Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Philosophy and ethics

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Listening Science Lecturer: Test2, Test3, Test4

Posted by nigrokult and classified in Philosophy and ethics

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9 mind-according-for-without-part-not-into-little



25mean that it is difficult:::to reach

to the exhibition is restricted to:::visitors who

for Stevie's prompt action:::in putting

is every possibility that taxes will rise

had left with no choice but than to accept

have got into the habit of



9 if-so-where-with-or-nothing-back-in



25 yourself be taken in by

waited for Sophie to finish her homework before

last thing I want is for

to have sustained a loss of

would have been better if I had

kept in contact with


1distance(c)-b-a-... Continue reading "Listening Science Lecturer: Test2, Test3, Test4" »


Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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212.MERCURIAL – both mean very changeable and impulsive; Caesar’s statues.

213.ENMITY And

214.ANIMUS – both mean a feeling of intense dislike and animosity.


216.INTRANSIGENT – both describe behavior that is stubborn, obstinate and unyieldingly persistent; Obdurate.


218.METICULOUS – both mean very careful and precise; exacting.


220.GARRULOUS – both mean very talkative.


222.PARTISAN – both describe strong and biased views on controversial issues.


224.EXCORIATE – both mean to express very strong and harsh disapproval.


226.ADROIT – both mean skillful.


228.OVERWROUGHT – both describe an exaggerated... Continue reading "qdcq" »

Constructivism in International Relations: A Social Perspective

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Constructivism in International Relations

One of the main assumptions of Western philosophy is the difference between nature and culture. The concept of nature is an important discovery of philosophy. Pre-philosophical societies did not make this distinction. Post-modernism doubts there is a radical distinction between nature and culture: they think this difference is not all that clear. International relations are accordingly not solely based on a natural reality (state of anarchy) but also on a social reality. Constructivism claims that tradition and culture result in the development of social phenomena. They believe international relations to be social and cultural. We do not obey any natural law but rather our own construction of ideas.


... Continue reading "Constructivism in International Relations: A Social Perspective" »

Understanding Human Faculties and Freedom in Christian Morality

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Description of Human Faculties

Primitive Christianity made a huge effort to absorb the essential elements of Greek philosophy. A basic element is reason. According to the Platonic model, there are two different meanings or types of reason.

Universal Reason (LOGOS)

It governs the order of the world. According to Plato, this one lies in a superior world. Its supreme essences are the ideas: good, truth, and beauty.

Individual, Partial, and Limited Reason in Each Man

It allows captivating the superior order. However, the ascendance of the sensible world to the intelligible world is never produced completely. It is always done with difficulties.

Classical Notion of Human Freedom

It is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, and so to... Continue reading "Understanding Human Faculties and Freedom in Christian Morality" »

Essential English Prepositions List

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Immune to Impresud with Inferior to
Indifferent to Jealous of Kind to keen on
Limited to Lucky at/with Mad at about Married to Nervous of/about Notorious for
Opposed to Optimistic about Patient with
Pessimistic about Pleased with Polite to
Popular with Presented with Proudof Punished for Puzzled by/about Qualified for
Ready for Related to Responsible for Sad about Sensitive to/about Serious about Sick of Similar to Shocked by Skillful at Slow at
Sorry for/about Successful at/in Suitable for Sure of/about Superior to Surprised at/by
Suspicious of Sympathetic with Talented at
Terrible at Terrified of Tired of Thankful to/for Typical of Upset about Used to. Nouns + prep ON Debate on Information on Hold on
Agreement on Ban on Congratulations on
Decision... Continue reading "Essential English Prepositions List" »

Understanding Dividends, Preferred Stock, Debt, and Equity in Corporate Finance

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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  • Unless a dividend is declared by the board of directors of a corporation, it is not a liability of the corporation (A corporation cannot default on an undeclared dividend)
  • The payment of dividends by the corporation is not a business expense. (Therefore, they are not tax-deductible)
  • Dividends received by individual shareholders are, for the most part, considered ordinary income by the IRS and are fully taxable (There is an intra-corporate dividend exclusion)

Preferred Stock

Preferred stock represents equity of a corporation, but is different from common stock because it has preference over common in the payments of dividends and in the assets of the corporation in the event of bankruptcy. They have a stated liquidating value (usually $... Continue reading "Understanding Dividends, Preferred Stock, Debt, and Equity in Corporate Finance" »

Behavioral Economics, Contracting Costs, and Organizational Architecture

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Alternative Models of Behavior


Money Matters

  • Reductionist and simplistic model: “Everything and everyone has a price” – the “economic model” is richer and more subtle than this.
  • The only component of a job is monetary compensation.
  • Therefore, anyone can get anybody to do anything for sufficiently high compensation; the economic model cannot guarantee that! (Easy job life and poor results)


  • Employee satisfaction and happiness is not a means in itself but rather instrumental to firms’ goals.
  • It is the view of managers who believe that “happy employees are more productive”.
  • In this way of thinking, employees exert higher effort and dedication in the job not when they are better paid, but when they feel better treated.
... Continue reading "Behavioral Economics, Contracting Costs, and Organizational Architecture" »

Rasselas: A Tale of Happiness and Human Endeavor

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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  • Even in this place where there is no competition for power (the king is absolute) nor for goods (they are common), there is still a place for malice (cf. XII.35).
  • Rasselas's encounter with the aeronautical engineer (VI) provides a pattern that is repeated throughout the narrative.
  • The engineer's project would have seemed futile to Johnson's contemporaries: The attempt at human flight, though rational, is doomed to failure; the engineer's fall into the lake is typical of all human aspirations.
  • The story of Imlac also prefigures the rest of the narrative: Though his father aspires only to the increase of wealth, Imlac recognizes that his own desire for the increase of knowledge does not bring him happiness.
  • The possession of knowledge cannot prevent
... Continue reading "Rasselas: A Tale of Happiness and Human Endeavor" »

Woman called Donna Truhana

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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3.-Explain the shift that Feminist Studies experienced at the turn of the 21st century into Feminisms and Gender Studies. In doing so, identify some key authors and their theoretical contribution to the field. In the third wave an academic institutionalization of feminist discourses takes place.  The situation changes from a single feminism to a variety of feminisms, and from those feminisms to women and gender studies. In this period of feminism, we could name authors such as Butler, who made important contributions to the study of gender identities and feminism, and  Chandra Talpade Mohanty. Feminist theory suffers a crisis and feminist theories take place, women are not seen as a compact, uniform group, but as a collective with different
... Continue reading "Woman called Donna Truhana" »

Effective Shift Handover and Human Error in Aviation Maintenance

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Effective Shift Handover

Effective communication between outgoing and incoming personnel is extremely important in maintenance. Individuals must assume personal ownership and responsibility for their tasks. Information should be transmitted in written, spoken, and gestured (nonverbal) forms. Using multiple communication methods (redundancy) reduces risk.

When an experienced person hands over to an inexperienced one, the former must assume the latter lacks the same knowledge and will need more time for the handover. For example, a brief, spoken-only handover (lack of redundancy) resulted in missing screws during installation. The next shift, believing all screws were installed, released the airplane for service.

The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen refers... Continue reading "Effective Shift Handover and Human Error in Aviation Maintenance" »