English Language Enhancement: Vocabulary and Grammar
Classified in Medicine & Health
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Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar
- Script: guió
- Access - accessible
- Anxiety - anxious
- Romance - romantic
- Succeed – Succession
- Choose – choice
- Entertain – entertainment
- Grow – growth
- Live – life
- Produce – production
- Separate – separation
- Supply –
Phrasal Verbs
- Get through à fer-se entendre, connectar (to get through à to make oneself understood, to connect)
- Get round à voltejar, molestar en fer algo (to get around à to circumvent, to bother while doing something)
- Get over à superar (to get over à to overcome)
- Get down à deprimir, cansar (to get down à to depress, to tire)
- Get away à sortir-se’n (to get away à to get away with it)
- Get into à interesar-se, ficar-se en algo (to get into à to become interested, to get