Find ut 6 primary 3 rd cycle

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principles of formal composition:repetition,sequence,variation,development,contrast. types of musical form: according to its performance; vocal forms(the voice interveens with or without instrumental accompanient,) instrumental forms(composed for instruments). According to its structure;simple or minor forms(made up of a single movement or a short duration), compound or major forms( made up of several movementsor a long duration), free forms( those which are not subject to any structure)

the song is a vocal composition written on a text, it is a simple vocal for, in just one movement

the opera is a theatrical play entirely set to music and has a compound vocal form which consists of several movements in which the characters take part singing soloists or in a choir.

the oratorio and the mass: these are the greatest forms of religious vocal music. Both are compound forms with long duration and several movements. The oratorio can be comprehended as an opera with a religious subject although it does not have a stage performance. The mass is the result of putting together the different prayers that form liturgy.

instrumental music forms: dance music(dance theatre or ballet and social dance which gave room to ballroom dance and todays urban dance), concerto,sonata and symphony(these are compound forms that use common composition schemes,they are differentiated because of their instrumental formation.The concerto is for soloists or for orchestras and the sonata for a soloist instrument.small forms:these are simple forms or independent compositions, usually intended for a soloist instrument.Aaaa

simple forms:(they can be written for voice or for instruments and they have just one movement or are of a short duration) , primary( it consists of a single musical phrase or section which is repeated.Romance and the childrens repertoire respond to this type of form.The cannon is also primary form because it consists of the repetition of the same phrase by overlapping the entries at different times.

binary:it consists of two different musical phrases or sections that are usually repeated. It can be presented alternatley, like a song with verses and choruses: abab or it can appear consecutively in order aabb. Normally it is aabb abab

ternary:it consists of three phrases or sections in which the third one is usually the repetition of the first one( it is also known as da capo) we can also find ternary forms in which all three  forms are different abc. Normally it is aba abc

rondo:it consists of a main theme a, which constrasta along the piece with new sections and is repeated between each of them,abaca

themes and variations:the composer presents a theme and then he repeats it along with some modifications. The variations of the theme can be made playing with the melody,the tonality,the rythm,the texture,the timbre..Etc.

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