Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Music

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Symphony No. 4 in E minor by Johannes Brahms

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The Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98 by Johannes Brahms is the last of his symphonies. Brahms began working on the piece in Mürzzuschlag, then in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1884, just a year after completing his Symphony No. 3. It was premiered on October 25, 1885 in Meiningen, Germany.


  • 1Instrumentation
  • 2Movements
  • 3Analysis
    • 3.1I. Allegro non troppo
    • 3.2II. Andante moderato
    • 3.3III. Allegro giocoso
    • 3.4IV. Allegro energico e passionato
  • 4Notable recordings
  • 5Reception
  • 6Notes
  • 7References
  • 8External links


The symphony is scored for two flutes (one doubling on piccolo on third movement only), two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, contrabassoon (third and fourth movements), four horns, two trumpets, three trombones (fourth movement... Continue reading "Symphony No. 4 in E minor by Johannes Brahms" »

Bowed Instrument

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2-DURATION: Is the quality that enables us to distinguish between a long and short sound. Duration refers to how long or short notes are.

   2.1-MUSICAL FIGURES: Figures are a set of signs that indicate the duration of the sound in a piece of music

  • A DOTTED NOTE (puntillo):has a small dot written to the right of it, which increases its duration by half of its original value.

  • A TIE (ligadura): is a curved line that connects two figures and combines their durations in a single sound.

3_STRING INSTRUMENT or chordophones, produced sound through the vibration of one or more strings.

3.1_ BOWED STRINGS INSTRUMENT (cuerda frotada): Are played by vibrating the strings whith the friction of a bow. Ej: violin, viola,cello and double bass. Ej: violin/viola/

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- "You say you want to die for love, but you know nothing of death, and know nothing of love

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The comedies: The Comedy of Errors (1593), The Taming of The Shrew (1594), The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1595), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595), Love’s Labor’s Lost (1594), The Merchant of Venice (1596), As You Like It (1600), Much Ado About Nothing (1598), Twelfth Night (1601),The Merry Wives Of Windsor (1600), All’s Well That Ends Well (1602), Measure for Measure (1604).

The Tragedies: Titus Andronicus (1594), Romeo and Juliet (1594), Hamlet (1601), Troilus and Cressida (1602), Othello(1604), King Lear (1605), Macbeth (1605), Timon of Athens (1607), Anthony and Cleopatra (1606),Coriolanus(1606).

The histories:  The First Part of King Henry VI (1591-92), The Second Part of King Henry VI (1591-92), The Third Part of King Henry VI (1591-

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Pablo Alboran: A Rising Star in the Music Industry

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Pablo Alboran

Pablo is 27 years old and became famous through singing on YouTube. Currently, he has 3 records and has collaborated with various famous singers throughout his career, such as Ricky Martin.

The young man is jumping into fame thanks to recording singing with his guitar since he was a child. He has already done two tours, starting in Spain and ending in South America, traveling around the world. With what he has earned through his tours and concerts, he has donated some money to NGOs in Africa. Currently, Pablo has decided to take two years off after his long tour to enjoy time with his family and friends and to compose new songs for another album.

Elizabethan Literature and Theater: Sonnets, Prose, and Drama

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Elizabethan Literature and Theater

Poetry: Sonnets

Shakespeare's sonnets, written in the mid-1590s, utilize the Elizabethan form instead of the earlier popular Petrarchan form. These poems explore themes of love, time, and power, much like his plays.

  • Volta: A rhetorical shift or turn in a sonnet.
  • Tetralogy: A series of four related dramas, operas, or novels.
  • Encomium: A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly.
  • Blazon: A poetic mode using metaphor, simile, and hyperbole to describe a lover's body.
  • Allegory: A story, poem, or picture with a hidden meaning, often moral or political.
  • Picaresque: A type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a roguish protagonist.

Prose: Sir Francis Bacon

Sir Francis Bacon refined the... Continue reading "Elizabethan Literature and Theater: Sonnets, Prose, and Drama" »

Exploring Entertainment Management and Popular Culture

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Intro to Entertainment Management

ENTERTAINMENT AND POPULAR CULTURE - The impact of pop icons and performers in music, dance, and theatre combined with social media has made the entertainment industry a rave for popular culture to thrive. Pop culture is entertainment, music, and sports. Popular culture is distributed across many forms of mass communication.

MUSIC AND POP CULTURE - It contrasts with high cultural art forms, such as opera, classical music, and artworks, magazines, radio, television, movies, music, books, cheap novels, comics, cartoons, and advertising. After the Industrial Revolution, people had increased leisure time. This led to a demand for amusement and entertainment, which also prompted the growth of mass media.

ENTERTAINMENT... Continue reading "Exploring Entertainment Management and Popular Culture" »

Renaissance Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, and Influence in Europe

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Renaissance Architecture

Stone was the main material for building. Greek and Roman architecture orders in the columns, flat and vaulted. Churches with a Latin or Greek cross ground plan.

Quattrocento: Florence was the main city. Brunelleschi's dome of Florence Cathedral covered the space of 417 meters by building a double dome. Leon Battista Alberti: Santa Maria Novella and Rucellai Palace and Sant'Andrea. Block of stone, several floors, windows are formed by Greek columns.

Cinquecento: Rome was the main city. The popes commissioned lots of buildings.

Renaissance Painting

Quattrocento: Influenced by classical art. They were interested in the human body. Main subjects were mythology, religion, and portraits. Boticelli: Mythological paintings with... Continue reading "Renaissance Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, and Influence in Europe" »

Exploring Music: From Traditional Folk to Modern Pop

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Folk Music and Ethnomusicology

Folklore encompasses the traditional beliefs, stories, customs, and art of a community. Ethnomusicology is the study of traditional music, dance, and instruments, with Béla Bartók as one of its founders.

Examples of folk music include:

  • Lullabies
  • Love songs (serenades)
  • Music for festivities and rituals (Christmas, Easter, funerals)
  • Work songs
  • Play songs
  • Dance music

Musical Phrases and Repetition

A musical phrase is a meaningful segment of a melody. Repetition is common in music, such as:

  • Canon: A composition with several parts repeating the same melody.
  • Ostinato: A repeated accompanying pattern.

Call and response is a participatory pattern found in various African cultures, involving a leader and a group response.


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Rhyme scheme of rima liii

Posted by ozair202 and classified in Music

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“Morning Song” is Sylvia Plath’s tribute to her newborn daughter, Frieda. Composed early in 1961 when the baby was eight months old, it expresses the ambivalence of new motherhood – the joy, the optimism, the wistfulness, the uncertainty. Plath’s view is beautiful and relatable, though not without its anxieties. Structure:

The poem comprises six stanzas of three non-rhyming lines each. It is a first person monologue in free verse with run-on lines, enjambment, reflecting the meaning and emotions of the poet. It seems strange that a song wouldn't have a rhythmic structure.  the poem is divided into six three-line stanzas, but even the stanzas don't have any rhyme scheme or distinct patterns. Even the line breaks seem to follow regular

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Classified in Music

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When I was three years old, my parents took me to see my first classic, I do not remember the title very well, but I think it was a Beethoven piano sonata. I was impressed to see how the pianist played, and I told my parents that I wanted to learn to play the piano.
At the age of four, I began to take the first steps in an academy, and at seven I entered the conservatory (two years earlier than usual, in order to do so I had to request an extraordinary examination request).
Today I wonder what would have happened if I had not listened to that play, if I had not played the piano ...
I can not imagine life without making music, honestly, I do not know where I would be right now.