English Language and Culture: A Comprehensive Resource Guide
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Linguistics / Grammar
Recommended Texts
- CRYSTAL, D. (1997): The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Quirk, R. and S. Greenbaum (1991): A University Grammar of English. London: Longman.
- Quirk, R. et al. (1985). A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman.
- CHOMSKY, N: Syntactic Structures. The Hague. 1957.
- Leech, G. and Svartvick “A Communicative English” Longman 1979.
- Thompson, A. & Martinet, A1986. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
- GREENBAUM, Sidney & QUIRK, Randolph: A Student’s Grammar of the English Language. Longman. 1990.
- HUDDLESTON, R.: Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 1984.
- Jones, D. “English Pronouncing Dictionary” London, Dent and Sons 1967.
- Gimson A. C. “An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English” Arnold 1970.
Teaching / Programme
Methodology and Pedagogy
- DOUGLAS BROWN, H.: Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Prentice Hall Regents. 1994.
- LARSEN-FREEMAN, D: Teaching and Principles in Language Teaching. O.U.P. 1986.
- CELCE-MURCIA, (Ed.) 1991 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
- HARMER, J. (1991): The Practice of English Language Teaching. New-York and London: Longman.
- MCLAREN, N. and MADRID, D. (1995): A Handbook for TEFL. Madrid: Marfil.
- RICHARDS, J. & ROGERS, T. (1998): Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.
- RICHARDS, J. et al. (1992): Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. London: Longman.
- RIVERS, W. M.: Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- STERN, H.: Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. O.U.P 1983.
- WIDDOWSON, H. G. (1991): Aspects of Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP.
- Ellis, G. and Sinclair B. “Learning to Learn English” C.U.P. 1989.
- Nunan, D. (1998), The Learner-centred Curriculum. Cambridge: CUP.
Anthologies and Histories
- ABRAMS et al.: The Norton Anthology of English Literature. N.Y.: W.W. Norton, 2012.
- LEGOUIS, E.: A Short History of English Literature. Oxford: O.U.P 1986.
- ROGERS, P.: The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature. Oxford: O.U.P. 1987.
- BRUMFIT, C. And R. Carter (2001): Literature and Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP.
British and American History
- MORGAN, K.O.: The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain. O.U.P. Oxford, 1987.
- FOSTER, R.F.: The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland. O.U.P., 1989.
- BROGAN, H.: The History of the United States of America. Penguin Books. New York, 1985.
- ROBINS, K.: Modern Britain, 1870-1975. London, 1983.
Understanding British and American Culture
- BRITAIN 1997. An Official Handbook. The Stationery Office (1996).
- BROMHEAD, P. (1991): Life in Modern Britain. Harlow: Longman.
- BROMHEAD, P. (1991): Life in Modern America. Harlow: Longman.
- LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH Language and Culture. Harlow: Longman. 1992.
- CROWTHER, J. (1999): Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. OUP.