Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Music

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Evolution of Major Literary Genres: Epic, Romance, Novel

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• Epic, drama, poetry -> fiction, drama, poetry
Precursors of the novel: EPICS - (Homer's 'Iliad' and 'The Odyssey'
(7th BC), Virgil's 'Aeneid' (1st BC) -> medieval times (Dante Alighieri's 'The Divine Comedy' (13th cen) -> early modern English epics (John
Milton's 'Paradise Lost' (17th cen)
Characteristics: A hero and its tasks, self-contained world, written in verse, a broad scope
ROMANCE - prime time: late Middle Ages
Characteristics: usually written in prose and verse, focus on the plot and a unified point of view, more condensed, more plot and goal-oriented, the depth of the protagonist, no longer focused on national or cosmic problems
NOVEL - Spain (17th cen) and England (18th cen), they modify the epic
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Evolution of Music in Film: From Silent Films to Diegetic Soundtracks

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Stop dissonance independent re-structured brushstrokes imagination time dodecaphonism - all the established order and organization of sounds disappeared - Arnold Schoenberg

Electronic music - sounds are created, processed, and recorded electronically - Karlheinz Stockhausen

Musique concrete - recording of different sounds and later processing these in the studio - Pierre Schaeffer

Neoclassicism - a return to formal clarity and went back to Classicism and the Baroque - Sergei Prokofiev

Impressionism - sound becomes a vehicle of the inner sensations produced by the real world - Claude Debussy

Aleatoric music - indefinite music that depends on chance and the freedom of the performer - John Cage

Minimalism - employs limited or minimal musical materials... Continue reading "Evolution of Music in Film: From Silent Films to Diegetic Soundtracks" »

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything

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Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Uh I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan
Turn the TV on
Throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I cant, no
I'll be loungin' on the couch just chillin' in my snuggie
Flip to MTV so they can teach me how to Dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freakin' man
Yes I said it
I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all
Ooh hoo ooh hoo
Hoo ooh ooh
Nothing at all
Ooh hoo ooh hoo
Hoo ooh ooh

Who did George try to find out

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transit..Nationalism: this type of music based on legends, folk songs and melodies which capture the feeling of each country.Impresionism: it´s a parabell movement to impressionist painting, this music tries to describe visual images y sensations. 1945 neoclassicism: this music is based on traditional musical ideas but including a wide range of interpretations, rhythm to simple abstract compositions. Expresionism: schomberg developed a new system with scale of 12 notes in which all sounds have the same importance. Jazz: simple musical ideas extended and developed throught improvisation. After..Serialism: series of notes orderer according to mathematical laws the wanted to explore the limits or music.
electroacoustic: electronic sounds combined
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Music in the Renaissance Era

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Composed by instruments with great sound power. These were groups intended for outdoor performances or public events.


Composed by instruments of soft sound intensity. These were groups intended for indoor performances.


String (lute and vihuela) and keyboard (organ and harpsichord).


Clement Janequin, Martin Luther, Juan del Enzina, Claudio Monteverdi, John Dowland, Antonio de Cabezón, Luis de Narváez.


2 types of dances: Popular dance and country dance.


Pavane: is a processional dance with a slow and ceremonious binary rhythm. Galliard: is a dance in ternary and animated rhythm, with a more demanding choreography. Jardin de las Delicias: In the picture 'The Garden of Earthly Delights'... Continue reading "Music in the Renaissance Era" »

Medieval Music: Gregorian Chants, Troubadours, and Cantigas

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Gregorian Chants: We call them Gregorian chants, in honor of Pope Gregory I (540-604), who was their first compiler. Western music comes from the medieval chants of the Catholic Church.

Characteristics of Gregorian Chants:

  • The song is a capella, only voice with no instruments.
  • The subject is religious. It is a prayer.
  • All the voices sing the same melody, so the texture is monophonic or monodic.
  • The language is Latin.
  • Its rhythm is free (without a time signature) and it flows with the text.
  • The authors are anonymous.

Troubadours: Troubadours are in the countryside playing instruments of the period (the harp, bagpipe, and shawm). Songs were not religious. It developed mainly in France in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Characteristics of Troubadour Music:

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The Middle Ages: Historical, Sociocultural Aspects, and Music

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1. Mark with an X the chronological period of the Middle Ages. From the late 5th c to the 15th

2. Describe the historical and sociocultural aspects of this period of history by answering the following questions. a) Why do you think the cultural life of this period was mainly concentrated in monasteries and abbeys? Because the monks cultivated the arts and science using manuscripts from ancient Greece and Rome. b) On the social scene in this period, what was Europe like? Europe was fragmented into many small territories dominated by powerful feudal lords who fought amongst themselves. c) What were the Crusades? Military expeditions led by Christian kings attempting to recover holy places in and around Jerusalem. d) This period has two stages:

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Voice Emission and Instrument Classification in Music

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Voice Emission:

Production: The voice is produced in the vocal tract, whose main organ is the larynx, where the vocal cords are. The vocal cords are two small linked muscles, which contract and vibrate when air goes through, producing voice.

Elaboration: The vocal resonators are the thoracic cavity, the trachea, the nose, the forehead, and the mouth.

Voice Classification:

  • The extension of voice tessitura, that is the range of the pitch of sound it is capable of covering: high, medium, low
  • The distinction between male and female voice: male voices sound an octave lower than female voice.

Writing Voice: The different register of voice is expressed in musical notation by writing different clefs.

Instruments and Their Classification:

  • String Instruments:
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Development of Symphony and Concertos: Program Music and Zarzuela

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Along with the development of symphony and concertos for soloists, program music appeared based on the description of a program or plot. It embraced small "pieces with character" composed upon simple or free structures, allowing for the expression of feelings and fantasy. Ballet continued to evolve towards technical virtuosity, introducing new stage tricks and adopting more stylish postures and figures. Zarzuela Grande, structured in three acts, featured a larger musical development. On the other hand, Género Chico consisted of a single act with fewer characters and a predominance of spoken text over sung text. Lastly, Lied refers to a song for soloist voice with piano accompaniment, written upon a poetic text and characterized by simple structures.

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