Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Spanish

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English Grammar: Parallel Structure, Modals, Conditionals & More

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Parallel Structure

Parallel Structure

On his day off, he did this, this, and that. On his day off, he did this, this, and that.

I love reading stories, watching the moon, and spending time with my friends.

I love reading stories, watching the moon, and spending time with my friends.

Mary likes reading, playing cards, and watching movies.

Mary likes reading, playing cards, and watching movies.

Perfect Modals

Perfect Modals

They must have practiced (deben haber practicado) a lot because they played beautifully.

My grandfather may have used (podría haber usado) this camera when he was young, but I am not sure.

Could have—podría haber

Can't have—no puede haber

Should have—deberías haber

Mixed Conditionals

Mixed Conditionals

If I were you, I would get... Continue reading "English Grammar: Parallel Structure, Modals, Conditionals & More" »

Memorable Night at the Morro of Arica: Fireworks and Warm Weather

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When was it?

My memorable night was the last day of December 2018.

Where were you?

I was in the north of Chile.

Who were you with?

I was with my girlfriend and her family.

What did you wear?

I was wearing blue jeans and a shirt.

Where did you go?

I went to the Morro of Arica.

What did you do?

I watched the fireworks at midnight.

What was the weather like?

The weather was very warm at night.

What time did you get home?

I got home at 04:00 AM.

Why was it a memorable night?

It was a memorable night because I saw the fireworks at the Morro of Arica.

Christmas Sales Surge: Spanish Consumers Embrace E-commerce for Holiday Shopping

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Christmas Sales Surge in Spain

These are going to be the most prosperous Christmas for the consumer goods sector in Spain since the economic crisis. Sales in food are expected to increase significantly.

Sales Projections and Market Analysis

According to data from the Nielsen consultancy, food sales will grow by around 3%. The Asociación Española de Distribuidores, Autoservicios y Supermercados (Asedas) predicts an even greater increase, between 3% and 5%. These are notable figures, as the consumer goods sector is typically very stable and doesn't often experience such substantial growth.

Nielsen estimates that products worth €11.5 billion will be sold during the Christmas season, representing 20% of the entire year's revenue. Ignacio García... Continue reading "Christmas Sales Surge: Spanish Consumers Embrace E-commerce for Holiday Shopping" »

Good morning, have you got

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can you puedes tu...

thanks gracias 

spaek to  hablar con ...

call me back llamame despues...

i am afraid me temo 

my mobile mi movil

his wife su esposa 

who is speaking quien esta hblando 

reciever good morning!! Ramirez clinic 

good morning, is the Dr ramires there please??

no, he is on operation 

can you take a message??

R:yes, what is the message ?

R:Could you leave me your name and  phone number please??

yes, my name is raquel and my phone number is 653853146 

thank you 




certainly por supuesto 

of cuorse por supuesto 

thank you very much muchas gracias 

good morning buenos dias 

goodbye adios 

i´m afraid me temo 

fine bien 


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Agree: estar de acuerdo Answer the phone: contester el teléfono Apologize:  pedir disculpas Argue: discutir Ask:  preguntar Chat: Hablar Fall out: pelearse Leave a message: enviar un Mensaje Make a call: hacer Una llamada Post a message: dejar Un mensaje Send a text: enviar Un testo  Talk face to face: hablar cara a cara Thank: agradecer Warn: Advertir SAY: goodbye, hello, nothing, something, sorry, thank YouESPEAK: Clearly, English, in public, toTELL: a joke(un chiste), a lie(mentiras), what to do(que Hacer), a story(una historia), the truth(la verdad)Assist: ayudar Bad-mouth: Insultar Enquire: interrogar  Fancy: Imaginar Reckon: calcular que Require: exigirAd: anuncio Enquiry: investigación Paper: articulo Big-mouthed: bocazaIll-mannered:

... Continue reading "asd" »

English Grammar and Vocabulary Practice

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He repaired my car: My car was repaired by him/ I had my car repaired by him.

They are going to clean her house: Her house is going to be cleaned.../ She is going to have her house cleaned.

She will cut your hair tomorrow: your hair will be cut.../ you will have your hair cut by…


Poder: 1) CAN: puedo/cannot  2) COULD: pude-podria/could not  3)BE ABLE TO: podre venir mañana/ I will be able -- Pudiste haberlo hecho you were able to have told me that.

Possibility/Permission: 1) MAY: puedo/may not  2) MIGHT: podria/ might not.

Deber: 1) MUST: debo/ must not  2) SHOULD=OUGHT TO: deberia/should not=ought not to.  3) HAVE TO: debiste haber estudiado mas/ You had to have studied harder.

Seria mejor que:  1)HAD BETTER/ had... Continue reading "English Grammar and Vocabulary Practice" »

Understanding Ethics: Moral, Immoral, and Amoral Acts

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Let's delve into the concepts of morality and different ethical theories:

  • Moral act: An example is paying taxes.
  • Immoral act: An example is driving with excessive speed.
  • Amoral act: An example is taking a nap.

What is Morality?

Morality concerns how individuals and their actions should be, along with the norms and values that society accepts. These norms and values may form a code of conduct or moral code.

Heteronomy Stage

Children initially act out of impulses or instincts. Soon, they internalize values and norms from family, school, and their own emotional experiences.

Stoicism and Epicureanism

  • Stoicism: This philosophy posits that individuals must adapt themselves to the laws of the universe.
  • Epicureanism: This philosophy states that the most important
... Continue reading "Understanding Ethics: Moral, Immoral, and Amoral Acts" »

Mastering Letters, CVs, and Descriptions

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Informal Letter Structure

1) Address and Date:

  • Where you live (address)
  • Postal Code
  • City (e.g., Jaén, La Carolina)
  • Date

2) Salutation:

  • Dear [Name],
  • (Optional opening: "Sorry for not writing earlier, but...")

3) Gratitude and Initial Thoughts:

  • Express thanks for a past event (e.g., a stay).
  • Mention people you met.
  • Comment on the weather.
  • Note any language improvements.
  • Example: "I'm writing to thank you for letting me stay. I really think my English got better."

4) Recount Experiences:

  • Describe specific days or events.
  • Share memorable experiences.
  • Example: "It was very nice to meet David. Every day was fantastic, but I remember two days..."

5) Recent Activities:

  • Describe your current activities.
  • Mention any commitments or hobbies.
  • Example: "I've been very busy.
... Continue reading "Mastering Letters, CVs, and Descriptions" »

Evolution of Quality Systems

Posted by daniela and classified in Spanish

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Early Stages (19th Century - 1930)

Initially, quality was intrinsically linked to the craftsman. During the Industrial Revolution, artisans evaluated their own work. This era marked a shift from manual to mechanized production.

1912: Taylorism

Frederick Wilson Taylor introduced his system of scientific management, aiming for maximum efficiency in machines, tools, and labor. This involved task planning, division, and incentive-based compensation to boost worker engagement. Taylor's system separated planning and execution: workers executed, while management planned, directed, and organized. This optimization of resources reduced costs.


Henry Ford's assembly line production system further divided labor, leading to increased specialization and... Continue reading "Evolution of Quality Systems" »

Spain 1784-1931: Revolution, Monarchy, and Republic

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French Revolution and its Impact (1784-1792)

1789. French Revolution

1784-1792. Prevention and neutrality

1793-1795. Basel Peace Treaty

1796-1808. Alliance with France

1796. Treaty of San Ildefonso

1805. Battle of Trafalgar

1807. Treaty of Fontainebleau

War of Independence and Restoration (1808-1820)

1808-1814. War of Independence

1812. Constitution of Cádiz

1813. Treaty of Valençay

1814-1820. Restoration of Absolutism

1815. Porlier and Díaz Pronunciamiento (La Coruña)

1817. General Lacy Pronunciamiento (Catalonia)

1820. Commander Riego Pronunciamiento (Seville)

Liberal Triennium and Absolutist Decade (1820-1833)

1820-1823. Liberal Triennium

1823-1833. Absolutist Decade

Reign of Elizabeth II and Carlist Wars (1833-1868)

1810-1824. Spanish American Independence... Continue reading "Spain 1784-1931: Revolution, Monarchy, and Republic" »