Effective Classroom Management: Engaging Learning Activities & Strategies
Classified in Teaching & Education
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Busy Work vs. Engaging Learning Activities
BUSY WORK:Tasks JUST to keep students entertained.
Not thinking nor learning.
Activities that get the student involved in his learning and foment cognitive learning. We are actually learning something.
Misbehavior: Examples & How to Deal
- Examples of Misbehavior:
- Class disruption
- Not following the rules
- Talk out of context
- How to Deal:
- Give responsibility
- Give clear instructions
- Be firm, not rude
- Reprimand privately
- Give reinforcers
Classroom Layout & Seating Arrangements
Classroom layout and seating arrangements can affect learning in several ways:
- Affects interaction
- Affects eye-to-eye contact
- Affects board access
- Affects the teacher's attention to students
- Affects teacher's supervision
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