
  • Author of "Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles.
... Continue reading "Contrasting Perspectives on International Development: Easterly, Dowden, and Gates" »

Promoting Health: Positive Actions and Behavior Change

Classified in Social sciences

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A person might be ill in one respect but well or healthy in others, it means that illness and health there are not opposite, so illness is not a lack of health and being healthy does not mean a person is well in all respects (psychologically and physically). WHO defines health like a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. In the last 60 years, psychologists use the Disease Model, making miserable people less miserable. However one of the challenges of psychology nowadays is to discover how to promote health to get better people’s lives, it calls positive psychology. So the aim of this essay is to know how to promote health.

Martin Seligman proposes different techniques,... Continue reading "Promoting Health: Positive Actions and Behavior Change" »

Principles of Flight

Classified in English

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futuro continuous. Will. Be. verb ing  at this time tomorrow he will be flying.

fut perf simple. Will.Have.past participle   i will have gone to bed by midnight.
fut perf cont will. Have been. Verb ing. By 8 pm i will have been revising history for 5 hours.
vocabulary. Board.Crew.Flight.Gate.Get in... High speed train.Journey.Land.Launch.Motorway.Orbit.Passenger.Platform
.Spacecraft.Space station.Take off.The subway tube.Traffic jam.Travel.Trip.Voyage.
prefixes. Coopereate.Disadvantage.Disagree.Disappear.Discomfort.Disobey
past simple. Iwent to ireland last year.
past cont.
... Continue reading "Principles of Flight" »

Coh3 chemical name

Classified in Physics

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newton’s laws of motion 1st when Net force acting on an object is zero, objects will not motion 2nd acceleration of an objects is equal to the net force acting On that object divided by the object mass 3rd when An object applies a force on the second object, the second object applies an Equal and opposite force to the first object in different object indifferent Direction.

Work: when a force is Apply on an object and it moves over a certain distance.

Friction: force that Resist motion of an object is called friction

The law of conservation of energy: it states that energy can neither be created nor Destroyed but can be transform one form to another

Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy: kinetic energy is the energy due to motion of... Continue reading "Coh3 chemical name" »

Jonas's Awakening: Emotions, War, and Community Secrets

Classified in English

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Jonas's Awakening: Emotions, War, and Community Secrets

  • The next thing we hear, there's an impromptu holiday declared over the public speakers.
  • Jonas goes to find Asher.
  • Meanwhile, it's been four weeks since Jonas stopped taking his "No more sexual urges!" pills. He's been having some pretty sexy dreams in the meantime, but we're spared the details, juicy or otherwise.
  • He's also started seeing color everywhere and all the time, too, instead of just for fleeting moments.
  • He realizes that he's feeling emotions more deeply than before, that for all their talk of "precision of language" the citizens of his community really don't know what they're talking about. He remembers when his sister said she was "angry." P-shaw—he knows that wasn't really anger.
... Continue reading "Jonas's Awakening: Emotions, War, and Community Secrets" »

Definitions of Key Terms in History, Religion, and Society

Classified in History

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A substance composed of metals melted together.


A process of change in a particular direction.


The whole body of things observed or assumed.


The service and worship of God or the supernatural.


The human race.


The preparation of the raising of crops.

Western Hemisphere

The half of the earth that includes North America, Central America, and South America.


A government in which power is in the hands of a few.


Knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws, especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method.


Any of the Roman emperors succeeding Augustus Caesar.


An official in ancient Rome with the function of protecting the interests of plebeian citizens... Continue reading "Definitions of Key Terms in History, Religion, and Society" »

Ancient Architecture Trivia: Parthenon, Pyramids, and Pantheon

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 2.56 KB.

26) The approach to the Parthenon is the following:

a) non-linear

27) Name and give the height of the tallest pyramid in Gizah:

b) Cheops 410’

28) The Egyptian pyramid has the following characteristics:

b) used for worship

29) What name was given to the Roman bath at Caracalla’s warm water pool?

a) Tepidarium

30) Titus arch commemorated:

d) capture of Jerusalem

31) The Circus Maximum was:

d) all of the above ( a stadium for chariot racing, built by Julius Caesar, enriched with columns and marble) *

32) The Roman emperor Hadrian achieved in the Pantheon.. Span? How long?

c) 142 ft, 1400 years.

33) The Rosetta stone was the key of solving this.

c) Reading of Hieroglyphics

34) The Parthenon is located in what sacred site in Athens:

d) The Acropolis

35) The

... Continue reading "Ancient Architecture Trivia: Parthenon, Pyramids, and Pantheon" »