Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Biology

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Classified in Biology

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TROPHIC LEVEL = consists of all the organims in an ecosystem which obtain their food in the same way.

1- producers are autrophic organisms that carry out the photosynthesis and convert inorganic matter into organic matter 
2-consumrs are heterotrophic organisms that feed on other living things 
3- decomposers are heterotrophic organisms the feed on the remains of the other trophic levels 
is a diagram in which organisms in an ecosystem from different trophic levels of the ecosystem and their feeding relationships 
FOOD Webs 
are diagrams of all the food chains in an ecosystem and their connections to each other
plankton ( microscope organisms that live in water ) protozoa 
nekton ( organisms
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Biology Quiz: Organisms and Their Characteristics

Classified in Biology

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1. What kind of organelles do photosynthetic Protista contain?

  • Multicellular and Unicellular

2. The main body of Fungi is called?

  • Mycelium

3. Plants produce ________ for our survival

  • Oxygen

4. What are the 2 transport plant tissues called?

  • Xylem and Phloem

5. What is the smallest group of Bryophytes?

  • Hornworts

6. A plant with a fibrous root system and leaves with parallel venation would also have?

  • None of the above

7. Where does pollen transfer on plants to start reproduction?

  • Stigma

8. If a farmer wanted a more loosely packed cluster of grapes, he would most likely spray the immature bunches with?

  • Gibberellins

9. Who formulated for the first time the Theory of evolution?

  • Lamarck

10. What is not inferred from Darwin's Theory?

  • None of the above

11. What is the... Continue reading "Biology Quiz: Organisms and Their Characteristics" »

Characteristics of Poriferans: Aquatic Organisms with Unique Structures and Reproduction

Classified in Biology

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Characteristics of Poriferans

Poriferans, also called sponges, are aquatic organisms (the majority of them are marine organisms) that either have no symmetry or have radial symmetry. Their bodies, which have a tube shape, a cup shape, or an irregular shape, have multiple pores that are interlinked by thin channels. These channels lead to a central cavity, called the atrium, which is linked to the outside by an opening called the osculum. Inside the channels, there are cells known as choanocytes, which are specialized in capturing food.

Poriferans stay upright due to a skeleton made of small spines called spicules. They feed by filtration. Water, which contains food particles, enters through the pores and exits through the osculum with the food... Continue reading "Characteristics of Poriferans: Aquatic Organisms with Unique Structures and Reproduction" »

Understanding Energy Needs and Malnutrition: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Biology

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17. Differentiation of energy needs. Resting energy expenditure. Thermic effect of food. Thermic effect of exercise. The world fatigue problem of hunger, general signs of marasmus


  • - Energy in humans is obtained in the form of food:

  • - It is vital for the human body and without it the body would break down

  • - Energy is expressed in calories or joules: 1 Kcal = 4.19 KJ

  • - Energy needs are met by 3 basic nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  • - Energy is required for:

o Resting energy expenditure: amount of calories required for a 24-hour period by the body during resting conditions (basal metabolism).

 The values change with sex, age, height and weight and are calculated by the Harris Benedict equations. o Energy required for the specific

... Continue reading "Understanding Energy Needs and Malnutrition: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Marchantia male

Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 1.57 KB.

hormones-chemicals produced by special cells  

hypothalamus-part of the vertebral brain connects endo./nerv. Syst


posterior pituitary gland         cerebrum-lagest part of the brain

anterior pituitary gland           CNS-consists of the brain and spinal cord

thyroid gland                         PNS-nerve receptors and endings

parathyroid gland

pancreas-consists of langerhans

homeostasis-normal functioning condition of human body

embryos-developing individuals from insemination to birth

male gonads-testis

female gonads-ovaries

gene-code messages that relays information

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid-AKA building blocks of life

amino acid-component of ribosomes that forms polypeptides

mRNA-conveys genetic... Continue reading "Marchantia male" »

Understanding Genetics: Karyotypes, Meiosis, and Inheritance

Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 7.1 KB.

1)Which of the following best describes a karyotype?

·a display of each of the chromosomes of a single cell

2) The human X and Y chromosomes

·include genes that determine an individual's sex.

3) Which of the following is true of a species that has a chromosome number of 2n = 16?

·Each cell has eight homologous pairs.

4) In a human karyotype, chromosomes are arranged in 23 pairs. If we choose one of these pairs, such as pair 14, which of the following do the two chromosomes of the pair have in common?

·Length, centromere position, staining pattern, and traits coded for by their genes.

5) Meiosis II is similar to mitosis in that

·sister chromatids separate during anaphase

6) Which of the following occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis?

·synapsis of... Continue reading "Understanding Genetics: Karyotypes, Meiosis, and Inheritance" »

Understanding Human Reproduction and Sexuality

Classified in Biology

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Difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics:

The primary are the sexual organs which are born with and the secondary are the physical characteristics developed during puberty


Reproduction is the creation of new individuals

Explain the journey of sperm to the ovum:

After being secreted by the penis through the urethra, the sperm go from the vagina to the uterus. Then, they divide into 2 groups and go to each fallopian tube. If there’s an ovum, one of these single sperm will fertilize it, and they will form a zygote, divide and become a morula and later a blastocyst. On the 7th day, the blastocyst implants in the endometrium








Reproductive tract

Epididymis, urethra


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Family History, Chest Examination, and Cardiac Diseases

Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 10.61 KB.


Contains the health condition of parents (grandparents), siblings and children of the patient; no wife/husband. Have to note the occurrence of inheritable diseases: haemophilia, spherocytosis, DM, hypertension, cancer, “obesity”?. Draw family tree and mark affected people, we can localize if the disease is dominant, recessive and linked to sex chromosome X. Examination of chest.


SHAPE: Barrel chest (expiration prolonged, difficult), Pigeon breast (protruding breast bone, common in rickets), Funnel breast (inward deformity of sternum), Kyphoscoliosis (curvature of the spine, common in childhood rickets, can compromise ventilation), general deformities (due to chronic pulmonary and pleural diseases... Continue reading "Family History, Chest Examination, and Cardiac Diseases" »


Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 2.79 KB.

 29. Proteins: large polypeptides, short peptides and amino acids, and amino acid. They are digested by pepsin, trypsin, and chimotripsonogen. Carbohydrates: Polysaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharaides. They are digested by salivary amylase, and pancreatic amylase. Lipids: triglycerides, fatty acids, and small lipid globules. They are digested by lingual lipase, pancreatic lipase, and gastric lipase. 30. Saturated fats have not double bounds in their chemically structure. Unsaturated fats ha more than one double bound in their chemically structure. 31. Deamination takes place primarily in the liver. It is used to break down amino acid for energy. 32. Essential fatty acid are fatty acids that humans and other animals must ingest because
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Understanding Hyperadrenalism and Related Syndromes

Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 4.49 KB.


Hypercorticosolism (Cushing Syndrome)


  • Cortisol-Secreting Adrenal Neoplasia
  • ACTH-Secreting ectopic Tumor
  • ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma (Cushing disease)

Cushing Syndrome:

  • sudden weight Gain
  • Truncal obesity
  • Buffalo hump
  • Moon Face
  • Abdominal Strain
  • Red Face Because BV become thinner closer to surface
  • Hypertension
  • Lab : Hypernitermeia, hypokalemia, Glucosuria
  • Low-Dose Dexamthasone Suppresion Test
  • (1 mg of dexamethasone @ 12 ... in the morning Dexamethsone should suppress ACTH and cortisol production = >120 mg
  • (In Cushing Cortisol Remains elevated)
min (10:20-11:30 )2-Find out where if we have Pituitary Adenoma will be if there is Suppresion of Cortisol in dexamethasone Suppresion Test !3- If there is No Response
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