Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Teaching & Education

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Effective Classroom Management: Engaging Learning Activities & Strategies

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Post-Tasks image

Busy Work vs. Engaging Learning Activities


Tasks JUST to keep students entertained.

Not thinking nor learning.


Activities that get the student involved in his learning and foment cognitive learning.  We are actually learning something.

Misbehavior: Examples & How to Deal

  • Examples of Misbehavior:
    • Class disruption
    • Not following the rules
    • Talk out of context
  • How to Deal:
    • Give responsibility
    • Give clear instructions
    • Be firm, not rude
    • Reprimand privately
    • Give reinforcers

Classroom Layout & Seating Arrangements

Classroom layout and seating arrangements can affect learning in several ways:

  • Affects interaction
  • Affects eye-to-eye contact
  • Affects board access
  • Affects the teacher's attention to students
  • Affects teacher's supervision


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Effective Strategies for Teaching Reading, Speaking, Writing, and Listening Skills

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How to Teach the Four Skills: Reading, Speaking, Writing, and Listening

a) How to Teach ReadingActually there are three stages in teaching reading:

  • Pre-reading: In this stage, the teacher starts by contextualizing the topic of the reading process by using proverbs, quotes, pictures, videos, or short discussions, etc. Then, move to explain vocabulary items that students may encounter in the text. After that, he asks for their predictions about the topic of the text they are going to read.
  • While-reading: Teacher gives the text to students and asks them to read it silently and check their predictions (this process called skimming). Then the teacher asks them to read again to answer the comprehension questions (this process called scanning).
  • Post-reading:
... Continue reading "Effective Strategies for Teaching Reading, Speaking, Writing, and Listening Skills" »

Latitude of the position

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To Whom it may concern:

My Name is Julito Maraña. I have a degree in Marketing from Uniovi in 2008.
I am Writing with regards to a job position as Head of I.T. That I saw in today´s Newspaper.
As You can see in my CV, I have driving license and a B2 in English and French. Also I have my own car.
My Personal skills include being fast learner and good at multitasking.
I don’t mind working shifts or at any time.
I´m Available at any time for a job interview.
I Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,

Effective Assessment Methods for Writing Skills: Guided Dictation and Collaborative Learning

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Guided dictation is an effective way to assess the skill of writing. It challenges students' listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling abilities. The process encourages active engagement and provides immediate feedback, enhancing writing proficiency. Moreover, guided dictation promotes language acquisition by exposing learners to authentic spoken language. Collaborative learning can be assessed effectively through peer evaluation, promoting self-reflection and fairness. Formative assessment aims to inform and guide teaching and learning, while summative assessment measures overall mastery. Continuous assessment provides ongoing feedback and supports learning throughout the process. TEFL benefits from informal assessments, promoting... Continue reading "Effective Assessment Methods for Writing Skills: Guided Dictation and Collaborative Learning" »

Which of the following statements is true?,

Classified in Teaching & Education

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DEFININ RELATIVE CLAUSES: This is the queen whose sons were killed.

NON DEFINING: This is the queen whose son, jonh os he republic.., were killed

1. Que todavia no ha acabado 2. Que ya ha terminado

By the time the photographer arrived the mysterious creature had vanished.

USED TO: Solia
I used to run when i was young

ZERO CONDITIONAL: Present + present
FIRST CONDITIONAL:(SI LLUEVE NO IREMOS A LA PLAYA) If-present+ futuro (will) Excepcion: Unless you are nice to her, she wpnt help you
SECOND CONDITIONAL: (Si el seguro me da tal dinero me comprare otro coche) if-pasado+ would y presente. Excepcion: If i were you, id reach a compromise
THIRD CONDITIONAL: (Si no hubiese ido a algeciras no me
... Continue reading "Which of the following statements is true?," »

Effective Classroom Skills for Novice Teachers

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The initial challenge for novice teachers is to acquire the basic classroom skills needed to present and navigate their lessons. Teaching from this perspective is an act of performance, and for a teacher to be able to carry herself through the lesson, she has to have a repertoire of techniques and routines at her fingertips. These include routines and procedure for such things as:

  • Opening the lesson
  • Introducing and explaining tasks
  • Setting up learning arrangements
  • Checking students’ understanding
  • Guiding student practice
  • Monitoring students’ language use
  • Making transitions from one task to another
  • Ending the lesson

What we normally mean by the term teacher training refers to instruction in basic classroom skills such as these, often linked to a... Continue reading "Effective Classroom Skills for Novice Teachers" »

Vocabulary and Grammar Practice for English Learners

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Passionate, ambitious, loyal, optimistic, loyal, ambitious, television, influential, pessimistic.

At risk, creature, endangered, extinct, hunt, protected, rare, species, environment, habitat natural survive, dangerous, attack, vulnerable, fight, scared, danger, provided, tiger, mattress, hut, forest, wounded, shot, killed, boots, endangered, extinct, protected, desert, mountain, harmless, pepper spray, punch, seal, vertical, panic, unless, provided, survive, careful, drag, impressive, work out, record, take revenge, killed, provided, wounded.

Vocab- Affect, as a result, cause, effect, influence, is caused by, lead, result.

Arduous, strict, demanding, rigorous, testing, tricky, punishing, tough, gruelling, straightforward, awkward, struggle, stretch,... Continue reading "Vocabulary and Grammar Practice for English Learners" »

Indigo Girls: Music, Activism, and Social Change

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Over 25 years, folk-rock icons Indigo GirlsAmy Ray and Emily Saliers — have not only released more than a dozen albums, they have also displayed a deep dedication to social, political, and environmental issues, mixing music and activism in equal parts.

In 1993, they co-founded Honor the Earth, the Native American support and awareness group, along with activist Winona LaDuke. Two decades on, they are still actively involved with that cause and others, from immigration reform to campaigning against the death penalty. On the eve of the release of One Lost Day, their first studio album in four years — and their performance at TEDWomen on Wednesday night — we spoke to Ray about how they speak up for what they believe in (without getting... Continue reading "Indigo Girls: Music, Activism, and Social Change" »

Mastering Relationship Building: 7 Steps to Success

Classified in Teaching & Education

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**Relationship Building**

**Let's Work**

**I. Decide if the following statements are True or False according to the text.**

  1. True. You need good interpersonal skills to be a competent relationship builder.
  2. True. Relationship building puts the client's needs first.
  3. True. A good relationship builder has a network of mediators for when conflicts arise.
  4. False. Information about your clients can be found within your company.
  5. False. Only the feedback from your line manager is important.
  6. False. Idle chat is not a good way to get to know your colleagues.

**II. Match the headings to the seven steps to becoming an effective relationship builder.**

A) 5 Network of contacts
B) 2 Review
C) 1 Plan
D) 4 Weekly goal
E) 6 Get feedback
F) 7 Small talk
G) 3 Teamwork

**III. In

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Communicative Competence in English: Acquisition, Learning, and Teaching Methods

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Communicative Competence in English

Acquisition, Learning, and Teaching Methods

Communicative competence is the main objective in English language learning. It involves developing several subcompetences:

  1. Linguistic: Understanding and using vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.
  2. Strategic: Using techniques to overcome language gaps and modify text for audience and purpose. Acquiring conversational fluency.
  3. Socio-linguistic: Having knowledge of the social rules of language, non-verbal behaviors, and cultural references.
  4. Discourse: Understanding how ideas are connected through patterns of organization, cohesive, and transitional devices.

Block of Contents

  1. Oral texts comprehension (Listening).
  2. Oral texts production, expression, and interaction (Speaking).
  3. Written
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