Effective Classroom Management: Engaging Learning Activities & Strategies

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Post-Tasks image

Busy Work vs. Engaging Learning Activities


Tasks JUST to keep students entertained.

Not thinking nor learning.


Activities that get the student involved in his learning and foment cognitive learning.  We are actually learning something.

Misbehavior: Examples & How to Deal

  • Examples of Misbehavior:
    • Class disruption
    • Not following the rules
    • Talk out of context
  • How to Deal:
    • Give responsibility
    • Give clear instructions
    • Be firm, not rude
    • Reprimand privately
    • Give reinforcers

Classroom Layout & Seating Arrangements

Classroom layout and seating arrangements can affect learning in several ways:

  • Affects interaction
  • Affects eye-to-eye contact
  • Affects board access
  • Affects the teacher's attention to students
  • Affects teacher's supervision

Common Seating Arrangements:

  1. Traditional seating
  2. Horseshoe seating
  3. Class-group seating
  4. Group seating

Improving Board Usage

Here are some ways to improve board usage:

  • Divide the board
  • Have a clean board
  • Erase words instead of crossing them out
  • Classify language items
  • Use colors

Visual Aids in the Classroom

Visual aids are helpful in the classroom because they:

  • Attract students' attention
  • Are quicker than explaining with words
  • Are easy to make and reusable
  • Can be used for more than one purpose

Cooperative Learning Grouping

Here are two examples of cooperative learning grouping:

Example 1: Prepa en Línea SEP // Creating a topic in a forum asking about previous experiences in the module to encourage students to participate at least three times answering the ignition question and replying to other students' comments; this demonstrates equal participation. // Then, once a week, a video-session is held among the teacher and the students, talking about the week's progress of the topic, which exemplifies simultaneous interaction.

Example 2: Having a group of 4 and assigning a research paper. The students have to investigate a specific part of the task, demonstrating individual accountability. Then, students will answer a specific question related to the research; this will be positive interdependence because the others will depend on each other's learning.

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