Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Teaching & Education

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A Comprehensive History of Language Learning Theories and Methods

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Samuel Johnson (1755): Dictionary of the English Language

Standardization of meaning of words and English spelling

Robert Lowth (1772): Short Introduction to English Grammar

Prescribed what correct grammar should be, based on Latin knowledge

Karl Ploetz: Grammar Translation Method

Learning language using example sentences, two grammar rules, and a list of vocabulary. Translation is emphasized.

Berlitz Method: Direct Method

Learning focuses on oral language, listening, and speaking. Imitation of native speakers is encouraged. Proficient teachers are required, and L1 is not used in classes.

Michael West: Reading Method

Learning through reading. Tests focus on frequent words, and complexity is decreased in tests.

Army Method (WWII): Audiolingualism

Based... Continue reading "A Comprehensive History of Language Learning Theories and Methods" »

Effective Communication in Language Teaching and Learning

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T1- 2lang as comm; 2.1comm; 2.1.1def; 2.1.2elements in comm; 2.2lang; 2.2.1def; 2.2.2characteristics; 2.2.3components; 2.2.4funct; 3oral and written lang; 3.1oral lang; 3.1.1production skills; 3.1.2interactional skills; 3.1.3teaching of oral comm; 3.2written lang; 3.2.1teaching of written comm; 4features which define a comm situation; 4.1speech acts; 4.2context of situation; 4.3context of culture //

T2- 2comm; 2.1def. Comm vs lang; 2.2elements which take part in comm; 2.3types of comm; 2.3.1verbal comm; 2.3.2non-verbal comm; 2.3.3extralinguistic strategies: TPR; 2.3.4comm strategies; 3comm in the f.lang class in P.Ed; 3.1comm lang teaching; 3.2acquisition of the comm c; 3.3teacher's role; 3.4students' different learning styles //

T3 – 2development... Continue reading "Effective Communication in Language Teaching and Learning" »

The best way to measure motivation

Classified in Teaching & Education

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  1. Cognitive principles.

They relate mental and intellectual functions.

  1. Automaticity

Efficient second language learning involves a timely movement of the control of a few language forms into the automatic processing of a unlimited number of language forms.

  1. Meaningful learning

Meaningful learning will lead toward better long-term retention than rote learning.

  1. Anticipation reward

Human beings are universally driven to act by the anticipation of some sort of rewards — tangible or intangible, short term or long term — as a result of the behaviour.

  1. Intrinsic motivation

The most powerful rewards are those that are intrinsically motivated within the learner.

  1. Strategic investment

Successful mastery of the second language will be due to a learner’s own personal

... Continue reading "The best way to measure motivation" »

English Language and Culture: A Comprehensive Resource Guide

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Linguistics / Grammar

Recommended Texts

  • CRYSTAL, D. (1997): The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Quirk, R. and S. Greenbaum (1991): A University Grammar of English. London: Longman.
  • Quirk, R. et al. (1985). A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman.
  • CHOMSKY, N: Syntactic Structures. The Hague. 1957.
  • Leech, G. and Svartvick “A Communicative English” Longman 1979.
  • Thompson, A. & Martinet, A1986. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
  • GREENBAUM, Sidney & QUIRK, Randolph: A Student’s Grammar of the English Language. Longman. 1990.
  • HUDDLESTON, R.: Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge University
... Continue reading "English Language and Culture: A Comprehensive Resource Guide" »

Understanding Context, Deixis, and Politeness in Language

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Context is understood as the extralinguistic circumstances that influence the linguistic form of an utterance. It is formed by all the ethnographic knowledge that is necessary to interpret the statement. It is something dynamic, and those who participate in a communicative exchange have to build it.


  • Location
  • Nonverbal behavior
  • Language as context
  • Extra-situational context


  • Spatio-temporal: The environment in which the communication takes place.
  • Situational: What happens around the speakers as they converse is also influential.
  • Sociocultural: The social characteristics of the participants that determine the form and interpretation of a message.
  • Cognitive: General knowledge of the world, as well as the intentions of a participant.
... Continue reading "Understanding Context, Deixis, and Politeness in Language" »

The modern subject is the subject of the sciences.

Classified in Teaching & Education

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  • Tema 5: shipping arrangements 
To: Sara Sepúlveda
From: Alex Rodriguez
Subject: Our shipment to China -3486/56
Dear Mrs Sepúlveda,
As you Know, your company has arranged the shipping of one container from Spain to China for our company.According to the shipping documents, the container was sent on 21st July and our clients have not received the container.
The shipping of this container is part of a very import contract for our cinoany and we could lose a lot of business as a result of this delay.
Pleased look into the problem immediately to ensure there is no further delay. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanking you in advance,
Alex Rodriguez
Head of Shipping
Whizz Electronics
  • Tema 7: 1. Requesting a meeting
To: Finance Department, Head of
... Continue reading "The modern subject is the subject of the sciences." »

Unveiling the Power of Transmedia Storytelling: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Transmedia Storytelling: Unfolding Across Multiple Platforms

Pros and Cons of Transmedia Storytelling


  • Deeper audience experience
  • Motivates fan base
  • Promotes collaboration and community involvement
  • Innovative advertising opportunities


  • Time-consuming and difficult to produce
  • High demand on viewers
  • Rerun and licensing challenges

Shared Knowledge and Collaborative Processes

Shared Knowledge:

  • Known by the entire group
  • Collective knowledge that is not held individually
  • Collaborative process brings it all together

Shared Goal:

  • A shared problem that community members are passionate about

Online Community:

  • An online platform that enables group interaction
  • Interpersonal relationships, community ethics, and trust

Individual Contribution:

  • Members contribute from
... Continue reading "Unveiling the Power of Transmedia Storytelling: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Managerial Roles and Decision-Making Models

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Managerial roles: Interpersonal role: Figurehead, leader, liaison, Informational role: Monitor, disseminator, spokesman, Decisional role: Entrepreneur, Troubleshooter, Resource Allocator, negotiator.

The Vroom and Yetton Approach: Leadership theory that provides a set of rules for determining the form and amount of individual or participatory decision making in different situations. Leading model participation: Autocratic A1: The manager decides using available information. Autocratic A2: Manager gets information from the subordinate and decides. Consultative C1: The problem is shared with each subordinate, Consultative C2: The decision may or may not reflect the influence of the subordinates. Collaborative G2: The problem is shared with the... Continue reading "Managerial Roles and Decision-Making Models" »

Essential Hotel Management Vocabulary

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Answerable to

(tapescript) Responsible to


Someone who works for a skilled employer for a fixed period in return for being taught the skills necessary for that job.


Discussing prices, etc. to get a result that is to your own advantage.


Person who applies for a job or wants to be elected to a particular position.


Person whose job is making or repairing wooden things.


Women whose job it is to clean and tidy hotel bedrooms.


Group of customers or guests.

Comes Under the Remit of

(tapescript) Is the responsibility of.

Command of

Knowledge of.




Planning for only one day at a time.

Dealings with sb

(tapescript) Relations with sb, especially in business.


People who have been... Continue reading "Essential Hotel Management Vocabulary" »

tema 3

Classified in Teaching & Education

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  1. L1 TRANSFER: The influence that learner’s L1 exerts over the acquisition of L2. Positive, negative transfer, overuse/avoidance. Theoretical accounts of L1 transfer: -Behaviourism: errors were the result of interference. The habits of the L1 were supposed to prevent the learner from the learning habits of the L2. -Contrastive analysis: comparison of the 2 languages were carried out using CA. -Mentalist accounts of L2 acquisition: a few errors were the result of L1 transfer. -Cognitive accounts of L2 acquisition: transfer is a cognitive process. L1 as a kind os input from the inside. + Learners perceptions: learners have perceptions regarding the linguistic features of their own language. Learners have a sense of what features in their L1 are
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