Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Philosophy and ethics

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The Allegory of the Cave: Exploring Plato's Metaphorical Journey

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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3. What is this allegory about? What characters intervene in it? What happens to the prisoner from the beginning to the end? Could it be based on some historical character? Who?

Plato believed that we exist in a physical world, akin to a cave, where we perceive only shadows and appearances. This allegory symbolizes the state of uneducated individuals and serves as the foundation of human existence. Beyond the cave lies the realm of ideas.

The central figure in this allegory is the prisoner, who undergoes a transformative journey from darkness to enlightenment.

Initially, we find ourselves chained, fixated on a wall, perceiving mere shadows. However, through education, we can break free and venture into the outside world. Yet, upon returning to... Continue reading "The Allegory of the Cave: Exploring Plato's Metaphorical Journey" »

Thomson's Argument for the Permissibility of Abortion

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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As the title makes plain, Thomson argues that abortion is not impermissible. More precisely, she argues for the conclusion that abortion is sometimes permissible; she grants that there are scenarios in which obtaining an abortion would be immoral. What is especially novel is the manner in which Thomson constructs her argument. She begins the essay by pointing out that the debate over abortion seems to many people to hinge on whether or not the fetus is a person. Most feel that if we could only determine the answer to that puzzle, the implications for abortion would be clear; namely, that if fetuses are persons then abortions must be impermissible, and that if fetuses are not persons then abortions must be permissible. Thomson, though, thinks
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Animal Farm

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Animal Farm

Essay topics:

1) Napoleon is able to gain control because the other animal are too 
cowardly to oppose him. (No)
Argument 1: The pigs
Argument 2: Boxer
Argument 3: The hen's rebellion
2) Animal Farm shows us that power necessarily corrupts those who wield it. Do you agree? (yes)

Argument 1: The pigs taking the food for themselves
Argument 2: The pigs changing the commandments for their own benefit
Argument 3: Napoleon claiming president/ leader and being "dictatorial"

Topic 1
"I do not understand it. I would not have believed that such things could happen on our farm." - Boxer

"Led by three young black Minorca pullets, the hens made a determined effort to thwart Napoleon's wishes."

"Four young porkers in the front row uttered shrill
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Law 19983 on

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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John Rawls was a 20th Century American philosopher who worked chiefly in the Fields of ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of law. Rawls is Considered by many to be the most important political philosopher of the 20th Century and his landmark book, A Theory of Justice, is praised for having attempted To unite a lot of competing political theories that many had judged Incompatible. Rawls rejected both Marx's Communism and Mill's Utilitarianism to Return to the social contract model of the early Modern period and draw Influence from Locke, Rousseau, Hume and Kant to form his own version of the Theory.

While Locke thought that personal liberty was the most important factor in The social contract and Rousseau thought that social autonomy

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Reparation, Loquacious, Refutable, and More: Vocabulary Words Explained

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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The Making of Amends for Wrong or Injury Done - Reparation

Tending to Talk a Great Deal - Loquacious

To Prove to Be False or Erroneous, as an Opinion or Charge - Refutable

Showing Great Attention to Detail, Very Careful and Precise - Meticulous

A Right or Privilege Exclusive to a Particular Individual or Class - Prerogative

A Person New to or Inexperienced in a Field or Situation - Novice

Dangerously High or Steep - Precipitous

The Ability to Make Good Judgements and Quick Decisions, Typically in a Particular Domain - Acumen

Having or Showing a Strong or Unreasoning Desire for Revenge - Vindictive

A Spontaneous or Natural Liking Sympathy for Someone or Something - Affinity

Not Conspicuous or Attracting Attention - Unobtrusive

The Character and Atmosphere... Continue reading "Reparation, Loquacious, Refutable, and More: Vocabulary Words Explained" »

Goodbye letter phycotrist

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Non-verbal aspects: answer the call as soon as possible (1st or 2nd Ring)

Speak in a relaxed and soft tone

Use a moderate voice volume

Do not keep the caller on hold for a long time

If we cannot help immediately, Ask for a call back or


Pay attention to the call 

Verbal aspects:Answer Politely and with respect

Pay Attention to your diction and pronunciation

Cover Handset to avoid creating a bad impression

Follow Rules of courtesy: use of “usted”

Say Goodbye and wait for the caller to hang up first

Foreigners: Speak slowly , vocalize and don’t shout


Non-verbal aspects:when greeting transmit strength and confidence

Vary the tone to avoid lack of enthusiasm

Verbal aspects:greet and identify

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Concept of education

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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The two phases together bring the entire IPO process to get the key objectives: 1)the IPO price maximisation, 2)the high quality shareholder base, 3) stable and rising aftermarket and finally 4) liquid Trading and quality research coverage. The price discovery process can be summarised in four phases: 1) IBD valuation and ECM judgment, determining the intrinsic value, establishing comparables and agreeing financial target for analysts. 2) research analysis: Compco focused valuation and in independent forecasts. 3)Investor education: active dialogue at interaction and feedback from investors. 4) roadshow- bookbuilding. This entire price discovery process brings to the final offering price. The book building process (which is the most common)
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Comparing Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics, and American Indian Ethics

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Utilitarianism - Mill

  • Why intentions/duty/inclination don't really matter (for Utilitarianism):

To utilitarians, intentions don't matter because when looking at a situation you need to strip away the intentions so that you can look at the act alone as good or bad

  • Explain why happiness/pleasure is the desired goal of morality in Utilitarianism

Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote overall human happiness

  • The relationship between virtue and disinterestedness

Virtue can still be desired but should be desired disinterestedly (so basically not gaining virtue for your own benefit)

Deontology - Kant

  • Principle of volition

A principle that governs any rational will

  • Why/how consequences aren't the deciding factor for ethical goodness

Deontology... Continue reading "Comparing Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics, and American Indian Ethics" »

Air law

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

Written at on English with a size of 10.06 KB.

Malapropism-humorous misuse of A word that sounds similar to the word intended but has a ludicrously different Meaning

Mania-crazed, excessive excitement; Insanity; delusion

Marginal-related to or located at the Margin or border; at the lower limit of quality; insignificant

Materialistic-preoccupied with Material things; greedy for possessions

Mawkish-overly sentimental; maudlin

Meander-to travel along a winding or Indirect route; to ramble or stray from the topic

Medium-the means by which something Is conveyed or accomplished; a substance through which something is transferred Or conveyed; the materials used by an artist

Melancholy-gloomy; depressed and weary

Melee-a brawl; a confused fight or Struggle; a violent free-for-all; tumultuous confusion


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The Birth and Evolution of Philosophy

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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The Origin of Philosophy

If we analyze the questions the first philosophers, we can distinguish between philosophy as a way of thinking or as a discipline.
It as a way of thinking is a human way of interacting with the world. It is about making questions about the world we live in, in order to find meaning. It is deeply rooted in humans and always existed, but it doesn't give rise to it as a discipline. Philosophy as a discipline started when Thales, considered the first philosopher, used observation and reasoning to offer an explanation of the existence of natural things and phenomena.

Thales fundamental features of philosophy:

  • It begins with the recognition of ignorance
  • It's a theoretical type of knowledge that aims to transform reality
  • It's universal
  • It
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