Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Spanish

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Sophists: Teachers of Ancient Greece and Rome

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The Sophists: Masters of Rhetoric and Philosophy in Antiquity

The Sophists in Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire

The Sophists were a specific type of teacher in both Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Many Sophists specialized in using the tools of philosophy and rhetoric, although other Sophists taught subjects such as music, athletics, and mathematics. In general, they claimed to teach areté ("excellence" or "virtue"), predominantly to young statesmen and nobility.

The early Sophists' practice of charging money for education and providing wisdom only to those who could pay led to condemnations, notably by Socrates. Despite these criticisms, many Sophists flourished in later periods, especially during the era of Roman history known as the... Continue reading "Sophists: Teachers of Ancient Greece and Rome" »

Mastering Conditionals, Marketing, and Job Applications

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Understanding and correctly using conditional sentences is crucial for clear communication in English. Here's a breakdown:

  • Zero Conditional: If + present simple, present simple. (Used for general truths or facts)
  • First Conditional: If + present simple, will + infinitive. (Used for real or likely future possibilities)
  • Second Conditional: If + past simple, would + infinitive. (Used for hypothetical or unlikely situations)
  • Third Conditional: If + past perfect, would have + past participle. (Used for unreal past situations and their hypothetical results)

Mixed Conditionals (less common, combining different types):

  • If + past perfect, would + infinitive (Example: If I had studied harder, I would be a doctor now.)
  • If + past simple, would have
... Continue reading "Mastering Conditionals, Marketing, and Job Applications" »

Mastering English Verb Patterns: Infinitives and Gerunds

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Verbs Followed by 'to' + Infinitive

Certain verbs are commonly followed by the infinitive form with "to." These include:

  • Afford
  • Expect
  • Intend (plan)
  • Refuse
  • Agree
  • Fail
  • Learn
  • Prepare
  • Seem
  • Appear
  • Forget
  • Manage
  • Pretend
  • Want
  • Attempt
  • Help
  • Need
  • Promise
  • Wish
  • Decide
  • Hope
  • Offer
  • Propose
  • Would like

Verbs Followed by Object + Infinitive

Some verbs require an object before the infinitive. Examples are:

  • Advise
  • Allow
  • Ask
  • Expect
  • Encourage
  • Forbid
  • Force
  • Invite
  • Persuade
  • Prefer
  • Order
  • Help
  • Remind
  • Recommend
  • Teach
  • Tell
  • Want
  • Warn
  • Would like

For instance, "I asked them to come."

After Adjectives and Adverbs

Infinitives are used after adjectives and adverbs, especially with "too" (too much) or "enough" (sufficient).

For example, "It's easy to learn." or "She is too young to get married."

After "is/was + adjective + of

... Continue reading "Mastering English Verb Patterns: Infinitives and Gerunds" »

English Grammar Rules and Examples for Beginners

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Verb Tenses

PASSIVE (3 columns): Delivers- is/are delivered. Delivered- were/was delivered. Will deliver- will be delivered. Is/are delivering-is/are being delivered. Was/were delivered-Was/were being delivered. Is going to deliver-is/are going to be delivered. Has/have delivered-have/has been delivered. Had delivered-had been delivered. Has to deliver-have to be delivered. Must deliver- must be delivered. +BY Y LA PERSONA +FOR TOMORROW (EL TIEMPO VA EL ULTIMO) Causatives: HAVE/GET +OBJECT+PAST PARTICIPLE (Sheila had her hair dyed or SUBJECT+HAVE+PERSON+INFINITIVE. REPORTED: Stays-stayed. Is staying- was staying. Stayed-had stayed. Was staying-had been staying. Has stayed-Had stayed. Has been staying-Had been staying. Had stayed- had stayed.... Continue reading "English Grammar Rules and Examples for Beginners" »

English Vocabulary Builder: Mastering Essential Words and Phrases

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English Vocabulary Builder

Essential Words and Phrases


Action Verbs
  • Blow up: explode
  • Wipe out: make everything disappear/eliminate
  • Wrap up: envelop
  • Carry out: llevar a cabo
  • Collide with/Crash into: estrellar/chocar
  • Pick up: recoger/ir a buscar
  • Put off: postpone
  • Take off: quitarse una prenda/despegar
  • Call off: cancel
  • Catch on: understand
  • Work out: find out
  • Try out: try
Phrasal Verbs
  • Show someone the ropes: explain to someone how to do an activity
  • Pull your weight: work as hard as other people
  • Hire: contratar/alquilar
  • Break down: romperse
  • Deal with: tratar con
  • Slack off: vaguear
  • Share profits: compartir las ganancias
  • Dare: atreverse
  • Take for granted: no saber valorar
  • Take sides: tomar partido
  • Run wild: descontrolarse
  • Run short of: quedarse sin
  • Run an errand: hacer
... Continue reading "English Vocabulary Builder: Mastering Essential Words and Phrases" »

Effective Spanish Email Writing Tips and Vocabulary

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At first: At first; At first sight (vista); First at all; Firstly; To begin with (para empezar); Secondly, Thirdly; Initially (inicialmente)


As far as I am concerned: From my point of view; Talking from my experience; I agree/disagree; In my opinion/view; It is true that; To be honest; Personally; In fact; Actually; Most people; Nowadays = currently.


And eventually: Finalmente; Aparte from (aparte de); In addition/Moreover/besides = Ademas; Furthermore (asimismo); Another point is that (habría que añadir que); After that (después de eso); Meanwhile (mientras tanto); Next (luego); Doubtless (sin duda); That is (es decir)


All in all: Resumiendo; In conclusion; Eventually (finalmente); Afterwards (más tarde);... Continue reading "Effective Spanish Email Writing Tips and Vocabulary" »

English Verb Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect

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Present Simple

Indicators: Always, often, usually, generally, sometimes, seldom, hardly ever, never, every..., once/twice a..., three times a..., on days of the week, by day, weekly, regularly, at first..., then.., Monday...

Past Simple


  • Determined time: Last week, yesterday, six weeks ago...
  • Indeterminate time: The other day, ages ago, a long time ago...
  • The previous day, week...
  • The day, week before...

Future Simple

Indicators: Tomorrow, next week, probably, maybe, perhaps, I (hope, think, believe, expect...), spontaneous decisions, predictions, favors, uncertain future.

Present Continuous


  • Am + -ing
  • At present, currently, now, right now, at the moment, at this moment
  • "Today" (contrasting a habit)
  • This afternoon, tonight, tomorrow,
... Continue reading "English Verb Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect" »

Don't Let Me Down

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    Don't let me down

Crashing, hit a wall
Right now I need a miracle
Hurry up now, I need a miracle
Stranded, reaching out
I call your name but you're not around
I say your name but you're not around

I need you, I need you, I need you right now
Yeah, I need you right now
So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
I think I'm losing my mind now
It's in my head, darling I hope
That you'll be here when I need you the most
So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
Don't let me down

Don't let me down
Don't let me down, down, down
Don't let me down, don't let me down, down, down

Running out of time
I really thought you were on my side
But now there's nobody by my side

I need you, I need you, I need you right now
Yeah, I need you right now
So don't let... Continue reading "Don't Let Me Down" »

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

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Reported Speech

Pres. (I said "I go to London")Pas. (He said that he went to London)
Pres. C. (He said "I'm going...")Pas. C. (...he was going...)
Pas. (He said "I went to London")Pas. Perf. (...he had gone...)
Pas. C. (He said "I was going...")Pas. Perf. C. (...he had been going...)
Pres. Perf. (He said "I have gone...")Pas. Perf. (...he had gone...)
Fut. (He said "I will go...")Cond. (...he would go...)
Pas. Perf.Pas. Perf.

Today - that/that day/tomorrow - the following day/yesterday - the day before/here - there/this - that/these - those.


  • If present / future (will, is/are going to)
  • If past / conditional (would/could)
  • If past perfect / conditional perfect (would + have + past participle)

Passive Voice

Roald Dahl's Parson's Pleasure: Summary & Analysis

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Parson's Pleasure

The story that I enjoyed most was 'Parson's Pleasure' because the story is about an antique dealer. I like the world of antiques, old cars and houses, and old things. It is also funny because the man, to avoid suspicion, parks his car out of sight and dresses as a parson. I also like the method that the man uses to persuade the owners. On one occasion, Boggis finds a particularly valuable commode at a farm. The farmer, Rummins, although initially suspicious, thinks that it is a good price for a worthless piece of furniture. Finally, the farmer is persuaded by Boggis, thinking that Boggis will only use it as firewood.

The Open Window

Framton Nuttel, a young man greatly concerned with his health, reluctantly accepts his doctor'... Continue reading "Roald Dahl's Parson's Pleasure: Summary & Analysis" »