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Pic usb

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If your device's screen is locked, disconnect its USB cable, unlock your screen, and then reconnect the USB cableIf your device's screen is locked, disconnect its USB cable, unlock your screen, and then reconnect the USB cableIf your device's screen is locked, disconnect its USB cable, unlock your screen, and then reconnect the USB cableIf your device's screen is locked, disconnect its USB cable, unlock your screen, and then reconnect the USB cableIf your device's screen is locked, disconnect its USB cable, unlock your screen, and then reconnect the USB cableIf your device's screen is locked, disconnect its USB cable, unlock your screen, and then reconnect the USB cableIf your device's screen is locked, disconnect its USB cable, unlock your
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The Renaissance: A Cultural Movement from Italy to Western Europe

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The Renaissance was an artistic-cultural movement that, from Italy, spread throughout Western Europe from the 15th century. It was the cultural manifestation of a change in the European mentality that went from a theocentric world view, typical of the medieval period, to an anthropocentric one. This change, manifested in the humanist philosophical current, is considered the beginning of the Modern Age.


  • Anthropocentrism: They rejected theocentric mentality which revolved around God. They believed humans were the centre of the universe.
  • Classical antiquity: They studied Greek and Latin texts and were inspired by the philosophers of antiquity.
  • Scientific curiosity: They were interested in science and technological progress.


During... Continue reading "The Renaissance: A Cultural Movement from Italy to Western Europe" »

List of Plant Families and Species

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E. NameL. nameFamily
Chinese kiwiActinidia chinensisActinidiaceae
ElderberrySambucus nigraAdoxaceae
ChampignonAgaricus bisporusAgaricaceae
Giant puffballCalvatia giganteaAgaricaceae
Parasol mushroomMacrolepiota proceraAgaricaceae
MarulaSclerocarya birreaAnacardiaceae
Wild custard appleAnnona senegalensisAnnonaceae
Betel nutAreca catechuArecaceae
SalakSalacca zalaccaArecaceae
African fan palmBorassus aethiopumArecaceae
Doum palmHyphaene thebaicaArecaceae
BarberryBerberis vulgarisBerberidaceae
Oregon-grapeMahonia aquifoliumBerberidaceae
AchioteBixa orellanaBixaceae
Bay boleteBoletus badiusBoletaceae
PorcinoBoletus edulisBoletaceae
Sudan teakCordia africanaBoraginaceae
FrankincenseBoswellia papyriferaBurseraceae
SafouDacryodes edulisBurseraceae
Prickly pearOpuntia
... Continue reading "List of Plant Families and Species" »

Understanding Sound: The Difference Between Sound and Noise

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Sound is the sensation we experience when sound waves reach our ears. Noise is usually defined as something that sounds bad. The difference between sound and noise is that the wave of a sound is regular and the wave of a noise is irregular. The apparatus used to measure noise is called a sound level meter. The level of noise is measured in decibels (dB). Silence is the absence of sound or noise. Pitch is the quality of sound which makes a distinction between low and high sounds. Duration is the quality which differentiates between long and short sounds. The dynamic intensity is the quality that distinguishes between loud and soft sounds. Timbre is the quality of sound which indicates who or what is producing it. We often use the word soundtrack... Continue reading "Understanding Sound: The Difference Between Sound and Noise" »

Classical Music: A Comprehensive Guide

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Classical Music

Transformation from the Early Modern Period to the Contemporary Age

Music between 1730 and 1820

The Rest of the Arts

Neo-classicism. 18th Century: The Age of Enlightenment. Music started to get closer to private houses and public concerts.

Classical Composers

  • Liberal artists
  • Wanted to reach out to new audiences
  • Music: human, natural, pleasant for everyone
  • Predominated formal clarity and melodic simplicity

Secular Vocal Music

  • Most important: Classical Opera
  • Opera underwent a change during the Classicism, which made it tend towards naturalness. It eliminates the excess of the Baroque and took the plots and the characters closer to the new audience.
  • Opera Seria: Most important composer C.W. Gluck, who laid the foundation of the new opera in
... Continue reading "Classical Music: A Comprehensive Guide" »

A Journey Through Musical Eras: Instruments and Voices

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Medieval Instruments

Few medieval instruments have been preserved. However, manuscripts, literature, and cathedral sculptures provide insights into their construction and usage.

Baroque Period Instruments

Baroque music was typically performed by an orchestra based on string instruments, often supplemented by wind instruments and timpani.

The Baroque Orchestra

The violin family replaced the viola da gamba family. Sound is produced by rubbing the strings with a bow, classifying them as bowed string instruments. A typical string quartet consisted of two violins. Stradivarius is the surname of a renowned Italian luthier who crafted highly prized and refined violins.


The harpsichord, with one or two keyboards, played a central role in basso

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Baroque Music: From Monteverdi to Bach and the Birth of Opera

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1  Two events mark the beginning and the end of baroque music: the premiere of the
opera“Orpheus” by Claudio Monteverdi (1607) and the death of Johann Sebastian Bach

2  The basso continuo is a technique of composition of the Baroque period. By using
this technique, the composer creates the bass voice that constitutes the harmonic support
of the work. This bass voice is mainly formed by a series of chords of which the composer
only writes the lowest note.

3  At the end of the 16th century a group of intellectuals and humanists constituted a
cultural gathering in the city of Florence known as the Camerata Florentina. In these
meetings, there was a long and tended talk about issues related to art, literature and
music. Some of the members... Continue reading "Baroque Music: From Monteverdi to Bach and the Birth of Opera" »

Understanding the Vocal Apparatus and Opera

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Vocal Apparatus: The Foundation of Singing

The Three Processes of Voice Production

Our voice is produced through a fascinating interplay of various parts of the body, known as the vocal apparatus. This process involves three key stages:

  1. Respiration: Adequate airflow is crucial for sound production. The diaphragm, a muscle separating the lungs from the digestive system, plays a vital role in controlling inhalation and exhalation. Singers strive for complete breathing, filling both the lower and upper parts of the lungs.
  2. Production of Sound: As the diaphragm pushes air from the lungs, it passes through the larynx, where two small tendons called vocal cords vibrate, creating sound.
  3. Amplification of Sound: The sound produced by the vocal cords is weak
... Continue reading "Understanding the Vocal Apparatus and Opera" »

Renaissance and Baroque Art: Masters and Masterpieces

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Cinquecento: Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) produced few works, but of very high quality. His major technical contribution was the sfumato technique, applied in works such as The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.


Michelangelo (1475-1564) displayed special interest in nudes, movement, variety of poses, drawing, and the depiction of volume. His main work was the series of frescoes in the Sistine Chapel.


Raphael (1483-1520) achieved great perfection in drawing, color, and composition. His principal work was The School of Athens.

The Birth of the Baroque

The Baroque arose during the 17th century in response to papal patronage in Rome and spread across the rest of Europe. Artists continued the artistic traditions of the Renaissance.... Continue reading "Renaissance and Baroque Art: Masters and Masterpieces" »

The Sydney Opera House: A Modern Icon of Architecture and Culture

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The Sydney Opera House is a modern building located in Sydney, New South Wales. It is one of the 20th century's most famous and distinctive buildings.

Design and Inauguration

The Sydney Opera House was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon. It was inaugurated on 20 October 1973. The building is an expressionist construction with a radically innovative design, consisting of a series of large prefabricated shells that form the roofs of the structure. The walls are made of brick and concrete. The theatre consists of rooms where people can enjoy several performance venues, including a concert hall, drama and studio theatre, and a Utzon room.

An Incredible Experience

In my opinion, although I have never been there, enjoying the surroundings of the

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