Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physics

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Contributions of Aristotle, Aristarchus, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein to Astronomy

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  • Proved that the Earth is spherical
  • Believed that it was at the center of the universe


  • First to say that the Sun, and not the Earth, was the center of our universe
  • Used simple geometry to estimate the size of the sun and moon and their relative distance


  • Made a model called the Ptolemaic system
  • Concluded all astronomical objects move at constant speeds in circular orbits
  • Built his model to fit this idea
  • The Ptolemaic model is one of the longest upheld scientific theories in history: it was the cornerstone of astronomy for 1,500 years


  • Concluded that the Sun was the center of the universe instead of the Earth
  • Heliocentric


  • Made super precise instruments for observing space before the telescope was created
  • Believed
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Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer: Understanding Temperature, Expansion, and Equilibrium

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TEMA 6 - Thermal Energy - Average Kinetic Energy of the Atoms or Molecules in a Substance. Temperature - Measurement of a Substance's Thermal Energy. Kelvin and Celsius. 0°C - 273K, T(Kelvin) = T(Celsius) + 273. T(Celsius) = T(Kelvin) - 273. Thermal Expansion - Increase in Volume That Happens in Physical Bodies and Systems When Their Temperature Rises.

Volume of a Gas is Directly Proportional to Its Absolute Temperature. Thermal Equilibrium - One Body with High Temperature Transfers Energy to One with Low Temperature. Heat - Transfer of Energy from One Body Temperature to Another with Lower Temperature. Heat - Joule. 1KJ - 1000J, 1 CAL - 4,184J. Conduction - Process by Which Heat is Transferred from One Point to Another in a Solid. Thermal

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Understanding Reflection, Refraction, and Spherical Lenses

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Reflection of Light

Reflection is one of the unique properties of light. It is the reflection of light, which enables us to see any object.

Reflection: The bouncing back of rays of light from a polished and shiny surface is called reflection or reflection of light.

Laws of Reflection of light: The angle of incidence and angle of reflection is equal. The incident ray, reflected ray and normal to the point of reflection lie in the same plane.

The angle of incidence is denoted by 'i' and angle of reflection is denoted by 'r'. The law of reflection is applicable to all types of reflecting surface.

Mirror and Reflection of Light: Mirror is a shiny polished object (glass) which reflects most of the rays of light falling upon it. One side of mirror is... Continue reading "Understanding Reflection, Refraction, and Spherical Lenses" »

Expedite the economic, cultural and social development of ACP States

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The Millennial Generation is probably the most Well known and criticized. They have grown with the start of digitalization and The economic crisis has marked their access to the labor market. They are Connected to the internet constantly (through different mobile devices) and They like to share their social networking experiences. Moreover, they also Prefer to interact with businesses and tourist destinations through this Medium.To begin with, there are different sources Between which years the millennial generation is located. Canalis (2015) Defined the Millennials generation as the young people born between the years 1983 and 2000. But at the same time Ordóñez (2018) wrote an article that says That the Millennial generation is made up of
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The Romanticism Movement: Poetry, Language, and Society

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The romanticism was the movement during the 19th Century.

This period was focused in the representation of the self, the philosophy represented in society and the mind as the main source of thinking.

Poetry was the maxim exponent of Romanticism, it represented Literature. Poets considered themselves as leaders that helped to understand society. The poet taught, guided and lead the rest to the truth. They teach them how the world works.

Each poet interpreted Romanticism in his own way; the romantic elements were observed and discussed in different points of view. All of them structured their “romanticism”.

There were two generations of romantic poets. The first generation composed by W. Wordsworth and Coleridge (which is the main interest in... Continue reading "The Romanticism Movement: Poetry, Language, and Society" »

Modernist Techniques in Hemingway and Eliot's Works

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mww27-narrative texnique:

Verbal economy and precision supplemented with a psychology of impersonality - uses a classical style to redeem the fragmentation, loss of value, and chaos from the war. He uses writing to produce clarity, simplicity, and strength of statement and expression, learned from his journalistic practice.

  • Clean and hard prose, with simple declarative sentences built on nouns without adverbial or descriptive excess.
  • Mostly coordination, rarely subordination.
  • Style emphasized dialogue and vivid description.
  • Eyipsis, stripping away any excess.


The whole point of the poem is to show the meaninglessness of modern culture.

  • This poem shares many characteristics with the cantos.
  • It's not an imagist poem because it has 5 sections.
  • The
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Understanding Optics and Environmental Concerns: A Comprehensive Guide

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Simple Microscope

A simple microscope, commonly used by watch repairers, allows for the observation of minute details by magnifying an object placed within its focal length. The convex lens of the microscope produces an erect image on the same side of the lens as the object. By adjusting the distance between the object and the lens, the image can be obtained at the distance of distinct vision, enabling clear observation without straining the eyes.

Dispersion of Light

The phenomenon of splitting light into its component colors is known as dispersion of light. The band of colored components of a light beam is called a spectrum. The different colors of light in the spectrum of white light are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.


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The main stages of cold war.

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Orwell’s tone in 1984 is relentlessly dark and pessimistic. I must say that it really works. Orwell's world is a dystopia where the human soul has been extinguished. Winston holds on to some fragments of memories but these are slowly fading. There is no individuality left in Oceania; it has literally and symbolically become a grey autocratic hell. The tone remains this way throughout the novel. Even in Winston's times of salvation with Julia, Orwell's diction is still cold and monochromatic. In a world where the party controls past, present and future, I would say that Orwell got the tone just right! The tone of this novel is dark and apathetic. The main character, Winston, seems to dislike everything that is going on around him, but is
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Due to its conception, the altimeter measures a

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Vertical component: Portion of the force along the y-axis.
Elastic potential energy: energy available for use when an elastic body returns to its original configuration.
Work: Transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force.
Positive work: Work done by the force and the force are in the same direction, i.E. Degrees difference between their direction.
Gravitational PE: Potential energy stored in the gravitational fields of interacting bodies.
Negative work: Work done by a force being in opposite directions.
Horizontal component: Portion of force along the x-axis.
Mechanical energy: The amount of work an object can do because of the object's kinetic and potential energies.
Spring constant: An expression of the ratio of force to displacement
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"death in the freezer"

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overweight, strong, thin, well-built, medium-height, short, tall, bald, blonde, curly, dark, fair, long, medium-lenght, short, spiky, straight, wavy, attractive, cute, good-looking, pretty, arrogant, bossy, calm, cheerful, clever, confident, funny, hard-working, impatient, lazy, nervous, nice, patient, quite, reliable, selfish, bright, tidy, elderly, glad, handsome, outgoing, slim, arrivals, cancel, coach, delay, departures, fare, hot-air balloon, lorry, platform, return, rocket, tram, bed and breakfast, campsite, hostel, tent, motel, break down, check in, get away, get in, get into/out of, get on, get off, take off, set off, 

block of flats, bungalow, city centre, cottage, detached house, factory, flat, inner city, outskirts, port, semi-detached

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